Number of People

Chapter 796: Wu Zijuan Nongchun

  Chapter 796 E-character scroll Nongchun

"Oh? You think so?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. "I thought you would think that even if you don't marry the Sun family, you should choose a more ordinary family. As long as you really treat the second sister well, you should be satisfied. right."

Many people in Jia's mansion were not optimistic about Yingchun marrying into Sun's family, but it was not their turn to intervene in this kind of matter. Except for Jia Amnesty, even Jia's mother didn't have much say. Some people also disagree.

  Anyway, Yingchun is also a young lady of the Jia family. Although her status as a concubine is a bit of a loss, but marrying an ordinary family, such as an ordinary official and gentry, Feng Ziying thinks that Yingchun's talents should be completely feasible.

   Of course, there is also a problem here. It is probably difficult for ordinary gentry and officials to satisfy Jia Amnesty's appetite. This is also a problem.

Ping'er sighed softly, "Master, you don't feel pain in your back when you stand and talk. Although the second girl is not as valued as the eldest girl and the third girl in the mansion, she is still a young lady after all. The cost of food and clothing has never been less than hers. Our mansion has only gradually deteriorated in the past two years. It was also very beautiful in the past few years. In ordinary days, the girls can count everything from monthly bills to daily expenses. It is said that the capital city is very rich, and this suddenly requires the second girl to go to live in an ordinary family, and she has to do everything by herself, she has never done it before, with her temperament, can she really bear it?"

Feng Ziying laughed, "Ping'er, what you said is too absolute. I don't think the second sister is as weak as you said. She is really going to get married. She may not be used to it at first, but after a long time, she will definitely be fine." That's the problem, besides, it's not just marrying someone who can't guarantee three meals a day, the ordinary people I'm talking about must also be officials, officials and gentry families, and it's impossible to be too far behind..."

"My lord, what this servant girl said is naturally reasonable. Think about it, if a girl's family marries into a stranger's family, she suddenly has to worry about everything by herself, and also has to be busy with the daily livelihood of the family. Do you think the second girl is really serious?" Is it okay?" Ping'er shook his head, "It's possible if the third girl has such a temper, but the second girl's servant feels that it will be just as sad to go to such a family as a doctor,..."

  The two of them were talking, and they had already reached the door of Zhuijin Tower. Yingchun had already greeted him with shyness and joy when he got the news of Siqi, "Brother Feng."

In fact, Yingchun is only a month younger than Feng Ziying, and even slightly older than Baochai. She has already turned seventeen. At her age, she can theoretically get married, but the marriage has not yet been settled, which is relatively rare. Yes, the main reason is that Jia Amnesty's criteria for choosing a son-in-law have always focused on money.

  I thought Sun Shaozu was good at first, but who knew that Sun Shaozu seemed to have disappeared in the past six months. I originally wanted to squeeze some more money from Sun Shaozu, but failed, so this matter has been dragged on.

"Well, Brother Yu came to the mansion for business today, and learned that all the younger sisters have moved into the garden, and have never been here before, so I just asked Ping'er to take me to see the residence of the younger sisters." Feng Ziying Looking Yingchun up and down, "I haven't thanked my second sister for helping me that day, or brother Yu would be frozen to death."

In front of Ping'er, Feng Ziying didn't care, but Yingchun was taken aback. She glanced at Ping'er meaninglessly, but seeing that Ping'er didn't say anything, she blushed and said shyly: "It's what my younger sister should do." of,…"

  Ping'er appeared calm on the surface, but he was quite surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that the two really seemed to have an affair, but this master didn't shy away from himself. Was it because he regarded himself as one of his own, or was it for other reasons? For a while, Ping'er felt a little flustered.

   On the other hand, Siqi next to him was very knowledgeable, and when Yingchun welcomed Feng Ziying into the house, he took the initiative to pull Pinger aside.

  Feng Ziying glanced at Siqi, then looked away, and sat down with a smile. When Siqi brought the tea, Yingchun was already so nervous that she didn't know what to do.

   "Sister, sit down, Brother Yu just came to see..." Feng Ziying felt a little pity when she saw Yingchun like this.

   Thinking about it, Sun Shaozu didn't know what kind of villain he was, and he was able to treat such an honest and honest woman cruelly, tortured to death, just because of this, Feng Ziying felt that the tragedy should not be repeated.

Jia Lian also told himself a few times, and Yingchun brought him a stove during the Lantern Festival. Although there was probably a reckless girl like Siqi in it, but even so, it was really embarrassing for a lady of the family to act so blatantly. the other party.

"My younger sister knows that Brother Feng is busy with business, so she doesn't dare to disturb her at ordinary times. My younger sister is not very talented, she is not very good at talking, and she is not as good as Sister Lin, Sister Bao, and Third Sister..." Maybe it is Feng Ziying's gentle and amiable attitude After giving Yingchun a lot of encouragement, Yingchun finally raised his head, met Feng Ziying's eyes, bit his lips and said softly: "My brother may have told Brother Feng that the master wants to give my younger sister to the Sun family. Those who don't want to, it's just that the father's order is hard to disobey, and the younger sister has given up on this kind of heart in the first place, so she just resigned to her fate, but..."

