Number of People

Chapter 944: Jizijuan tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop

  Chapter 944 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop

  Walking out of Wang Xifeng's small courtyard, Feng Ziying was also full of boredom. Anyone who encountered such a thing would feel restless.

   This frank relative spent a long time on the bed, seeing that he was about to cook rice, but he didn't expect to meet Yingchun and Tanchun, which made him feel ashamed and uncomfortable.

   Fortunately, the drunkenness gradually faded away, and Feng Ziying also knew that she was a little crazy, and she was going to let loose at such a time. If someone bumped into her, wouldn't she be afraid of not doing it for the rest of her life?

   Shaking her head, Feng Ziying laughed at herself. It is better to be more cautious in such things in the future, and don't do this kind of licking of honey again. If you don't pay attention, you will cut yourself.

  As soon as he reached the corner gate and was about to go out to return home, he met Jia Zheng alighting from the carriage and was surprised to see Feng Ziying.

   "Brother Keng, where are you going?"

"Uncle Zheng Shi, my nephew had dinner with Baoyu, Brother Huan, and Brother Lan in the Baoyu Courtyard, and was about to go back to the mansion." Can't be polite.

   "Hi, when did you come back?" Jia Zheng talked to Feng Ziying affectionately, "Go, sit in uncle's study."

  Feng Ziying wanted to refuse, but she couldn't say it, so she could only follow Jia Zheng into the house.

  In Jia Zheng's study, Jia Zheng also asked about Feng Ziying's situation in Yongping Mansion. Feng Ziying also patiently gave an introduction.

In his impression, Jia Zheng is not very interested in these specific affairs. What he prefers is the kind of step-by-step, on-the-spot response, and a leisurely position without too many specific affairs. A member of the Ministry of Industry, Wailang, is very suitable for him. The other Yuanwailang had to take on specific tasks, but he was the only one. Everyone knew his temperament, so he was allowed to live in the Ministry of Industry.

  But it seems that Jia Zheng is a little different today.

"Uncle Zheng Shi, the local affairs are cumbersome, and you must be patient. When my nephew first went, it was mainly to cross the river by feeling the stones slowly, and gradually get used to it. But there is such a process. I'm interested, maybe Uncle Shi also intends to leave Beijing?" Feng Ziying didn't know what Jia Yuanchun told Jia Zheng, but he was very puzzled by Jia Zheng's silence.

"Uh, to be honest with my nephew, the empress also brought a letter from the palace, saying that if Uncle Yu has a chance, he might as well go out of Beijing to try it out. I'm really tired of staying in Beijing for the rest of my life. Uncle is also willing to give it a try."

  Jia Zheng still looked a little embarrassed, as if he had no confidence in going to Beijing to serve as an official, and worried that he would not be able to adapt to the outside world.

  However, in "A Dream of Red Mansions", it seems that Jia Zheng went out of Beijing to study in Jiangxi.

   While thinking about it, he saw Baoxiang poking his head outside Jia Zheng’s study. Feng Ziying finally found the opportunity, and immediately asked, “So you don’t understand the rules? I’m talking to Uncle Zheng Shi. What’s the matter?”

   "My father-in-law is here in the palace. I heard that the emperor is going to summon me, please enter the palace immediately." Baoxiang said with lowered eyelids.

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was taken aback.

When he came back, he was summoned by the cabinet, and he also knew the reason roughly. Yuguan opened a port, Yongping opened a mine and a smelting workshop, and the Qing army was involved in the Ministry of War, and offended so many gentry. It is normal to call him back to ask what happened. , but this should not be enough for the emperor to summon him.

  As far as he knows, the emperor is not in good health, and the morning court has been continuously postponed and shortened. Now the morning court may not be held once every ten days, and the noon court time is also very short, and it is rare to see foreign ministers in the East Study Room.

  Jia Zheng was even more shocked.

Feng Ziying just came back, and he also said that the cabinet summoned him to understand the situation. He was still consoling himself. It may be that Yongping Prefecture has a relatively special geographical location, a hub connecting Liaodong and Guanzhong, and he is Qi Yongtai's favorite student, so he called back. Just ask, the other elders are just trying to give Qi Yongtai a face.

  But it is different when the emperor summons him. Qi Yongtai doesn't have that much face to command the emperor. It seems that the emperor wants to see Feng Ziying himself.

  How could this Feng Ziying and He De be summoned by the emperor again and again?

  Although Jia Zheng doesn't care about business affairs in the Ministry of Industry, he is still very interested in all kinds of gossip circulating in the six departments. He can hear countless news with his ears open every day.

It is not a secret that Feng Ziying was summoned by the emperor twice when she was writing in the Imperial Academy. It should be that Feng Ziying's plan to open the sea is too much in line with the emperor's appetite, so he was summoned twice to ask for details.

