Number of People

Chapter 961: Discuss the conditions

  Chapter 961 Discussing the conditions in the self-written paper

  Feng Ziying really didn't have time to entangle, this treasure, he almost put all his strength on it.

  It is already the beginning of July, and the Mongols should have almost assembled by mid-September at the latest, and they are about to go south.

  Where to go south, where is the breakthrough point, is unknown.

   But the northern wall is too long, no one can block it.

  Furthermore, judging from the information obtained by the Staff Party Division, once both internal and external Khalkhas have to join in, it is almost certain that from Xuanfu to Jizhen and even Liaodong, the Mongolian left-wing tribes will not let it go.

  Whether it's a feint attack or a split-way breakthrough, Yongping Mansion can't escape, and even Yongping Mansion can have several breakthroughs in its turn.

  Look at the area from Xifengkou to Yiyuankou, hundreds of miles away, how much can those beacons alone be able to block?

  The Taiping Camp, Jianchang Camp, Yanhe Camp, Taitou Camp, and Shimen Camp were supposed to be the main force in resisting the invasion of the Mongolian cavalry, but Feng Ziying didn't know how effective they would be.

In fact, in the conversation between You Shigong and him, some meanings were vaguely revealed. These battalions will be used intensively when facing the large-scale invasion of the Mongols. That's a dead end, and the main thing is that Ji Town needs to coordinate and integrate to fight.

Although the words sound good, Feng Ziying understands the hidden meaning. If the number of Mongolian troops invading is not large, then Jizhen will unite its forces to fight, but if the number of Mongolian troops exceeds expectations, then Jizhen will defend Shuntian Prefecture to ensure the capital. Safety comes first.

   Then abandoning Yongping Mansion is also a matter of cleaning up.

  This is unacceptable to Feng Ziying.

   There is no need to be suspicious of people, since Feng Ziying has made up his mind, he will go all out.

  In the next few days, the Minzhuang gathered from five counties and one prefecture were screened, plus those selected from military households, a total of more than 2,000 people from sixteen posts began to enter basic training.

   Dozens of people who performed well in the first batch of eight outposts were selected to serve as team instructors, and under the unified command of Feng An, large-scale training for the two thousand people began.

And the first batch of Foshan Zhuangji firecrackers that disembarked from Yuguan Port were also transported from Yuguan to Lulong via Funing, and began to equip the first batch of eight sentinel Minzhuang, Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's Bashanying Each department took four whistles for mixed formation to help them train.

   At the same time, under the command of Huang Zuo and Huang Zuo, the two divisions of Bashanying began to standardize the formation training according to the booklet written by Feng Ziying, in order to quickly make up for the shortcomings in this area.

In July, with the completion of a walled city outside Lulong City, the whole village and the second part of the Bashan Ying were put in place one after another, and some of them entered the city. It is only two miles away from Lulong County, and they are the horns of each other.

  This walled city is different from the usual walled city. It was built with newly produced cement and mud bricks, and the regulations are also built according to the bastion structure.

In fact, Feng Ziying doesn't know much about the architectural structure of the bastion. He can only roughly guide the construction team to build according to this model according to his own understanding and imagination. It looks roughly like a relatively simple Italian-style bastion, but expanded. The purpose of hitting angle and polyhedron can still be basically achieved.

At the same time, the construction of protruding bastions and horse-faced structures similar to those in Qian'an and Lulong counties began, and a large number of prominent diamond-shaped fortresses or horse-faced structures were built on the four sides of the city walls, so as to maximize the advantages of firecrackers. Under the circumstances that the current level of cannon casting is still unsatisfactory, Feng Ziying trusts the firecrackers that have been inspected by herself.

  Feng Ziying also mentioned to Zhuang Limin that after completing the formation of the new firecracker army, casting cannons and forming artillery units will also become a major event in Liaodong Town in the future, which Zhuang Limin also deeply agrees with.

  However, cannon-casting technology has higher requirements for steel, but now that the steel-making process has been solved, these should not be a problem, and more problems need to be solved for skilled craftsmen who are proficient in cannon-casting.

   You Shilu rode his horse to catch up with Feng Ziying, and the two slowed down.

"It seems that you are really planning to fight in Qian'an?" You Shilu looked solemnly, "I saw the hands and feet you did on the Qian'an city wall and repaired so many prismatic horse faces. Use Frang machine guns and firecrackers to deal with the Chahar people? But can those strong people play a role?"

   "We don't want to use Minzhuang, but Brother You, tell me the truth, is Jizhen ready to defend Yongping?" Feng Ziying asked back.

You Shilu scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ziying, you know that there are only tens of thousands of troops in Jizhen, but the defense line is too long, and the deputy commanders and generals below have their own troops. It is very difficult for my elder brother to command them, but the military situation is like a fire, and if there is a delay in a dispute, or the people below are obedient and disobedient, my elder brother will be responsible for causing a catastrophe, so my elder brother would rather bear it and wait. After this time, there will naturally be an argument.”

