Number of People

Chapter 819: Zizijuan accident

  Chapter 819 Changes in Zizi Scroll

When the big event was finalized, Baochai's mood improved a lot. Compared with the calmness of the past, she was also much more lively. After all, she was only a seventeen-year-old girl, and when she heard that the big event in her life had finally come to fruition, her romantic mood was relieved many.

"By the way, I received a letter from Baoqin yesterday, saying that brother tadpole has finished her filial piety and wants to do something with you. In addition, she also has some things to go to Beijing to deal with, so she will come to Beijing in the next few days." When Baochai said this, he was also a little puzzled, "Didn't you plan to take over Fengrunxiang? It seems that he is not willing to go to Fengrunxiang now?"

"Well, maybe I went back and stayed in Jinling for a few years, polished my temper, and broadened my knowledge. I might not be willing to be confined to a small circle." Feng Ziying hesitated, "The last time I met in Jinling, he Then she revealed this meaning, and felt that the second aunt might also have the same meaning, and felt that if their family only focused on Feng Runxiang now, it would be difficult for Brother Tiao to find a suitable family in the future."

People are motivated. It turned out that when Xue Jun passed away, the Xue family was still a little worried about whether the Feng family would annex the Xue family's property in Fengrunxiang. Stick to Fengrunxiang's business.

   Of course, the more important thing is that Xue Biao's mother hopes that her son can find a good family like her daughter, which is much better than simply making a living.

However, although the Xue family was born as an official, they have been engaged in imperial merchants for several generations, and the status of imperial merchants is enviable in the eyes of ordinary people, even businessmen, but in the eyes of respected gentry, officials and eunuchs, that is not the case. It's not worth mentioning, that's why Xue Biao and Xue Baoqin's mother hopes to change their marriage.

Now Xue Baoqin has found Mei Zhiye's concubine, and she has attached herself to the Shilin family, but Xue Biao's marriage is still far away, so this time, there are probably considerations in this regard when entering Beijing. The capital is considered to have a foothold, and Aunt Xue is also a daughter of the Wang family, and she still has some connections in the capital city.

"Well, my second aunt has always thought this way, so I don't have much interest in running a business. I just hope that Brother Tiao and Baoqin can find a suitable family, and to find a suitable one, as Brother Feng you just said Speaking of which, I'm afraid it's hard to find suitable ones because of the one-acre land in Jinling."

   Baochai can understand her second aunt's thoughts.

  The Xue family is declining day by day, largely because there are no more officials in the family.

Looking at the four major families, the Wang family has a prince Teng, and the holy family is not bad. No matter how poor the Jia family is, there is still Jia Zheng working in the Ministry of Industry, and now there is an older girl who has entered the palace and became a noble concubine, so Jia Wang The order of the two families has been lost, but the Jia family can at least maintain it.

  Looking at the Xue family, the historians, although the historians still carry the brand of one family and two marquises, if this continues without a formal official, I am afraid that sooner or later they will be dusted.

The two previous generations of the Xue family can only be said to be trying their best to maintain the Xue family's livelihood. Originally counting on my elder brother and brother tadao in this generation, I never thought that my elder brother is a demon king in the world, and he is already Amitabha if he can not cause trouble. Although brother scorpion is a clever character, he is not a book material, which also disappointed the whole Xue family.

Now that Feng Ziying is soaring to the sky, thinking that Xue's family and Feng Ziying still have some kind of incense relationship, and there is such an in-law relationship between Baoqin and Mei Hanlin's family, Second Aunt probably has something in her heart that can let Brother Tiao go. Looking for someone better.

  Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "I also heard the day before yesterday that Mei Zhiye is going to be the governor of Shuntian Prefecture, which is considered a good promotion. How old is Sister Baoqin this year, is she also at the age to marry?"

Feng Ziying and Mei Zhiye are not familiar with each other, and they don't have much friendship, mainly because the other party was mainly responsible for studying history when he was a student at the Imperial Academy, while Feng Ziying was away for a long time, and there was a big age gap, so there were not many contacts, that is, seeing each other Nodding friendship.

   "Oh? Uncle Mei's family is going to be the governor of Shuntian Prefecture?" Baochai was also surprised. , "Baoqin is fifteen years old, so it's appropriate to marry."

Although the imperial academy is noble, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Many people regard it as a first-level springboard. Being able to get a chance in the imperial academy not only has a promising promotion, but also has a brighter future. In the future, the official department will inspect officials. , Those who have experience in the Imperial Academy should be highly regarded.

   "When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it, and Baoqin didn't mention it in the letter."

Feng Ziying thought for a while before slowly saying: "This matter should have been discussed a long time ago. Mei Zhiye has been in the Imperial Academy for several years, but this person's temper is a bit arrogant, and he has been honed in the Imperial Academy for several years. I have also become more obedient, and it is said that I have found some connections, and I am finally able to work in the Imperial Academy this time."