Now the strategy of opening up the sea has already become a foregone conclusion, and Feng Ziying was once "suppressed" to take up a post in Beijing. Everyone thought that Feng Ziying's official career should return to a normal track. If the performance is average, you may be sent to a big government to serve as a co-prefect to continue your training. If you perform well, you will be promoted from the fourth rank, such as a provincial chief envoy to serve as a councilor.

  If it is someone else, it is basically possible to be promoted only after the second term, but if it is Feng Ziying, there is a high probability that he will be promoted after three years of term, and enter the sequence of officials from the fourth rank.

  However, Jia Zheng felt that he still underestimated Feng Ziying's influence. Feng Ziying only returned to Beijing yesterday, and today the cabinet ministers finished their inquiries, and the emperor summoned him before the next day. This is too exaggerated.

  Think about those fourth-rank magistrates from other places who seldom return to Beijing after years. If they want to be interviewed by the emperor alone, most of them can only meet in groups, which is enough to prove that Feng Ziying is favored.


"Nephew, hurry up. It is a great joy to be summoned by the emperor. How can you delay? Uncle Yu, you can come at any time. Uncle Yu is also very happy that you can come and sit for a while, Baoyu, Brother Lan Over there, go take a look and give them some pointers, hey, brother Huan has gone to the academy now, Uncle Yu has put down a stone, and your Aunt Zhao is much more at ease now,..."

  Jia Zheng babbled about his family affairs, which made Feng Ziying feel as if Jia Zheng had aged a lot all of a sudden.

"Anyway, can you come more, to the sisters, to Baoyu and Lan Geer, by the way, a few days ago you Xi Shibo also mentioned that Brother Cong is now studying, if you can go and encourage me , is also good,..."

   Jia Cong? Feng Ziying still has a little impression that he is Jia She's **** son, who is two years younger than Jia Lan, probably less than ten years old now?

It seems that the Jia family still regards themselves as big trees, and they have become wisterias, but the girls of the Jia family seem to feel the same as themselves, entangled with each other, but there is always a gap between them , insurmountable, maybe a breakthrough can be made in Yingchun or Tanchun?

  The waiter waiting outside the Donghua Gate waited until Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying naturally apologized, and a golden letter was inevitable, and the little servant also smiled brightly, and led Feng Ziying in happily.

   "Master Feng, the emperor has not often summoned foreign officials in the East Study Room, and you are the first one in the past half month."

   "Oh, maybe it's the hot weather. The sun is really irritating." Feng Ziying was still sweating profusely even though she was traveling by car from Rongguo Mansion to Donghuamen.

  The waiter was a little surprised to see that Feng Ziying didn't intend to inquire about anything.

In the past, when it was his turn to bring foreign ministers to an audience, these ministers would more or less ask some questions. Eunuch Zhou also explained that as long as they asked, they could answer as required. If they didn't ask, they could also raise some topics to attract attention. they ask.

   Today, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was brought into the palace for the first time. Seeing that he was generous, he thought that the other party would ask some questions, but he did not expect the other party to speak so steadily.

   I was a little surprised, but also a little bit unwilling, the little servant said again: "Yes, the weather is too big, I went back to the Ministry of Households to see Mr. Zheng, and the emperor also specially rewarded him with a drink, and gave him a seat to answer,..."

   "Bo Xiaogong is old, the emperor is considerate, and the courtiers are naturally grateful." Feng Ziying said plainly.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying closed the door with another sentence, the little servant became more and more depressed, but he didn't dare to say any more. This person is humble, but he is very popular in Beijing, and the emperor seems to value him very much.

  Feng Ziying didn't know who this little servant was instigated to come here. If such a sentence was accidentally missed, he could still ignore it, but this repeated leak was obviously not a rule in the palace.

  Feng Ziying didn't believe that a golden lock could have such a big effect. Although there were no secrets in the palace, secrets were not something that could be discovered in this way.

  East Study Room.

Emperor Yonglong rubbed his temples, feeling more and more that age is not forgiving. Since the year before last, he has felt that his energy is low, and he has almost given up all activities. Except for Qingxiu and court affairs, he doesn't care much about other affairs. Even the palace affairs were handed over to Mrs. Xu.

  Several sons have grown up, Xu can't do anything even if he wants to, as long as he doesn't give her a chance to get involved in Chao Gang, she will never imagine exerting influence like the concubine.

  Emperor Yonglong knew that the situation was very bad, but he always thought that he could control it, but after all the calculations, he didn't calculate that his physical condition had declined so fast that he himself felt a little caught off guard.

  There also seemed to be aware of something, and the activities became more and more frequent, but the hateful emperor still turned a blind eye, which made Yonglong Emperor hate and worry in his heart.

These sons are too immature, maybe I should let them go out to practice earlier, but now the situation is getting more and more delicate, Emperor Yonglong dare not let go easily, once something goes wrong, internal and external troubles erupt, it will be an unmanageable situation .

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yonglong became more and more troubled.

  (end of this chapter)

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