Number of People

Chapter 869: Zizijuan to take office

  Chapter 869 Self-written scrolls take office

  Crossing the river, the terrain became much flatter, and the speed of riding increased significantly.

   "My lord, there are about ten miles ahead where the Zhongtun Weiying camp is located." Wu Yaoqing squeezed the horse's belly slightly, and the green horse galloped suddenly, catching up with Feng Ziying's jujube.

  Feng Ziying narrowed her eyes slightly, looking forward, "Then you can't make it to Luanzhou tonight?"

   "I'm afraid it won't work. I don't dare to walk fast at night, and it's easy to hurt the horse. Since my lord is not in a hurry,..." Wu Yaoqing smiled and said, "Ms. You and Baoxiang can't bear it either."

  Third Sister You blushed. Although she was dressed in men's clothes, and the inner corset was specially covered with silk braids, but after a few days of rushing down the road, she was trembling, and her chest still hurt a little.

  I thought that I used to ride horses a lot in Ganzhou back then, how I had been pampered and pampered in the capital for a few years, and my **** grew bigger and bigger, so I felt a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Especially after following the husband, the pair of chests seem to have developed again. This is what the husband said, but the husband likes it very much, but the disadvantages of going out come, even if it is carefully wrapped in silk brocade, but this is not the case. As soon as the horse ran, it still felt uncomfortable.

Where did Baoxiang suffer such a crime? Riding a black mule really hurt his thighs. After washing with hot water last night, a large piece of skin fell off, and tears were about to fall. up.

  Today, I used ointment and put my legs up with a special one, but it still hurts badly.

  If I knew it earlier, I should have taken the initiative to ask Ying to stay with Aunt You, Jin Chuaner, and Xiangling. Why bother to be so brave?

  Feng Ziying took the horse slightly to slow down the horse under her crotch, "It's okay, then rest at Kaiping Youtunwei for a night."

   "My lord, although the Kaiping Right Tunwei is a military settlement, it is not open to the public. Even the vicinity of the Weitun camp does not like outsiders approaching..." Wu Yaoqing explained carefully.

"The territory of Ji Town is really big. It is obviously the territory of our Yongping Mansion, but there are only a few thousand people in the Weitun of Kaiping Youtunwei, and there are no more than 10,000 family members. It can cover the entire west of Shahe All of them are classified as military control areas. Isn’t this too overbearing? We walked all the way, almost all of which are wastelands. Although the land on both sides of the Shahe River is not as good as that in the south of the Yangtze River, it is well irrigated, but it lacks repairs and the river is prone to flooding. , as long as you are willing to cultivate and build water conservancy projects, this area can become fertile land." Feng Ziying asked with a half-smile.

  Wu Yaoqing couldn't answer this topic, he was almost on the verge of slander, and if he objected, he should go to your father for an argument. This Ji Town is under the jurisdiction of Governor Ji Liao.

This is a problem left over from the past years. As early as the Ming Dynasty, Yongping Mansion was the seat of the Seven Guards. Not to mention this Luanzhou, even if Yongping Mansion ruled Lulong County, Yongping Guard, Lu Long Guard, and Dongsheng Zuo Guard were all established. In Lulong County, Yongping Mansion and Lulong County were overwhelmed.

Fortunately, after the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the guards were abolished on the basis of the original seven guards, and only the Kaiping Youtun Guard, which served as the Tunwei, and the Funing Guard, which supported the front lines of the Jianchang Camp and Yanhe Camp, were retained, and the Liaoxi Corridor was not available. The indispensable throat - Shanhaiwei.

"Okay, Yaoqing, that's all I'm saying. This is the court's regulation, and we can only accept and obey it. But I know that I'm a fellow of Yongping Mansion. In the future, it will definitely not be time to deal with Jizhen on behalf of the local government. No, you have to think about it carefully." Feng Ziying waved her hand, signaling Wu Yaoqing not to mind.

  In addition to the four people, Wu Yaoqing was accompanied by three people, who were recruited by Wu Yaoqing.

From Feng Ziying's arrangement of his various affairs, Wu Yaoqing knew that his master would never spend a few years leisurely in Yongping Mansion to be gilded, he just wanted to make a career in these few years, and Big appetite.

To do things, it is inevitable to offend people, and to offend people, especially to offend the rich and powerful in these places. If you jump over the wall in a hurry, they will not let it go. If you are not sure, you will take risks. Looking for recruiters in the capital area.

Many years of dealing with people from the rivers and lakes has made Wu Yaoqing famous along the canal. Many people know that he is the staff of the inspector. A lot of attention to the characters who make a living on the road.

   It is said that in the Jianghu, people eat wine and meat in big bowls, and life is unrestrained and comfortable, but only people in the industry know how difficult this bowl of rice is.

  The government’s suppression, the hostility of your peers, and the pressure of life all make it impossible for Jianghu sects to survive if they don’t have one or two decent regular businesses and enough solid government support.

  As for those who run orders and help others to make money, that's another matter, but you will face the merciless sniping by the government and those colleagues who have close ties with the government at any time.

  Three of them were recruited by Wu Yaoqing from Xuzhou and Yangzhou, one was a disciple of Xuzhou's Hongyi Sect, and the other two were members of the Qiushuijian Sect.

