Number of People

Chapter 971: Zizi Juan is coming

  Chapter 971 Self-written volume is coming

  Perhaps the artisans have not fully realized this point, but Zhuang Limin, who is both a craftsman and an owner at the same time, is keenly aware of the huge potential contained in the production model proposed by Feng Ziying.

The complexity of making a gun mechanism is far beyond ordinary people's imagination. From the beginning of forging, sawing, filing, grinding, drilling, and various small parts have different particularities and requirements, and each part must be in accordance with the size and other series. If there is a slight error in the component alignment, the entire workpiece may be scrapped, and the degree of hard work can be imagined.

   This is why a firecracker is so expensive, it is all carefully crafted one by one.

  But if, as Feng Ziying said, each small part can be handed over to a group of craftsmen and apprentices, or even every process of each small part can be handed over to a group of people to make it, it will be much simpler.

For example, forging is only responsible for forging, sawing according to the ruler is responsible for sawing, grinding and shaping is only responsible for grinding, drilling is dedicated to drilling, and assembly is responsible for assembly. If each process can be done every day Twenty times, hundreds of times in a month, like an oil seller, only if you are familiar with it, you can greatly improve your efficiency.

  Of course, this also has the requirements mentioned by Feng Ziying, that is, it needs to be made strictly according to the scale, otherwise the parts made by one group of craftsmen cannot match the parts made by another group of craftsmen, and the loss will be great.

   There will be fallacies in this kind of production, and there will also be scrapping, but once it enters the stage of skilled operation, it will greatly reduce scrapped products and greatly improve efficiency.

"My lord, let me see if this can be done. Most of the people on my side still follow the original method of production, bringing a group of apprentices, but we can draw out a group of craftsmen and divide them into several groups to follow what you said. If you try that way, you may not be able to see the difference in ten days and a half months, but after three months, or half a year, I believe that you may be able to compare the pros and cons of the two sides,..."

   Zhuang Limin suggested enthusiastically.

  Feng Ziying sighed, she also hoped so, but can the Mongols wait for that time?

Fortunately, the second and third batches of firecrackers from Foshan and Guangzhou have already arrived and distributed to their own folks, and it is also fortunate that Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu have devoted themselves to the training of these folks , and the pre-training methods I provided are very effective, otherwise, Feng Ziying really has no confidence in sticking to Yongping Mansion.

   Smiling, Feng Ziying said with emotion: "Brother Limin, I can do as you said, but not now."

   "Huh? Why?" Zhuang Limin was puzzled.

  Feng Ziying signaled Zhuang Limin to follow her to the side, and then said in a low voice: "I got the news that there is still a month to go, and the Mongols may go south in a big way, and Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion will bear the brunt."

  Feng Ziying has been suppressing this news, but in fact, Shanxi merchants have vaguely known about it, and Feng Ziying also talked to them, basically forming a consensus.

The reason why Zhuang Limin came last was because he was afraid that Zhuang Limin had been in the south and had never encountered such a thing. He was afraid that he would panic first, and the craftsmen who drove him would also be flustered, which would affect the iron smelting and Gun production.

  As expected, Zhuang Limin turned pale with fright, Feng Ziying didn't show off, and directly told the other party what he thought, which made Zhuang Limin feel a little more at ease.

"But my lord, can the two county towns of Qian'an and Lulong withstand the Mongolian army?" Zhuang Limin is not so easy to fool, "Why didn't the army of Jizhen defend Yongping Mansion? Thousands of strong people can reach Is it the effect you expected?"

"It depends on the final training effect of the firecrackers you brought and the people I trained to the two new officers of the Liaodong Army." Feng Ziying could only answer in this way, "In the end we will make an evaluation. As we expected, I will take all of them to Shanhaiguan."

  This guarantee reassures Zhuang Limin that Shanhaiguan is the number one pass in Jizhen, which is where Da Zhou can never give up, and Zhuang Limin still knows this.

   "Then during this time...?" Zhuang Limin still hesitated. These craftsmen are his painstaking efforts. It would be a pity if they were compromised.

   "It's okay, they will continue to do what they do. We also have sentries and scouts outside the side wall. If the Mongols want to move, we can know at least half a month in advance, and we will have time to withdraw when the time comes." Feng Ziying was not too worried about this.

"I'm afraid that if Jizhen doesn't care, we still have so many people and family members here, as well as these stoves and equipment..." Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't answer why Jizhen didn't defend Yongping Mansion, Zhuang Limin roughly understood, and went No more questions.

