Number of People

Chapter 942: Catch the adulterer in the bed?

  Chapter 942 Caught **** in bed?

  Wang Xifeng, who was pressed under her, trembled even more when she heard Feng Ziying's groaning voice. There are still people outside!

  Ping'er was fine, but when Feng Ziying came in, Xiaohong and Sister Shan were watching.

  Sister Shan is nothing more than a foolish little girl, but she is also obedient and obedient. She has been with her for so many years, and she can't give birth to any moths.

  But Xiaohong is different.

  She is Lin Zhixiao's daughter, she has a sharp mind, bright eyelids, and she is attentive in doing things. Wang Xifeng also took a fancy to this girl who is willing to make progress, so she was transferred to his room.

But firstly, the time is too short to have a heart-to-heart relationship, and secondly, Wang Xifeng did not expect Xiaohong to be able to cultivate a person like Ping'er who knows everything from the bottom to the bottom and puts his heart to the heart. have children.

  Wang Xifeng wanted to use Xiaohong as a special card for himself to use externally, and it happened to be able to take advantage of Lin Zhixiao and his wife.

   "Brother Keng, there are still people outside." Wang Xifeng, who was angry and anxious, was sweating from anxiety.

  Feng Ziying couldn't hold back at this time, she lifted up the other party's long green dress, and while pulling away her sweat scarf, she wanted to get on the horse and accomplish something good.

   "What's wrong with someone? Who dares to meddle in my master's business? If Ping'er dares to come in, the master will take care of her as well!"

   "Brother Keng, and Xiaohong! That's Lin Zhixiao's daughter, and she came to my house not long ago!" Wang Xifeng was furious, "If she knows about this, will I still be alive?"

  Feng Ziying was slightly taken aback, and then remembered that Jia Yun also said that Lin Hongyu had come to Wang Xifeng's house, and thought it should be Wang Xifeng's confidant, but unexpectedly, hearing this tone, it seemed that it was not the case.

It's just that at this point, Feng Ziying can't bear it anymore, "What's wrong with Lin Zhixiao's daughter? I think Xiaohong is an ordinary person. Her mother and I have been deaf and dumb for so many years in Jia's mansion. It is well-known that she gave birth to a daughter." Could it be that she is so ignorant? Don't worry, I won't dare to chew my tongue if I borrow her courage."

  Wang Xifeng didn't expect Feng Ziying to know so much about the situation in the Rongguo Mansion, struggling to say: "This girl is just too lively, I'm afraid her mouth won't be steady,..."

  Feng Ziying didn't bother to pay attention to Wang Xifeng's helpless struggle, pulled down the other's green tube top, and was about to swing his spear and leap, but he heard a clear and sweet voice outside the door: "Sister Ping'er, is sister-in-law here?"

   Ping'er, who was restless, stood at the door, his face turned red and white, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

She also didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so wild and domineering, to carry the second grandma into the house so swaggeringly, what she did in the house, she can guess without even thinking about it, it's not like she hasn't seen the relationship between Jia Lian and the second grandma The matter of husband and wife, but between Uncle Feng and Second Mistress, what is this? …

  Although it has long been known that this step may be reached in the future, this step seems to have come too fast.

She had invited Feng Ziying here earlier because she thought that grandma had been suffering too much during this period, and she looked a bit haggard, but now Uncle Feng has become the psychological dependence of the two of them. Unexpectedly, Uncle Feng drank again, and after all this, he became like this.

   While she was in a trance, Feng Ziying's voice shocked her even more.

   Is this going to help the watchman guard the door?

I could vaguely hear the sound of the bed in the room, and the second grandma seemed to be talking to Uncle Feng, occasionally exclaiming coquettishly, and I didn't know what the two of them were doing. Thinking of this, Ping'er couldn't help but spit .

  What else can this couple do? It's not just the goblins fighting in the **** pictures.

Just feeling a little uncomfortable, she heard Xiaohong from the outer courtyard talking to someone. After a while, Xiaohong walked into the inner courtyard, "Sister, the second girl and the Xiuyan girl are here, and they happened to meet the third girl at the door." coming,…"

   "Ah?!" Ping'er was so frightened that his feet almost went limp, why did the second and third girls come, and Xing Xiuyan?

  What is this for, to catch rape?

   Fortunately, Ping'er is also calm and calm. Although his heart is turbulent, but his face only changed slightly and he stabilized his mind. "The three girls are here? The second grandma is still taking a nap at the moment,..."

  Xiaohong was a little surprised. She saw Uncle Feng come in. Why did it take so long for the second grandma to take a nap, so what about Uncle Feng? She didn't see Uncle Feng go out. Could it be that her eyes are blurred?

  Ping'er ignored the other party, with a calm face, and was about to go out, but before Xiaohong followed her out, he heard a voice coming in from the door, "Sister Ping'er, is sister-in-law here?"

   There was a thud, and before Ping'er had time to go out to stop it, he saw Tan Chun standing on the inner courtyard door, stepping in, followed by Ying Chun and Xiu Yan.

"Uh, grandma is still on her lunch break. Is the third lady busy?" Ping'er calmed down and went forward, "Grandma didn't sleep well yesterday, and she dealt with a mess of things this morning. I'm too busy, so I have to ask a girl to help me, I'm a little tired after lunch, I just fell asleep,..."

  Tanchun was a little puzzled, she saw Jia Huan came to her house drunk and complained for a while, and then she found out that Feng Ziying had returned and had dinner in Yihong Courtyard, so she came out to look for Feng Ziying.