Unexpectedly, Yingchun, who has always been gentle and timid, would dare to say such words to herself. Feng Ziying was also quite surprised. It must be that this girl was too frightened by the situation about Sun Shaozu, and forced Yingchun, who had always been submissive, to dare to try to change herself. Fate?

"That day Siqi came back and told my younger sister that Brother Feng asked my younger sister not to worry, saying that Brother Feng would make arrangements, and my younger sister wanted to know an answer from Brother Feng..., My younger sister also knew that Brother Feng was busy with business, but The younger sister is getting older, and the master..."

Seeing Yingchun's beautiful eyes full of hope, Feng Ziying's heart skipped a beat. As expected, this chess player did a good job. I don't know what kind of medicine this little hoof gave Yingchun here to make Yingchun like this. So infatuated?

Just looking at Yingchun's pair of peach blossom eyes that almost overflowed with passion and honey, Feng Ziying didn't know what to say for a while, Yingchun is a typical beauty of this era, with a duck egg face, willow eyebrows, peach blossom eyes, and a pendulous nose. With a cherry mouth, fair skin, a slender neck, and a soft temperament, no matter how you look at it, she is the most suitable spouse for the inner house, but...

  Feng Ziying didn't speak for a while, but Yingchun seemed to have realized something, her face gradually turned pale, her hands were twisted together in front of her lower abdomen, and the light blue veins on her bright wrists were faintly visible.

   "I'm sorry, Brother Feng, maybe I..."

"No, Second Younger Sister, Brother Yu is just thinking about how to deal with certain things that would be more appropriate. Brother Yu also has to take into account Uncle She's intentions and face. If he breaks the barrier rashly, Uncle She will definitely be furious, and even blame his younger sister." , Brother Yu is naturally fine, but my sister will enter Feng's mansion in the future, so she will often come back here in the future, won't it make it difficult for my sister?"

  Feng Ziying sighed secretly in his heart, but in this situation, he could no longer refuse, so he could only stabilize Yingchun's heart first.

Yingchun's pale cheeks suddenly seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, and suddenly turned rosy, and the pair of peach blossom eyes that had been dimmed were alive again, and the joy in his heart was almost overflowing, "It's okay, as long as Brother Feng is in his heart." Just pretend to be my little sister, my little sister can trust Big Brother Feng,..."

  From gloomy and pale to bright red and charming, Yingchun's pretty dimple changes in an instant, making Feng Ziying feel as if the flowers thawed in winter and suddenly glowed. He couldn't help but take a deep breath.

  Such a beautiful woman has deep affection for herself, but her contribution is completely unequal. This kind of comparison makes Feng Ziying feel guilty.

   "Sister, you have to think clearly, I'm afraid you will wrong my sister if you enter my house,..."

"Little sister has figured it out a long time ago. Instead of going there and waiting for others to suffer, it is better to be with the sisters. Brother Feng also knows the temperament of the younger sister. I think sister Lin can tolerate me..." When saying this, Yingchun His face was as red as the sunset, his head was lowered, and he whispered softly.

  Feng Ziying's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help getting up to hold Yingchun's hand.

  Yingchun was startled, but when she raised her head, she saw Feng Ziying stepping over with burning eyes. She was sitting on the brocade stool next to her, across a round table, and was so frightened that she didn't know what to do.

Feng Ziying couldn't help herself at this time, she wrapped her arms around Yingchun's plump waist, lifted her up slightly, then picked her up and put her on her lap, but her other hand had already lifted Yingchun's jaw, "Sister, will you really love me in the future?" No regrets?"

   Ying Lip, who was so nervous and at a loss when she heard this, was extremely firm when she heard this, and nodded slightly, "I will never regret it, as long as Brother Feng will show more compassion in the future, and don't let my sister down, she will be satisfied."

The fragrant cheeks are like fire, and the catkins are like jade. Feng Ziying's **** aroused on Ping'er before is rising again, but he also knows that Yingchun must not be too frivolous. It's just that the beauty is in his arms. I'm sorry again.

  Can't help kissing the crystal earlobe lightly, the fragrance in the hair makes Feng Ziying feel drunk.

  Yingchun had never had this kind of experience before. For a moment, her whole body was soft and hot, curled up in Feng Ziying's arms, her beautiful eyes were half closed, and she couldn't stop panting.

Looking at the half-closed starry eyes and the fire-like cherry lips, Feng Ziying couldn't bear it, but she heard a short scream of "ah" from behind, which shocked Feng Ziying and Yingchun to wake up all of a sudden. She was so horrified that she covered her face and ran into the room, leaving only Feng Ziying to stand up in a leisurely manner, looking at Siqi Hepinger with an unbelievable expression on her face.

   "Let's go, Ping'er, go to Ouxiangxie to see Sister Lin and the third sister." Feng Ziying ignored the horrified expressions of the two girls, straightened her clothes calmly, and then walked out with her hands behind her back.

  (end of this chapter)

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