Number of People

Chapter 975: Zizijuan maids

  Chapter 975 Self-written scroll maids

  Jia Rong leaves, but Qingwen is still waiting to meet.

  Feng Ziying also felt a little unpredictable for a while.

  If there is something to do at home, it shouldn't be like this. Let Qingwen go, what is this?

  Seeing Qingwen all the time, Feng Ziying finally understood after listening to Qingwen's word-for-word conveyance.

   This is Jia Yuanchun's message, or he wants to gain some understanding through his own feedback.

   "Baoqin said that although the master has not achieved anything in his studies, he has always been enthusiastic about cultivating students,..."

Feng Ziying understood in seconds that Jia Zheng wanted to release it, and it seemed that Jia Yuanchun still came forward but pleaded with Emperor Yonglong. After all, he also had the name of husband and wife. A student of politics should be nothing, but it is hard to say whether it will bring something in the future. .

   "Baoqin also asked about the situation of the master in Yongping Mansion, and said that there are many talks about the master in the palace now, and there are mixed praises and criticisms, so let the master be careful..."

   This was also expected by Feng Ziying. It was such a troublesome place under the eyelids of the capital city. Even a little movement could be quickly spread to the court and even the palace.

   "Is there anything else?" Feng Ziying frowned seeing Qingwen's hesitation to speak, "Just say what you have, and I will make my own judgment."

"Well, Baoqin also said that the empress thinks that the princes are very concerned about the emperor's physical condition. Everyone will go to the palace every month to deliver medicine and offer prescriptions. It makes people feel very filial. The concubines and others in the palace are also Followed suit one after another,…”

  Feng Ziying raised her eyebrows slightly, implying that the emperor is not in good health, so the princes couldn't hold back anymore?

It’s no wonder that King Shou followed Liu Yixiu to Shandong to inspect Denglai. I’m afraid it would be very irritating to the other princes. This means that King Shou was the first to obtain the right to directly participate in government affairs. Although it was only a simple inspection, And Liu Yixiu is the main one, but this announcement is very important, and the other adult princes will certainly not be descendants.

   This is also the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. Could it be that we have entered the post-Emperor Yonglong era from now on?

  In this kind of talk, both parties have clear goals, so the talkers themselves may not understand the meaning of the words, only each of them knows the meaning, but the content involved will not be too much.

   After asking about the situation, Feng Ziying asked Qingwen to step down. He needed to think carefully, especially with the news from Jia Rong, Feng Ziying felt that a big storm was brewing in the capital city.

  Where did this storm originate, what caused it, and what factors contributed to it?

   Who will be involved actively or passively?

  What will the final outcome look like?

The Mongolian Kou Bian, the Jianzhou Jurchen plan and will take action, and the involvement of the Southwest Chieftain, these are several important factors, but if it is said that this will overthrow the Great Zhou, Feng Ziying thinks it is not enough, but why is it like Yuan Chun and Jia Jing These people seem to have sensed the crisis and acted one after another?

   But Yuan Chun didn't seem to really explain where the crisis came from, but just a kind of anxiety, because she had no other countermeasures, or she was just helpless and asked herself for divination?

Unless Emperor Yonglong's health is really out of control, but based on my own observations when I saw Emperor Yonglong, although Emperor Yonglong's physical condition is not good, it is far from the point where he is about to die, so this is what Feng Ziying is most upset about. solution.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying felt more and more that the situation in the Great Zhou Dynasty was completely different from the Ming Dynasty in his memory.

  The Great Zhou inherited the regulatory system of the Ming Dynasty, but there were many differences.

The power of the Wu Xun group is still huge. The relationship between the Supreme Emperor, the Emperor and Prince Yizhong is complicated and confusing. Uncertainty, coupled with the blending of external factors, made the entire situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty appear extremely chaotic, and it was difficult for anyone to see clearly.

  Pick up a pen to write a letter, Feng Ziying needs to write this letter to Wang Wenyan.

Wang Wenyan seems to have been a little slack during this time, or put his mind too much on Yongping Mansion. He and Wu Yaoqing are sorting out the situation of Yongping Mansion. It should be said that great progress has been made. It seems that It was preparing for his future full control of Yongping Mansion.

   But this was not Feng Ziying's original intention.

