Number of People

Chapter 931: Onlookers

  Chapter 931 Onlookers on the self-written scroll

  Ye Xianggao's face twitched slightly, Qi Yongtai is a square man, how could he teach such a thick-faced and cruel character? And he's still so young, could it be because of his family background?

  But Feng Tang's style evaluation is not like this. Apart from being calm and sophisticated, the outside world doesn't have any other bad opinions on Feng Tang.

  Of course, for people like them who have been in the officialdom for many years, Feng Ziying's performance just made them a little surprised because of the other party's age.

  In fact, there are some city and experience in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they basically all belong to this category. On the contrary, they must have sufficient strength and background to be able to be a personality.

Li Tingji was also somewhat dissatisfied, "Ziying, you have already understood the intention of the court when you were called back this time. There is no doubt about the importance of the status of Yongping Mansion. Support, but there are some things you should report to the court first, and there are some things that make haste make waste, and you should consider not being too radical."

"Li Gong made a point, Ziying understands, but Ziying still feels that there are some things that cannot be delayed now, weighing the pros and cons, even if there are some accusations and attacks, Ziying is willing to bear it all." Feng Ziying said calmly, On the surface, he accepted Li Tingji's criticism, but he still insisted on his own attitude.

Ye Xianggao and Li Tingji frowned at the same time, but they didn't say anything else, but Fang Congzhe hesitated, "Ziying, well, since you are so confident, why don't you tell me your reasons? You are so worried, why don't you talk about it?" You went to Yongping because the people's livelihood was full of resentment, the gentry resisted, and even wanted to come to Beijing to sue, so you probably don't want to see this situation?"

"Mr. Zhonghan, Ziying doesn't know what the lords in the court have heard to criticize Ziying, but if Ziying really violated the rules and acted recklessly, the capital procuratorate must have reacted long ago, Mr. Fu My lord presided over it, most of the gentry understood it, the general public cheered and cheered, the government has cleared up a lot of evils, and Ziying doesn't think she has done anything wrong."

  Feng Ziying knew very well who was behind the scenes.

Although the Lulong gentry who cleaned up the military households and hidden households had been forced to shrink back by Lei Tingwanjun's disposal of the Liao family, the Jian family, and the Mao family where Liao Defu belonged, especially because this matter also caused some Lulong gentry to fight each other, so these people only Can drink hate to accept.

   But when it comes to clearing up hidden villages, this is of great benefit.

  It is too unacceptable for these people to hand over all the farmland they have invaded for the past 20 years, and even make up for the taxes and labors of the past 20 years.

It's just that Feng Ziying has deliberately slowed down the efforts to clean up the hidden farmland because the construction of the two coal-iron complexes pays more attention to the labor provided by military households, and even deliberately made an anticlimactic posture. One can take a breath.

   But the noose is already around the necks of these people, and when to tighten it depends on your mood. It's no wonder that these people can't continue to shrink.

In addition, I have collected the case file and checked on the spot about the situation of Huimin Yantian in Changli. These news cannot be concealed from the big families in Changli. Naturally, these big wealthy families in Changli feel the murderous intent, so these two groups of people are now afraid. Already joined forces.

"As for some people clamoring and criticizing, Ziying thinks it's normal. There's no way to do something that doesn't touch people's interests, unless you don't do things." Feng Ziying said frankly: "The cleanup of military households and hidden households has been delayed for many years by Yongping Mansion. The untouched matter, this matter is not complicated, but it involves dozens of gentry in Lulong County. Potential,..."

"The previous colleagues turned a blind eye to them. Some of them were old and weak, some were sick and unable to intervene, and some were scholars from the south of the Yangtze River who were not familiar with the people's conditions. But Ziying was only eighteen years old, and her political observation period had just expired. I still understand, if it is still put on hold for various reasons, then Ziying will not accept the arrangement of the court,..."

"Ziying doesn't know what reaction you heard, but before I should be recalled to Beijing, the entire Lulong County Yuandong Shengzuowei, Lulongwei and Yongpingwei military households have been completely cleaned up, except for some military households. Because the households were in exile in Daning, Ningyuan and other places outside the customs, the Yongping Mansion has sent a letter to Liaodong Town through the Shandong Capital and submitted it to the Ministry of War, requesting the repatriation of these fugitive military households. It is expected that all of them will be cleaned up before the end of July. "

  The military affairs of Yongping Mansion are under the jurisdiction of the Shandong Metropolitan Government, while the areas under the jurisdiction of the Nine Frontier Army are directly under the direct control of the Ministry of War, so there is still such a procedure to go through.

