Number of People

Chapter 884: The helpless move of Zizijuan

  Chapter 884 The helpless move of the self-written scroll

  As expected, when Baoqin returned to Jia's mansion and met Jia's mother and mentioned that she wanted Yuanyang to go to Yongping Mansion, Jia's mother became suspicious.

  Not talking to his two sons, but telling himself directly, and asking Yuanyang to go to Yongping Mansion alone, there is no doubt that there are many hard things to tell.

   What kind of secret is it that you can't let your family know, but you still have to tell Feng Ziying, which seems too incredible.

   Facing the eyes of his ancestors who have accumulated power for many years, Baoqin knew that if he didn't explain the situation clearly, it might be difficult to achieve his goal this time.

  As the empress said, there are probably few people in this whole family who can really understand the outside world and the situation in the Jia family, including the ancestors.

However, although the old ancestor has a dull sense of smell due to age and the pampering and pampering of the past few years, her thinking is still clear. After all, she has experienced all kinds of wind and rain for so many years. She should also be aware of the current situation of Jia's mansion, but she lacks a coping strategy. Forget it, that's why Yuan Chun would rather let his ancestors know, than let his parents know and cause confusion.

  The screen backed away to the left and right, and when Mother Jia heard the truth about holding the piano, a blush of anger mixed with embarrassment and fear floated on her fair and rich old face.

Who would have thought that her granddaughter would encounter such **** things when she entered the palace. She loved operas since she was a child and is no stranger to history. Of course, she is well aware of the filth behind the solemn and sacred appearance of the family that day. In the matter of Emperor Gaozong of the former Tang Dynasty, do you want to accept his mother and concubine?

  Wu Zhao's presence in the court is very beautiful, but everyone only sees the scenery of Wu Zhao, but never sees the miserable situation of the Wu clan in the future, let alone the losers behind countless such incests in history.

   Did the Great Zhou Dynasty really have such a tradition?

  How does Jia Jing avoid misfortune?

  Others may not know, how can Jia Mu not know?

If it weren't for Jia Jing's role in Prince Yizhong and the favorite concubine of the Supreme Emperor, he is a dignified son of the Ningguo Mansion, and he was born as a Jinshi, so similar to the current situation of Feng Ziying, or even better, Jia Jing's poetry and prose level can be far away Someone who is better than Feng Ziying should have a bright future, how could he end up like this?

Perhaps few people in the mansion knew about it a few years ago, but now with the abdication of the Supreme Emperor, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and coupled with the strange situation of the Qin family in Ningguo Mansion, there are gradually people in this mansion Doubt, naturally some people will go to the bottom of it, and inevitably some people will know it vaguely.

   I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen again in another way, but now the Jia family has to play the role of the woman again, which makes Jia's mother not angry, embarrassed and worried.

   "His Royal Highness Shou Wang is so crazy and absurd, isn't he afraid of the emperor's punishment?" After a long time, Jia Mu slowly woke up from the dizziness caused by anger, and said in a deep voice.

   "The emperor's health has not been very good in the past six months, and he has slackened a lot even in the court. Except for the court and the East Study Room, he has no time to set foot in other places..."

   "Then how can there be no eyes and ears of the emperor in the palace?" Jia Mu didn't believe it at all.

   "His Royal Highness King Shou's biological mother is Concubine Xu, who is in charge of the affairs of the Six Palaces,..."

"Hmph, how can you cover the emperor's eyes and ears by taking charge of the affairs of the six palaces? Even if you cover it for a while, you will be discovered by the emperor sooner or later. Isn't this longevity king looking for his own death?" Mother Jia couldn't help but slapped the Kang to go to the case, becoming more and more annoyed , "He wanted to commit suicide, but why did he drag my eldest girl to commit suicide, and even implicate our Jia family?"

   Baoqin couldn't answer this question.

  Mother Jia was panting with anger, but she also knew that this kind of thing really couldn't be said to others.

  To tell the Supreme Emperor and the Concubine?

The Supreme Emperor and the Concubine may not just think that the Shou Wang has no virtue for such self-explosive scandals. Of course they will blame the Shou Wang, but they will inevitably think that it is because of your indiscretion in Yuanchun that attracted the coveted bees and butterflies, which attracted the Shou Wang's covetousness, and the Taishang Huang How can I deal with the concubine?

  They are no longer the current masters of the palace, and have no right to deal with these matters. The most likely thing is to remind Yuanchun secretly or ask Yuanchun to check his own health, but is it useful? If it is useful, I am afraid that Yuanchun will not be so anxious to let Baoqin go out of the palace to find countermeasures to rescue the soldiers.

   Tell Concubine Xu, who is in charge of the affairs of the Six Palaces? It's impossible even if you think about it, it will only become a clichéd story of a young concubine seducing an adult prince in the end.

   Report directly to the emperor?

This result is probably the worst. Maybe it will turn into Shou Wang. Of course he will fall out of favor, but Yuan Chun is considered good if he is confinement in the cold palace for a lifetime. Maybe he will give you a glass of poisonous wine or a three-foot white silk, and say that he died of illness Good luck.

There was no way to get through, so I came to ask Ji Yu outside. Mother Jia thought about what kind of result she would have if she told Jia Zheng and his wife about this kind of thing. Nothing came out.

