Number of People

Chapter 798: The Strange Thoughts of Sister Feng

  Chapter 798 Sister Feng’s Strange Thoughts

This scene made Feng Ziying dazzled, and her heart was filled with an indescribable sense of joy, as if she had returned to a certain scene in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions", where Yingying and Yanyan laughed and cursed, and the group of beauties played in the spring picture These words came to my lips, but I still didn't dare to say them after thinking about it, so I took them back, it was a bit abrupt.

  The atmosphere in the whole room became extraordinarily cheerful, and Baochai, who had been silent and smiling all the time, took the initiative to ask: "Brother Feng, why is he still in the garden today, and sister Ping'er is required to lead the way?"

"Well, I have something to go to the mansion, and the second sister-in-law has something to do, and I have to talk to Uncle Zheng Shi by the way." Feng Ziying sat down very leisurely. Someone had already brought him a brocade stool. Li also brought up the tea, "It is said that the younger sisters have moved to a new house, so I came in to have a look. First I went to the third sister's Qiushuangzhai. I heard that the third younger sister came to sister Yun's place, so I came to see the younger sisters. are all there,..."

   "Oh, my little sister said, why did Brother Feng come directly to my little sister? It turned out that he went to Tan girl first." Shi Xiangyun's charming eyes fell on Feng Ziying.

Tanchun also heard a trace of hidden deep meaning in Xiangyun's words, but there was still Daiyu in front of him, and he felt a little panicked and secretly happy, but also a little annoyed and displeased, so he gave Xiangyun a look, "Brother Huan I also left some things in my little sister’s house and asked me to pass them on to Brother Feng, but Brother Feng hasn’t come to the mansion for more than a month, so I still put it here with my little sister. Seeing that Brother Huan is coming back soon, Little sister has to give the things to Brother Feng earlier, lest Brother Huan come back and complain."

Xue Baochai glanced at Daiyu calmly, while Daiyu lowered her head and held up the teacup to sip the tea carefully. Xiuyan was the most alert, and interjected: "Brother Feng rarely enters the garden once, why don't you come to the garden at noon?" Eating in the garden, my little sister ate rough tea and light food, and my mouth was tasteless. I was going to bother sister Xichun for a meal, and I asked third sister and sister Yun to go with me. I don’t know if sister Bao and sister Lin are willing. how?"

In fact, the meals for all the girls in the garden are prepared and delivered in the kitchen in the back room of Rongguo Mansion. Of course, the girls arrange the girls in advance to tell Sister-in-law Liu's preferences for tomorrow in the kitchen, and then the kitchen will prepare them in advance. The materials can be made and delivered the next day.

  So what Xing Xiuyan said was just an excuse, and eating at Xichun's was just a way for the sisters to get together and talk.

"Well, I won't go, I still have something to do at noon." Feng Ziying smiled, "Sisters, just have fun, it's interesting to watch them play this horse tag, I'll ask someone to make something more interesting tomorrow." Come here, let the younger sisters like it."

   "Oh?" Xiangyun's interest was immediately aroused, "Brother Feng, you still play this kind of game? Isn't it something that warriors like throwing pots and archery like?"

   "Hehe, of course not, it is unisex, a thing that women and children like, and it can also make the mind quick, and let the younger sisters strengthen their relationship. It is really a rare good thing."

Feng Ziying also thought of such an object when he saw the horse tag. It seems that there is no such thing as mahjong in the capital city these days, but he has seen porters and boatmen playing on the canal when they have nothing to do. Mahjong is time-consuming to choose a place, and boatmen and porters prefer to gamble in a more direct way of rolling dice and pushing Pai Gow.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying spoke seriously, the girls became curious, but Feng Ziying refused to say more, just smiled and told the girls to wait until the things came out before sending them to everyone.

The tour of the Grand View Garden ends here. Daiyu and Baochai are both in the Ouxiangxie. Naturally, Feng Ziying can only go to see it another day. The time is about the same. After all, I have to face Wang Xifeng's mess thing.

Coming to Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng's yard, Feng Ziying felt a bit out of place. Jia Lian basically didn't know much about this yard now. It is said that he bought a new yard outside and spent most of his time resting there. On the other side, and here is only ten days and a half months or when there is something to do in the mansion, they only come back to rest, and they all live alone.

   This matter is no secret in Rongguo Mansion. Feng Ziying reckons that this should be the main reason why Jia Rui's cold heart started to stir again.

  Since the second elder brother Lian has neglected the second sister-in-law, and that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan seems to be just playing around, or he won't come to Jia's mansion for a month or two, then let him Jia Rui come to serve the second sister-in-law, okay? It is estimated that Jia Rui should think so.

   Regarding Jia Lian's failure to return home, Jia's mother, Jia She and his wife, and Jia Zheng are said to have called Jia Lian to scold him.

   But Jia Mu was really scolding, Jia She and his wife were fake scolding, and Jia Zheng was not easy to scold, so he could only persuade him.