   A few others stayed in the capital city, and will come to Yongping with Second Sister You, Jin Chuaner, Xiangling and others.

  For Wu Yaoqing's recruitment, almost none of the Jianghu sects could refuse.

Although Wu Yaoqing no longer has the meat of inspecting salt censor behind him, but after learning that his new owner is the son of Governor Ji Liao, many people will naturally think of the vast area of ​​Liaodong, no matter what kind of business it is, they cannot avoid it. If the Jiliao Governor's Mansion can be connected online, there will naturally be opportunities in the future.

   Not to mention that the leader of the young scholars in the Northland, who is not yet eighteen years old, has become the Tongzhi of Yongping Prefecture, the fifth rank.

Perhaps Yongping Mansion is just a lower mansion that does not know 500,000 people, but it is an important place in the capital, just at the throat of the north to Liaodong. For example, in the territory of Yongping Prefecture, it passes through Luanzhou and Lulong, then goes north from Funing, passes through Shanhaiguan, enters the Liaoxi Corridor, and finally arrives in Liaodong.

It can be said that under the current situation of poor sea routes, the original Gubei Road and Lulong Road have been abandoned, because these two roads are not only long and difficult to travel, but also need to pass through the areas controlled by the Mongolian left-wing tribes, especially Chaha The people of Seoul have always been arrogant, and merchants who want to cross the border have a narrow escape. Therefore, since the Ming Dynasty, Gubei Road and Lulong Road have ceased to be the main routes from the Central Plains to Liaodong, and they have given way to the Banghai Road.

After entering the Great Zhou Dynasty, this road became the lifeline between the Central Plains and Liaodong, from Xifengkou, Qingshankou, Hehekou to Taolinkou, Jielingkou, Yiyuankou, Jiumenshuikou (a piece of stone), and finally When arriving at Shanhaiguan, the majestic Great Wall became a barrier for Dazhou to defend the safe passage between the entire Central Plains and Liaodong. Under the protection of this Great Wall, the Banghai Road went north from Shanhaiguan, connecting the entire Liaodong with the Central Plains through the Liaoxi Corridor.

   In order to counter the threat of the Mongolian right wing headed by the Chahar people to this line, Jizhen, which was once the largest military town in the Nine Borders, was established for this purpose.

In the territory of Yongping Town alone, from the west, Songpeng Camp, Xifengkou, Taiping Village Camp, Yanhe Camp, Taitou Camp, Shimen Village Camp, plus Shanhai Pass, Wuying and Two Passes, and countless Fort Village passes constitute The first line of defense, then the Jianchang Battalion as the entire territory of Yongping Prefecture, is also the mobile force on the east line of Jizhen, and further west, as the total mobile force of the entire Jizhen Town, the Jizhen General Army Mansion located in Santunying, The Funingwei and Kaiping Youtunwei, which can be supported behind it, formed three chain lines of defense that were vaguely visible.

Dazhou’s defense system in Yongping follows the former Ming Dynasty, but because the history of the former Ming Dynasty ended in the early sixteenth century, and in the next hundred years, the rise and fall of the Mongolian tribes on the northern grasslands, and the Duoyan Sanwei also disappeared. The Jurchens in the Northeast took advantage of the situation to rise, so the focus of defense gradually shifted to the Jurchens.

However, in terms of the layout of the forts along the Great Wall and the arrangement of mobile forces, Jizhen still maintains a balanced posture. In view of the capriciousness of the Chahar Department, Dazhou never underestimated Chahar when strengthening the defense deployment against the Jurchen. Therefore, in a sense, Ji Town took both aspects into account. On the one hand, it had to prevent the Chahar people from invading the south, and on the other hand, it had to become Liaodong’s most powerful backing against the Jianzhou Jurchen.

Although Kaiping Youtunwei is under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, and nominally supports the Jianchang Camp, but as time goes by, it has gradually become a half-military, half-civilian settlement, and even the color of the army has faded. In a sense, once the Mongolian tribes in the north or the Jurchens invaded the frontier, the Jianchang Battalion needed to be replenished. First, new recruits were recruited from Funingwei, while Kaiping Youtunwei mainly provided craftsmen, masters, ordnance, mules and horses. , Vehicles and other logistical supplements.

The group of people slowed down along the post road. Since they were not in a hurry, there was no need to hurry. They rested in Kaiping Youtunwei. As long as they didn't enter the Acropolis, the outside of the Acropolis was still quite bustling. Find a place Resting in an inn is easy.

   "Yaoqing, how is the security here?"

  Feng Ziying looked at the Acropolis that was getting closer and closer, and some scattered houses had appeared on both sides of the post road, even some tents similar to yurts, and dirty sheep and grazing hounds could also be seen.

"This side is okay. There is a hundred households of elite cavalry on the Youtunwei side, who were sent from the Santunying side, because this place not only provides various military supplies for the Jianchang Camp, but also provides Ji The Town Commander's Mansion provides all kinds of military resources, so it is very important." Wu Yaoqing spent several months inquiring about the situation here, and he is already familiar with it, at least he knows these situations like the palm of his hand.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was slightly surprised that the Santun camp could send troops here, which is enough to show the importance of Kaiping Youtunwei, and she still underestimated the importance of this place.

  (end of this chapter)

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