Number of People

Chapter 882: zizijuan gongwei

  Chapter 882 Zizijuan Gongwei

   Just when Feng Ziying finally released Yongping, and began to attack from all sides to open up the situation for her career in Yongping Mansion, when she worked hard, there was still an undercurrent in the capital city.

  Standing on the veranda outside Fengzao Palace, Yuan Chun lightly caressed the porch pillar with his hands, almost looking at the stream winding westward to Taiye Pool, with a little doubt in his eyes.

   "Is he really released out of Beijing?" Yuan Chun said to himself, but his face was a little dignified, "Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia would agree? Or do they have ulterior motives?"

Baoqin who was standing by the side didn't dare to speak. Although she had gone out of the palace to speak to her mother and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan several times, and knew some inside information, she didn't dare to intervene indiscriminately when it came to key matters. Once the empress is misled, it will be a catastrophe.

   "Ma'am, didn't Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan give you a letter? You can see it after reading it." Baoqin couldn't help but said when he saw Yuan Chun concentrating on his thoughts.

"Hmph, I'm afraid that after reading it, I'll be even more confused." Yuan Chun said softly, "A scholar selected by the library, and also a scholar of the Imperial Academy, has such a bright future. If I left it behind, I went to Yongping Mansion to be an acquaintance, who would be willing to change it? His teacher is still a cabinet elder, who would believe it?"

  The news in the palace is indeed not well-informed, and Yuan Chun also knows that this has a lot to do with his shallow foundation. Concubines like Xu Huang and Su, who have grown-up princes, are much more well-informed.

   Not only are they deeply rooted in the palace, and there are more people who work for them, but also because they have a son, a prince, who can communicate with the son in an open and honest manner at any time.

  The sons can also enter the palace to say hello generously, and arrange for people to send various things to their mother and concubine. Naturally, all kinds of news can be known at the first time.

  For example, Feng Ziying learned about the release of Yuanchun from Concubine Mei Gui, so he arranged to leave the palace with the piano and go home for a trip on the grounds that his younger brother Baoyu was a gift after his death.

  The meeting at the time of visiting relatives is still vivid in my memory, and Yuan Chun feels more and more heavy.

  The Empress Dowager was not in good health during this period, and the concubine was with her all the time, and Prince Yizhong also went to Renshou Palace to work more and more, and he brought the prince's son with him.

   It is said that the Supreme Emperor will feel much better when he sees that Wang Shizi. What is this?

   Building momentum?

   Or is the father kind and the son filial?

   But what would the emperor think in his heart when he knew about this situation?

  The more Yuan Chun thought about it, the more irritable he became.

   "Hold the piano, go and get the letter."

  The handwriting of the letter is Baoyu's, and the tone is also Baoyu's, but many messages revealed in the words are clearly conveyed by Feng Ziying.

   Unexpectedly, Baoyu suddenly became so close to Feng Ziying again, which surprised Yuanchun.

  Mother wrote to say that Baoyu is now reading and writing books in the house all day long, but he is writing such legendary stories.

   This made Yuan Chun a little unhappy.

  Later, I heard that Feng Ziying was also very supportive, and Baoyu's scriptures were not only serialized in "Today's News", but also became the base script for storytellers in some teahouses and restaurants in the capital city.

   There are even theater troupes who want to use it as a stage for the script, which is not easy.

  The scripts that can be put on the stage are basically written by famous scholars. Even if ordinary people can write, it is difficult for the troupe to adopt it.

  Although Baoyu is not good at studying and scientific examinations, if he can perform well in this area, he can at least win a good reputation among the scholars in the capital city, and he can be highly regarded by his relatives.

   Such letters can be brought into the palace, so naturally they are not afraid of checking, but Yuan Chun still figured out one or two different meanings from the letter.

   Contacting Prince Yizhong has become more active during this period, and Yuan Chun's heart is also tense.

   Maybe there is really not much time left for myself and the Jia family.

  But why did Feng Ziying marry Xue Baochai?

   This made Yuan Chun a little incomprehensible.

   Baochai is her own cousin, but she is also her uncle’s niece. Feng Ziying’s marriage to Daiyu is fine. Her background as a marquis and her father’s status as a Jinshi are enough to make Daiyu a legitimate wife, but what can Baochai and the Xue family give Feng Ziying?

   You have to get involved with the Wang family. Didn't Feng Ziying keep hinting that she should seriously consider the relationship with the Wang family?

  At this time, he wants to marry Xue Baochai?

  Yuan Chun felt that he could not understand Feng Ziying's mind more and more.

   Could it be that he also feels that the emperor is getting weaker and weaker now, so he wants to take precautions against accidents, so he also plans to secretly wire the wires on Prince Yizhong's side first?

   But why is the identity of the Feng family so useful? If the Feng family wanted to say it was probably more important than the Wang family, and what was Xue Baochai, could it be that my uncle still cared about her?

   And when it really comes to that time, I'm afraid that no matter who it is, they will do everything possible to win over the Feng family.

  While hesitating, he heard a little girl trotting all the way from a distance, with a look of panic on her face, which made Yuan Chun's heart tremble.

   Baoqin went up to meet her and asked, "Cuifu, what's the matter?"