Tanchun thought it would be in Hengwu Garden and Xiaoxiang Hall, but after asking, he found out that Feng Ziying had left the garden, and after asking all the way, a woman said that she was coming to Wang Xifeng's yard, so she came to ask. Thinking of meeting the second sister and Xiuyan at the door.

  Tan Chun's sound really almost frightened Feng Ziying, who was on the verge of daggers.

  Wang Xifeng’s small courtyard consists of five rooms in the main room, the bedroom is the innermost, and the outside is the daily rest room with two liters of kang couches, including the maids who watch at night in this room, and the outside is the largest main room in front of them.

   On the right is Jia Lian’s small reception room and study room, but after Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng reconciled, this room was changed, and the innermost room was also changed into Ping’er’s bedroom, and the outer room was also a lounge with a kang couch.

As for Tanchun and the others coming in, although they are separated by the wall and the fan, the straight-line distance is only two or three feet away. Even through the window lattice, as long as you stand up, you can vaguely see a few girls standing in the yard. .

And looking at the two people on the bed at this time, Feng Ziying's outer robe has already been taken off, only an inner shirt, and Wang Xifeng's emerald green skirt has been pulled up to her waist, her upper body beanie has fallen off, and her tube top has been thrown aside. , This is simply a living **** painting.

Seeing Feng Ziying's body froze, Wang Xifeng calmed down instead. She believed that with Ping'er's quick wit, she would naturally find a solution, so she simply stood up and looked out in the midday sun. Trembling under the half cover, falling into Feng Ziying's eyes, it was unbearable.

  But no matter how unbearable it is, I can only hold back now, there are three girls outside.

Seeing Feng Ziying's embarrassing appearance, Wang Xifeng was also amused, so she simply put her body on Feng Ziying's body, put her mouth next to Feng Ziying's ear, and whispered: "Come on, didn't you say that no one dares to meddle in your business? Doesn't it mean that whoever comes in will be dealt with? I want to see how powerful Uncle Feng is, if he dares to really do whatever he wants,..."

Faced with Wang Xifeng's provocation at this time, Feng Ziying gritted her teeth, and only dared to pinch the plump place with her hands bitterly. She wanted to give that fat buttocks another slap, but she was worried that the sound would be crisp. Noisy, maybe his whereabouts will be exposed, so he can only endure it.

Being pinched to the vitals by Feng Ziying, Wang Xifeng secretly cursed that the dead man didn't know how to pity and cherish jade, and even put his body close to the other party, deliberately teasing the other party, watching Feng Ziying's burning flames, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but eat Sneaking, he finally gained the upper hand over this guy.

   "Brother Feng has been here?" Although Tanchun felt strange, he didn't think too much about it.

   "Brother Feng is back?!" Yingchun and Xiuyan were both surprised, "When did it happen?"

"Uh, I heard that I came back yesterday. I came to the mansion this morning. The lunch is said to be served in the Yihong Courtyard of Second Brother Bao. Both Brother Huan and Brother Lan ate with me. Second Brother Bao When he was drunk, brother Feng left the garden, I heard that the mother-in-law said that she came to the second sister-in-law,..."

  When Yingchun and Xiuyan asked, Ping'er's mind was running rapidly, thinking about how to answer this question.

  If she doesn’t admit it, then Xiaohong beside her will definitely become suspicious. Everyone in the yard has seen this. If she admits it, it will be a troublesome matter. So where did Feng Ziying go?

  Why didn't you show up in the house? What is Second Grandma doing?

After pondering for a while, Ping'er pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Uncle Feng is here and had some wine, but grandma was resting at that time, so he just came in and said a few words to me, then left .”

  Xiaohong next to her was shocked. She didn't know why Ping'er lied. Uncle Feng entered the inner courtyard and never came out. Could it be that she was really dazzled? impossible.

   It's just that under such circumstances, she absolutely dare not question it, so she can only lower her head and remain silent.

  Tanchun didn't think much about it, but regretted not seeing Feng Ziying. It is estimated that Feng Ziying should have gone back to Feng's residence at this time.

   "Oh, Brother Feng is gone?" Tanchun shook his head, and then asked Yingchun and Xiuyan, "Second Sister and Sister Xiuyan are also looking for Second Mistress here?"

"We're not looking for Second Mistress, but to see Ping'er. I heard that Ping'er didn't feel well the day before yesterday, and he rested in the room for two days. I don't know if she's better?" Yingchun pursed her lips. He smiled and said, "Have you ever taken the Bazhen Yimu Pill I asked Siqi to bring you?"

Although Yingchun is honest, she is very careful. Pinger usually takes good care of Zhuijinlou, and Yingchun also remembers it in her heart, unlike her own servant girl Mang Siqi, so I learned that Pinger had a few days ago. He suffered from the cold and was on his menstrual period, so he specially asked Siqi to bring the Bazhen Yimu Pills in his room for Ping'er to take.

   "Ah? I'm sorry, Ping'er, why didn't I know? When I get back, I'll have to talk about the servant girl..." Tan Chun apologized repeatedly.

"Miss, don't be like this. It's not a serious illness at first, but it's just a little bit of cold,..., thank you for the medicine, the second girl, and it's much better after taking it. I just said that I will come to the girl's room every two days to thank you. " Ping'er groaned secretly in his heart. If people come to visit like this, they can't keep talking at the door. It's not only unruly, but also suspicious.

She had no choice but to lift the curtain and invite the three of them into the house, but she was thinking about the blessings of the gods and Buddhas in her heart. Grandma, even she can't see anyone.

  (end of this chapter)

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