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhang Jingqiu's face, and Zhang Jingqiu's lips moved slightly: "The military department has received a report, and the local military households in Yongping Prefecture have been cleared up, and we are only waiting for the military households who fled to Liaodong Town to be repatriated. "

This is also a matter of time difference. The news heard by the princes of the court is basically a beat, or even two beats behind. This is not a big deal, nor is it urgent. It will be fed back to the ears of these big guys.

  In the early stage, I'm afraid I need to ask more questions and verify it. In this way, with the timeliness of news transmission in this era, it is basically a matter of May, and they will not know until June.

And now it's the end of June, and Feng Ziying has already completely subdued these people with lightning speed. If it wasn't for Feng Ziying's stance of continuing to clean up the invaders, these people would probably not be willing to continue fighting. This strong little Feng Tongzhi continued to fight.

  The people do not fight against the officials, even if they are gentry, they still belong to the people, they are just the upper class people.

  The group of people looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that Feng Ziying would deal with such matters with a thunderbolt. It's so simple?

  All of you present here are veterans in the officialdom for many years, and they know very well how can it be so easy to mobilize the interests of the gentry?

   Not to mention desperate resistance, at least they will be soft and tough, and use various connections to say hello. How did you just hear this news? The rain is over there?

  Even Li Sancai couldn't bear it anymore, interjected and asked: "Ziying, it's not easy to clean up hermits, and it's been 20 years since the abolition of the three guards was involved, and it will be cleaned up in two or three months?"

"Mr. Daofu, the list of Huangji is actually in the military room of the government office. No one dares to smear and change it. The Ministry of War still has the bottom file. If the military secretary dares to mess around with this, then I have no choice but to The Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei have been invited to arrest people. As for the gentry involved, they are nothing more than beating snakes and beating seven inches, killing chickens to scare monkeys, and by the way, helping the Ministry of Criminal Justice to solve several major cases..."

  Feng Ziying's tone is very relaxed, but everyone here understands that in a few simple sentences, I don't know how much effort Feng Ziying has spent and how much preparation he has made in advance.

   To play Qicun, who is Qicun? Killing chickens to scare monkeys, who is the chicken? Is the chicken so easy to kill? There is no real evidence, can you move these gentry at will?

Moreover, if they are purely hermits, the punishment for the gentry is like tickling. Feng Ziying must have made a breakthrough from other aspects, and this is the only point to cover the whole. Otherwise, such a big thing will be done in two or three months. It may not be possible.

  Feng Ziying's answer made everyone present have different thoughts and mixed feelings.

Qi Yongtai was naturally happy and proud, but Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Li Tingji were full of emotions. There are many scholars in the north, and there are many who can read, but there are not many who are really able to be called ministers. This is also the main reason why Jiangnan scholars have always been able to occupy a dominant position in the imperial court. Even Li Sancai, a leader among northern scholars, was slowly influenced and drawn into the group of Jiangnan scholars. Come.

But the person in front of me showed extraordinary political talent in just a few months, which is even more thought-provoking than the strategy he proposed before. If you have such ability after ten or twenty years of experience It makes sense, but you just went down to be a magistrate of a government, so you have to be familiar with it for a year or so, right? It's so drastic to do it, and it's successful?

   To use luck alone to describe this is probably self-deception.

   Of course, I want to say that it makes a few people feel jealous, but it is not enough. After all, the situation where the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River suppressed the scholars in the north cannot be reversed by one or two people, let alone a junior like Feng Ziying.

  Even if he is amazingly talented, if he wants to reach the position of a third-rank official, it will be impossible within ten years.

  If you want to join the cabinet, let’s take a look at how old the youngest cabinet minister of the Great Zhou Dynasty was. Forty-two, it’s still in the Guangyuan period. No matter how powerful Feng Ziying is, it will take at least 20 years, right?

  Twenty years, which one of the people here can still stay in the court? Maybe the bones are rotten.

Besides, in twenty years, who can say clearly that no geniuses like Feng Ziying have come out? Can't it?

On the contrary, Li Sancai had a different perception of Feng Ziying. After all, this son had something to do with him at the beginning, or he had something to do with this son's emergence six years ago. He agrees too much with the conservative and outdated views of the scholars in the northern regions, but his roots are still in the northern regions, and he cannot be as unscrupulous as the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River.

Feng Ziying's outstanding performance is more dazzling, especially Li Sancai's recognition of Kaihai's strategy. In his opinion, this is a mind with a big picture and a big picture, and will not stick to the narrow box in the North Now it seems that this son still has his own means in specific local politics, which is worthy of praise.

When all the people were contemplating carefully, it was Zheng Jizhi who broke the silence: "Ziying, you have developed a large industrial and commercial mine, and you will also cooperate with the Ministry of War to set up a firecracker and artillery workshop. Well, you will also open Yuguan Port. Then this year There should be no problem with the summer tax and autumn grain in Yongping Mansion, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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