   "His Royal Highness King Shou is here, saying that the peacock feathers from Guangdong and Guangxi were specially sent to the empress..."

Baoqin was taken aback, turned his head to look at Yuanchun subconsciously, but saw Yuanchun's cheeks were blushing, and anger was looming in his eyes, Baoqin hurriedly said: "Just say that your mother is unwell and can't see guests, no, I'll go, ..."

   "No need." Yuan Chun collected himself, tried his best to restore his calm state of mind, and stood up calmly, "Please wait at the palace gate, His Royal Highness Shou Wang..."

  The little maid quickly retreated.

  After the little maid left, Baoqin said worriedly: "Your Majesty, what should I do?"

   "This guy is like a dog!" The words were extremely cold, as if squeezed out from between the teeth, Yuan Chun's brows were lingering, and the blushing on his cheeks slowly disappeared, replaced by a touch of paleness.

She had never imagined that this kind of thing would happen to her. She originally thought that although the palace was lonely and deserted, it could also be peaceful. She never imagined that there would be no peace at home outside the palace. .

  Knowing that he is his father's imperial concubine, this guy actually dares to make up his own mind and harass him every now and then, but he doesn't dare to be blatant.

It turned out that it was just an occasional encounter with frivolous words, but after the emperor was in poor health for two or three months and lived in a shallow place, this guy was looking for an opportunity to come to Fenghuang in the name of seeing his mother and concubine Xu Huanggui in three to five days Wandering around in Zao Palace, whether they still have to pretend to ask foreign feudal vassals to pay tribute to give him something, made Yuan Chun fearful, worried, and extremely ashamed.

  Yuan Chun stabilized his mind, maintained his inherent indifferent and peaceful posture, and accompanied by Baoqin, he walked slowly to the gate of the palace.

  But I saw that Shou Wang was looking around leisurely with his hands behind his back, while a waiter beside him was holding a tray with a few colorful feathers on it, shining brightly in the sun, which was really gorgeous and eye-catching.

   "Zhang Chi has met the concubine de concubine." Shou Wang saw Yuan Chun approaching, his pupils flashed with brilliance.

The goose-yellow palace dress drags the floor, and the red bikini cover covers the attractive shoulders. The hibiscus jade noodles are like an egg that has been boiled and peeled off. The slender swan neck is indescribably luxurious and graceful.

   "His Royal Highness Shou Wang is free." Yuan Chun's tone was calm and indifferent.

   "Today I was honored to present ten peacock tail feathers from Guangxi. Chi knew that the empress liked pheasant feathers, and this peacock tail feather was better than pheasant feathers, so Chi specially sent three peacock feathers for the empress,..."

"His Royal Highness King Shou has a heart, but this palace only likes pheasant feathers. This peacock feather is so colorful and dazzling. In my opinion, it is more suitable for the status of Xu Huanggui. It would be better for King Shou to give it to your mother and concubine." Appropriate."

Yuan Chun's eyes are clear, and she doesn't evade the other party's undisguised scorching gaze. She knows that this guy is also you. point.

  But since Zhang Chi dared to come, naturally he wouldn't be dismissed by Yuan Chun's words. He smiled and waved to the waiter to hand over the tray to him.

  The waiter seemed to have known his master's thoughts for a long time, after offering the tray, he left knowingly, and stopped when he was ten feet away, but his eyes were looking at the intersection where he came from.

   "The empress seems to be in a bad mood? But is it because the father is not feeling well?" Zhang Chi had nothing to say.

   "I naturally remember the emperor's body, but King Shou is in a very good mood, and he still has the mind to think about these things all day long, so he is not afraid of the emperor's memory?"

  Yuan Chun had a sarcastic smile on his lips.

The corners of Shou Wang's eyes twitched, his face changed slightly, but he returned to normal immediately, "I just went to the palace to visit the father yesterday, the father is not in serious condition, but just resting in the palace for a few days, but some people He keeps talking about his father, but it is rare to see him stepping into his palace,..."

  One sentence made Yuan Chun so angry that his phoenix eyes widened, and his jade dimple was covered with frost.

  Why didn’t she go to visit, but the concubine Xu Huang, who was in charge of the affairs of the palace, did not allow these concubines to go to see him at will. The reason was very simple, the emperor needed to rest, and this was actually to isolate these concubines from the opportunity to meet the emperor.

Those who have children like Concubine Su, Concubine Mei and Concubine Guo can naturally bring their children with them, while concubines like myself and several other childless concubines can only sigh in vain. In front of him, he was trained too hard to raise his head.

   One sentence hit the opponent's weakness, Zhang Chi was a little proud.

  After seeing this virtuous concubine that day, he found that he could no longer calm down, and every move, every move, every smile of the other party made him feel very confused.

  He also knew that he was walking a tightrope here, licking blood on the edge of a knife. If his father found out, even if he would not do anything to him, he would undoubtedly draw a fork on his future struggle for the position of Great Treasure.

It is no secret to Zhang Chi that the father had banned women from **** many years ago. Women like Concubine Xiande who only entered the palace were just actions by the father to win over or confuse people out of political needs, but the ban on women is not Representing other people can get their hands on these women.

   But he still couldn't control his emotions.

  (end of this chapter)

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