   "The stove doesn't matter, the Mongols won't be interested, but the equipment must be moved into the city in advance. Of course, the most important thing is the craftsman..." Feng Ziying felt relieved when talking about the same road with Zhuang Limin.

   "Is there no danger to Yaozi?" Feng Ziying suddenly remembered something.

   "That's nothing." Zhuang Limin shook his head, "The formula is all usual, it's just a little more troublesome to remove impurities by boiling nitrate,..."

  Black powder technology is indeed no secret to Da Zhou, and nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur are not new things either.

  However, Feng Ziying still made a suggestion to Zhuang Limin, that is to granulate the prepared gunpowder, and make granulated gunpowder through humidification, which can increase the power of gunpowder.

In fact, Zhuang Limin and the others vaguely knew that granular gunpowder was more effective than powdered gunpowder, but they didn't know the reason behind it. Feng Ziying roughly explained it to them, but since the oxygen in the air space is easier to burn, these principles are not Chinese people of this era at all. As far as I can understand, Feng Ziying didn't go into details, but it is a fact that granular gunpowder is better against moisture and has greater power, but it does not increase.

  Practice has also proved that the power of granular gunpowder is far better than that of powdered gunpowder in every aspect, which also makes Zhuang Limin and the others admire.


  Feng Ziying walked a long circle from Lulong to Qian'an and then to Yuguan Port. Then she returned to Lulong and went to see the training situation of Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu.

   It should be said that Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu's dissatisfaction was provoked, and the five thousand people were divided into two divisions, which is equivalent to forming two battalions of new firearms.

  The last batch of firecrackers was equipped. Except that the number of self-generated firecrackers was less than expected, the ordinary firecrackers were fully satisfied.

The staged training method taught by Professor Feng Ziying has indeed greatly improved the training efficiency and progress of these men. These men who have never touched firearms before, start with easy and then difficult, and complete the training in stages and steps quickly. After basic training, he entered the stage of improving with actual combat training.

   "No way, the time is so short, if you want to adapt them to the possible battles as soon as possible, you can only practice desperately, um, including shooting."

  Huang Degong is not without envy and panic.

   This is real live ammunition shooting, even they did not enjoy this kind of treatment in Liaodong, shooting without restriction, in order to let them adapt as soon as possible.

   But it also brought about a big problem, that is, the consumption of ammunition and the wear of the barrel were too great, so that in the end, the intensity of live ammunition training had to be reduced, and I really didn't dare to play like this.

"Although the shooting power has been slightly reduced, big brother, it is already very strong. It is much stronger than when we were training in Liaodong. It is too wasteful." Zuo Liangyu continued, tsk-tsk, "Our live ammunition shooting is not as good as them Half, or even less than thirty percent!"

   "I know, but their time is so tight, if they don't train like this, they can't meet the standard at all. Even so, it's not enough." Feng Ziying was still a little dissatisfied.

  Yaozi was satisfied with his chest, but he had to consider the wear and tear of the barrel. Although the quality of stainless steel was the best, this kind of barrel was precisely the most demanding.

   "My lord, it's really not bad." Huang Degong felt that Feng Ziying was a little critical.

  He is a person with extremely high training requirements. Even so, he feels that the current group of people are too much to be trained by him.

  If it weren’t for the best treatment given three meals a day, the threat of whips and sticks, and the daily selection of the so-called “training stars” to encourage them with money, Huang Degong felt that this group of people might have collapsed.

"Isn't that bad? Hushan, then will they face the Mongolian cavalry who are roaring and charging, will they complete the shooting wave after wave in an orderly manner like this training?" Feng Ziying asked with a sneer road.

  Both Huang Degong and Zuo Liangyu remained silent.

  This requirement is too high.

  They came based on the consideration of fighting defensive battles inside the city walls or fences, or relying on convoys to conduct operations. They never considered encounters with enemy cavalry outside the field, which was too demanding.

   "So, it's not enough." Feng Ziying said coldly.

"So what? Brother, don't talk about them. Even if our Bashan Battalion really has to face a large-scale attack by Mongolian cavalry, various situations may happen." Zuo Liangyu said realistically: "This is not a training ability. To achieve this, only veteran soldiers who survived several battles can complete this tempering!"

"Then proceed according to the possible battle!" Feng Ziying said unceremoniously: "A battalion of cavalry from Jizhen will arrive soon, so we will use them as an imaginary enemy and have a few rounds of real battles. My son, everything else is completely trained according to the encounter mode. I think it is also a baptism for the cavalry of Jizhen. They may face the firecrackers of the East in the future, and we need to face the Mongolian and armored cavalry of the East! "

  (end of this chapter)

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