   "Then what the third brother means is that Jizhen won't take care of Yongping?" Feng Ziying was not fooled by You Shilu's nonsense, "Besides the leader of the battle line, it can't be said that we have no responsibility for Yongping, right?"

You Shilu also sighed, shook his head, and finally said hesitantly: "Ziying, let me tell you the truth, of course Jizhen is responsible for Yongping Mansion, but there has been a strict order from the Ministry of War to protect Shuntian Mansion as a priority." The main responsibility, but Ji Town will also consider the balance, Taitou Camp and Shimen Camp will be deployed by Shanhaiwei,..."

"Brother You San, this is not being kind. The line from Taitouying to Shimenying is under the control of the East Road. Shanhaiwei is duty-bound. The line from Funing to Yuguan, unless Lindan Batur is struggling , will he come this way?" Feng Ziying was also a little angry, and it seemed that You Shigong really planned to abandon Yongping Mansion completely, "Even if the Mongols came in from Yiyuankou to Jielingkou, they I will never touch Funing and Yuguan, there are still 5,000 cavalry in Shanhaiguan, the Mongols are not stupid, so aren't they afraid of taking the wrong path?"

  You Shilu was a little embarrassed, but he didn't want to deceive the other party, and in fact he couldn't.

"Brother You San, can we talk about this war? Will the Taiping, Jianchang, and Yanhe camps be taken away? Will they retreat immediately? Or even give up completely and retreat to the end of the war. Luanhe River and Weishui River?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

  You Shilu remained silent.

  Feng Ziying became more certain in her heart. You Shigong must have considered this point, and You Shilu would not explain it to himself, so he could only keep silent.

   "Brother You San, will you protect Kaiping Zhongtunwei?" Feng Ziying asked again.

You Shilu shook his head bitterly, "Ziying, I can't answer you. It all depends on the scale of the Mongols' invasion to the south. If it is too big and multi-pronged, I guess we can only do it in many places." Give up and fall back..."

"Where is the bottom line?" Feng Ziying became more and more frightened. It seems that the news received by Jizhen and the Ministry of War is getting less and less optimistic. It is possible for the Erka tribes to join, and now it seems that it is basically confirmed.

"The first line of defense is along the Chaohe River, from Fengrun, Yutian to Liangchengsuo; then the second line of defense is not to be missed, Pinggu-Sanhe-Baodi, all the way to Tianjinwei, the main consideration is not to let the water transport be cut off , that would have too much impact." You Shilu's voice lowered, "It is said that the internal and external Khalkha tribes dispatched a lot of troops this time, all around 20,000 to 30,000 people, and with the addition of the Chahar headquarters, it is estimated that it may exceed One hundred thousand troops."

In fact, there are about 100,000 people in Jizhen's army, but the Mongols are mainly cavalry, and their mobility is too strong. Most of the servants who follow them use horses as a means of transportation, so their mobility is much stronger than that of Jizhen. .

In addition, Ji Town has to deploy a large number of troops along the side wall to prevent the Mongols from attacking the west and directly breaking through from the north. Therefore, there are not many troops that can be deployed for mobile operations, at most 20,000 to 30,000 people.

   "The first line of defense is on the Chaohe River, so who else can defend our Yongping Mansion?" Feng Ziying sneered.

What about whether the Taiping Camp, Jianchang Camp, and Yanhe Camp will be taken away? They will definitely be taken away. Basically, there won't be too much resistance, but they will directly retreat to the territory of Shuntian Mansion, and even Fengrun may give up directly.

You Shilu looked into the distance, "It is said, it can only be said that the Ministry of War intends to deploy the Fifth Army Battalion of the Beijing Camp and one of the Shenji Battalion to assist in the defense of Jizhen, but the specific situation has not yet been determined. I don't know yet..."

   "Are these trash from Beijing camp sent to death?" Feng Ziying was not surprised by this.

   There is no doubt that this is a tacit understanding between Emperor Yonglong, the cabinet and even the Ministry of War. There are tens of thousands of people in the Beijing camp, which consumes a lot of food and salaries every year, but it does not play a role. It is better to use waste, and it is not a bad thing to clean it up.

The guys in Jingying still think highly of themselves, they think they are the number one army in the world, they invite civil and military officials to watch the drill every year, they play a lot of fancy tricks, and they don't even pay attention to the frontier army, now it's just time for them to come Test the waters.

  You Shilu laughed, "Ziying, you also look down on the Beijing camp so much. You must know that the governor was almost going to be a general of the Fifth Army Battalion back then."

   "Hmph, my father isn't that stupid." Feng Ziying sighed, "I don't want to talk about it, I know the situation now, I don't ask for anything else, I just ask for a battalion of cavalry as a maneuver."

  (end of this chapter)

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