Baochai's heart sank. The correspondence between Xue's family and the two houses is relatively close. Almost every letter mentions the marriage between Baoqin and Mei's family. If Mei Zhiye had already shown signs of promotion, he never mentioned it. , although it cannot be said that there is any problem with this, after all, it has not been finalized and implemented, and it is normal to be low-key and secretive, but Baochai always feels that there is something weird here.

   "Brother Feng, have you heard any other news from the Mei family?" Baochai knew that Feng Ziying was unlikely to pay attention to the Mei family, but she couldn't help asking.

"Huh? What do you mean by sister? I know the situation of the Mei family, but Mei Zhiye has three sons, two sons and one concubine. The eldest son is already married. It seems to be the daughter of the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, and the second son is already engaged. , I didn’t ask more about who it is, it should be an official family, and the Mei family is a famous family of officials and gentry in Macheng, Huguang, so they are more particular about this aspect, and I have never heard of others.”

Feng Ziying didn't know why Baochai asked about the Mei family's affairs so eagerly, but the Xue family did entrust him to help pay attention to the Mei family when they went to Jinling last time. , What did your aunt say in the letter? Or let someone inquire after I go back. "

   "It's nothing, it's just that the words in Baoqin's letter are a bit indescribable." Baochai shook her head worriedly, "But she didn't say anything else. My little sister thinks it's strange that they came to Beijing suddenly and hurriedly."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was also taken aback, "Then did your aunt and aunt say anything in the letter?"

   "During this time, there seems to be no correspondence between my aunt and mother, but between me and Baoqin." Baochai shook her head.

  Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying: "There is no hurry, I will go back and inquire and find out if there is something wrong with the Mei family."

   Originally a very happy mood, but because of some changes on Xue Baoqin's side, it was affected. Feng Ziying could only forgive Baochai for a while, and then said goodbye and left.

  Going out and walking to the corner gate of Jia's Mansion, I saw Ping'er hurriedly chasing him from behind.

   Seeing people on the left and right, Ping'er also said with a serious face: "Uncle Feng, my grandma asks you to move, and I have something to discuss with you."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Ping'er to come here.

  I went to Daiyu and Baochai's place today, but I didn't want to go to Wang Xifeng's place because of a big event.

  In the past few days, he also knew that Ni Er and Jia Rui had begun to hook up, and some accounts from Osmanthus Xia's house were also slowly asked for, and he began to plan how to "organize" Lai's house.

   It's just that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng's reconciliation happened again, which made Jia's family flustered, so Feng Ziying never came.

It was Jia Zheng who came to find him at home and told about Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng's reconciliation. He hoped that Feng Ziying would come forward to persuade him. Already determined, Jia Zheng could only shake his head and sigh, and finally left disappointed.

   Glancing around, Feng Ziying said in a deep voice, "Are you in a hurry?"

  Ping'er's face froze, and finally nodded: "Please move, sir..."

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, then nodded, "Let's go."

  Feng Ziying followed Ping'er to a place where there was no one on the right side of the tree-lined road, and then Ping'er said in a sad tone: "You don't even want to see grandma and slaves anymore?"

Feng Ziying was startled, seeing that the girl's eye circles were red, and she didn't realize it for a while. Today, I came to discuss business with Daiyu and Baochai, so I naturally didn't want to do anything else. I didn't come here during this period of time, and that was also because of Jia Lian and Baochai. The matter of Wang Xifeng and Li was noisy for a while, and it finally calmed down, but why did he not want to see the two of them?

   "Jia Rui is making trouble again?" Feng Ziying frowned.

Ping'er slowed down and took a look at Feng Ziying, "It has nothing to do with Jia Rui, this servant just wants to know if Grandpa doesn't want to see grandma and servant again, or is he afraid of seeing grandma and servant, and thinks we are looking for trouble for you? "

"Where do you start with this?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh, it seemed that Wang Xifeng and Heping'er had been tossed about a lot during this time, making him a little nervous, "Ping'er, who do you think the master is afraid of in this mansion? It's just that I don't want to be too ostentatious, besides, the matter between Lian's second brother and your grandma is not a glorious thing, what are you doing here?"

   "Speaking of which, Master still dislikes us a little bit?" As soon as Ping'er said the words, he felt that something was inappropriate and blushed.

"Dislike?" Feng Ziying stopped, and looked at Ping'er with a half-smile, "What's the matter, are you trying to test me with what you say today? You keep your word, even though Second Brother Lian and Sister Feng are in harmony with each other. I left, but Master can still take you in, I believe no one in your family will object, as long as your grandma agrees."

  Ping'er was choked up, and didn't dare to answer this question for a moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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