   But can such things be delayed? Jia's mother also sighed in her heart, this longevity king is crazy and obsessed, but he wants to drag others to be buried with him. Once the emperor finds out, it will be a catastrophe for the eldest girl. No one can predict what will happen to Jia's family .

Sighing sadly, Mother Jia was a little confused for a while, and then she said slowly after a long time: "The big girl wants Yuanyang to go, but I told Brother Keng that I can trust Yuanyang's heart and character, but Brother Keng Is there a good way to deal with it?"

Baoqin smiled wryly: "Old Ancestor, who can deal with such matters involving the secrets of the Tian family lightly? Uncle Feng has met with the empress twice when visiting relatives, and the empress trusts Uncle Feng's ability and character, let alone now Feng Uncle is going to marry Miss Lin and Miss Xue, the two girls are considered to be the first cousins ​​of the mother, with such a relationship, Uncle Feng will not let it go,..."

  Mother Jia thought for a long time, and then said: "Can't you ask her uncle?"

"Your Majesty has also thought about it. Uncle is far away in Denglai. This round trip may take one or two months. Moreover, I am afraid that Uncle will only make Your Majesty bear with this matter for a while, and Uncle will not be able to announce it to others,... "

   Indeed, what can Wang Ziteng do in the face of this kind of thing? It is also impossible for him to report to the emperor because of this matter, and it is impossible for him to come back specifically to beat Shou Wang. I am afraid that he will pretend not to know and let the eldest girl bear it for now is his only suggestion, right?

But if she can bear it without causing trouble, the eldest girl will probably bear it, afraid that the other party will make an inch of it, Jia Mu even thought, maybe Wang Ziteng would think, since once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, there is no room for turning back, It doesn't matter if it is taken advantage of by the longevity king, but the premise is that the emperor can't be aware of it.

   But who can do this? Unless the emperor is really too sick to see things, or even sick.

  Thinking of this, Mother Jia couldn't help shivering. It was also the misfortune of Jia's family to get involved in such things. Maybe it was a mistake from the day when the eldest girl was allowed to enter the palace.

"That's all, now that things are up to now, I can only hope for brother Keng to see if there is a good plan." Jia Mu shook her head and sighed, "Call the mandarin duck, you tell the mandarin duck first, and the old man has to tell the mandarin duck how many times." sentence."

   Yuanyang was also terrified after hearing Baoqin's introduction and Jiamu's instructions.

  For such a sudden and even unbelievable task that suddenly fell on her head, she was not prepared in any way, and such a secret and important matter, why did she suddenly leave it to herself? There are hundreds of people in this whole mansion, and there are quite a few elders, why don't you let yourself go to Yongping mansion with a girl?

  The ancestors left, leaving only Baoqin and Yuanyang.

They all grew up together, Baoqin, Yuanyang, Xiren, Qingwen, plus a foreign Pinger, the relationship was not ordinary, but it was too early for Baoqin to follow Yuanchun into the palace, and there was not much later. The opportunity is together, but the childhood love is still there.

   "Yuanyang, the empress can't do anything about it. The whole family, let's ask ourselves, who can do such a thing?" Baoqin's tone was a little flat but mixed with helplessness and sadness, "Master and wife? Baoyu? Third girl, or Jia Huan?"

   Yuanyang was speechless.

   You don’t need to count on the old lady, you can see from the attitude of the ancestors, it’s not even willing to tell, it’s in vain.

  Baoyu is the most suitable in terms of status, but even Yuanyang feels that Baoyu's character may not be stable, he is a person who can't pretend, once the pressure is too great, and his mouth is leaked, it will be a catastrophe.

  Tanchun is appropriate, but now that Uncle Feng has settled on the marriage of Lin and Xue, what is it for the third girl to travel hundreds of miles to Yongping Mansion? bad reputation.

  Jia Huan probably couldn't be trusted by the eldest girl, otherwise, given his relationship with Uncle Feng, it would be very appropriate for him to go there.

   "But holding the piano, this matter is too big, I'm afraid it's..." Yuanyang shook her head subconsciously.

"Yuanyang, besides you, there is no one more suitable for this matter. In fact, I just let you go for a trip and work hard for a few days. If I can leave Beijing for a few days, I will go." Baoqin sighed , "At this time, if you don't go up, who else can go?"

  Yuanyang looked at Baoqin with a complicated expression on her face, but in the end she could only agree.

   "He came back with the piano and left again? Is it a gift for Baoyu?" Wang Xifeng said in surprise: "Then Yuanyang is going to Yongping Mansion, and let the mansion prepare a car?"

  Although she didn't know what was going on, Wang Xifeng couldn't help feeling a little panicked when they were connected together.

   Ordinary people may not notice this, but for Wang Xifeng, she is in charge of the affairs of the mansion, so they naturally have to be connected. What is it that the mandarin ducks go to Yongping Mansion? People around the old lady actually traveled hundreds of miles to Yongping Mansion?

"Grandma, keep your voice down. This servant just felt that this trip to hold the piano came and went in a hurry. I didn't even see anyone else. I only saw the ancestors and the mandarin ducks. The master and wife left a letter and left." Ping'er also had some doubts on his face, "This mandarin duck is going to Yongping mansion tomorrow in a hurry, what's the matter, Jin Chuan'er, Xiangling and the others just went to Yongping with Aunt You two days ago, why don't they go together? "

  (end of this chapter)

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