Originally, Jia She and his wife couldn't understand Wang Xifeng and Mrs. Wang getting too close, and listened to the second room for everything. They didn't want to see Wang Xifeng. In addition, Wang Xifeng only gave birth to a beautiful sister and she didn't make any movement. So now I see you Now that Jia Lian has confidence, he scolds him openly, but supports him secretly.

Jia Amnesty was also thinking that since Jia Lian was the eldest son, he had to have a male heir to inherit the lineage of the elder family. He only had two sons, Jia Lian was the eldest son, and Jia Cong was the second son. Too young to tell now.

Not having a son-in-law is always a problem, it is true for any family, so now Jia Lian is very confident, he is not even willing to touch Wang Xifeng now, because he is afraid that if he is really pregnant, he will lack a most powerful excuse.

   Besides, with his status as Jia Lian and the confidence in his pockets, why can't he find two women from good families as concubines?

  As long as we get divorced, wouldn't it be just as good to re-elect a lady from a family of officials, gentry and gentry?

  Why do you have to be angry with Wang Xifeng?

   Seeing Wang Xifeng's haggard and tired face curled up on the kang, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

  I am so used to being strong, but now it is a great humiliation and stimulation for Wang Xifeng to encounter this kind of thing.

  The husband doesn’t go home at all, and only wants to reconcile and leave. Of course Wang Xifeng is unwilling, but Jia Lian’s attitude is extremely firm, and he doesn’t even give Wang Xifeng any chance at all.

   "Second brother Lian isn't coming back now?" Feng Ziying asked, frowning when she saw Wang Xifeng, who had lost her vitality as if her spine had been broken.

"Hmph, you don't know if he's coming back or not? He's holding the job you gave him. Without you letting him go to Haitong Yinzhuang, how could he be so tough now?" Wang Xifeng gave Feng Ziying a resentful look, " He is now buying a house outside and raising an outhouse, isn't it all the money you gave him?"

"Sister Feng, what you said is a bit wronged to me. He is going to Haitong Yinzhuang at that time. I remember I told your mansion too? At that time, everyone thought it was a good opportunity. He went to Yangzhou to do so. After a long time, you all seem to be very satisfied when you come back, and you also said that the second brother Lian can finally go out to do things,..., I remember that the second brother Lian also bought a lot of gifts for everyone, everyone is very happy,..."

  Feng Ziying spread out her hands with an innocent face,

"... Now I'm back to the capital. The Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi is going to be established here. It's only natural for Lian's second brother to do it. Lian's second brother has put in a lot of effort, and the Jingshi is doing well. I can say it out of conscience." Not doing well, want to deduct money from him? Besides, Second Brother Lian and Prince Zhongshun are getting very close now, and Prince Zhongshun is also very optimistic about him, and even said he would give him a bonus."

  Wang Xifeng was at a loss for words.

  Indeed, who would have thought that Jia Lian, who was originally nestled in the mansion, would be so beautiful now that he was out of the house?

  You say that Feng Ziying is beautiful, and everyone takes it for granted. He is a good student, has become famous in the imperial examinations, and is highly appreciated by the emperor and the cabinet ministers in the court, but what kind of thing are you, Jia Lian?

In the past few years, he could only stay at home and dawdle, even Wang Xifeng could overwhelm him at any time, but now he has suddenly become prosperous, and even puts on a posture of being an independent family, buying a house, taking concubines to raise an outhouse, and even Even the elders in the mansion can't hold him anymore, how can this make Wang Xifeng who has always looked down on Jia Lian reconciled?

Seeing that Wang Xifeng was speechless, but she also had an expression of unwillingness on her face, Feng Ziying simply got on the kang and leaned against the other end of the kang table, with that skillful posture, Wang Xifeng and Heping were all the same. Leng.

   This is the position of the male master, and usually only Jia Lian can sit in this position. Looking at this posture, what kind of land does this master want to occupy?

  For a while, Wang Xifeng blushed and felt anxious, and at the same time felt a little strange.

   Didn't you, Jia Lian, despise me? This person has never touched her since she went to Jiangnan, Wang Xifeng was furious with that look of disgust, okay, now I want to let you see, some people look up to my old lady, even much better than you, Jia Lian, you What the **** if you take a concubine outside and raise an outside room, my old lady can make your head green!

  Of course, this layer of thoughts just passed through Wang Xifeng's heart, or it was like a seed slowly sprouting in her heart. She really didn't dare to ask Wang Xifeng to do such things now.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Wang Xifeng also had strange thoughts in his heart now, and he didn't realize that sitting on the kang with Jia Lian's usual position would make Wang Xifeng and Ping'er have some strange thoughts.

  He just thought it would be convenient to talk in this seat. Wang Xifeng was next to him, across the kang table, and Ping'er was sitting on the opposite chair, which was quite suitable.

  Well, why does this situation look familiar? Looking around, Sister Feng, Pinger, wife and concubines, they seem to be a family, and I suddenly became Jia Lian?

  The atmosphere in the room seemed to suddenly become a little subtle, and the indescribable ambiguity was very strong.

   Looking for 100 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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