Yongping Mansion is indeed a good base, but the weight here is too light. No matter how well you do here, it will be difficult to improve after reaching a certain level. But if you hand it over to a suitable person, it is indeed It can be the foundation of kings and overlords.

   But there is no painstaking management for ten or eight years, and it is necessary to operate according to one's own plan, so it is difficult to achieve that ideal state.

The construction of coal-iron cement complexes, the construction of roads and port infrastructure systems, and even the land-sea business system driven by the use of Yuguan Port to radiate Shuntian Prefecture, Eastern Mongolia, Yongping Prefecture, and Liaoxi Corridor are not Overnight.

For now, the foundation I have slowly laid is taking shape. Even the Mongols’ intrusion cannot change the situation. Adding the Zhuang family, Shanxi merchants, and Haitong Yinzhuang basically represent the official, technical and trade channels. Fang, capital and contacts, and Haitong Yinzhuang can stably bind the clan into it, thus forming a solid business alliance.

It can be said that no one can stop the rapid growth of such a monster. As long as the external market is not affected, then this monster will expand to an astonishing extent, and the interest groups it includes will become larger and stronger, and even Coercing the court to influence the policy of the court.

For Feng Ziying, this is only the first step. This kind of situation can be replicated in disguise in many places. Of course, it is not necessary to be consistent. The core is the same.

That is to support the industrial and commercial industrial system, to promote business with industry, to support the internal and external expansion of commercial trade with high-quality and cheap industrial products; Dazhou's industrial products are continuously delivered to every place inside and outside Dazhou.

In the near future, maritime trade will be the main focus, but Feng Ziying is very clear that the external market is limited by the overall consumption level of East Asia and Southeast Asia, and there is a saturation, while the internal market of Dazhou is more pioneering, and eventually industrial products will be exported to a higher level. This is the ultimate goal of transportation to distant South Asia, West Asia, and even the Mediterranean Sea and Europe.

The imagination is beautiful, but it needs to be based on the premise that I can fully control the development rhythm of the situation, but the current chaotic situation is far beyond Feng Ziying's control, and Feng Ziying has already realized the hidden crisis, but it is difficult to capture it The real side of it made him a little upset.

  Jia Jing's anomaly and Yuan Chun's reminder all reflect Feng Ziying's own intuition that this is not just as simple as the Mongol invasion, the chaos in the Southwest, and even Jianzhou Jurchen's plan, there must be some potential danger based on threats.

  White Lotus Sect? Or Japanese? Prince Yizhong?

So he wanted to write this letter to remind Wang Wenyan that it is time to adjust the focus appropriately. After Yongping Mansion experienced the wave of Mongol invasion, Feng Ziying was confident that he could sort it out. All may bring unpredictable risks.

  Seeing Qingwen's unsightly expression, Xiangling was also a little surprised.

  No one in the whole family knows what my master thinks about Qingwen. Why did Qingwen come hundreds of miles away, but my master just asked her and sent her away without saying a word?

Xiangling stood on tiptoe and glanced in, but saw Feng Ziying writing quickly, knowing that she must be busy with business, so she stepped forward and took Qingwen's hand, as if seeing through Qingwen's inner depression, she said with a smile: "You don't know, it's very different when you come to Yongping Mansion and in the capital city. It's like this almost every day. It's not dealing with official documents, talking to anyone, or writing letters..."

   "Are you so busy?" Qingwen curled her lips, as if in disbelief.

   "Really, before I saw you, Master Xiaorong from Dongfu came, and I saw him once." Seeing that Qingwen didn't believe it, Xiang Ling hurriedly said.

"Uncle Xiaorong?!" Qingwen was taken aback, "I don't seem to have much friendship with Dongfu, right? Second Master Bao and Third Master Huan have never been here. draw?"

   "Who knows?" Xiangling spread her hands, and then pulled Qingwen, "So don't think that the Lord is indifferent to you, no one will be indifferent to you if you are indifferent, right..."

Qingwen rolled her eyes, Xiangling is an honest girl, and she can't even say flattery, but Qingwen also knew that the other party was kind, and shook her head: "I don't care about this, I just think this trip is strange, Grandma is certainly dissatisfied, and Grandpa probably won't be in a good mood, but it's okay if I don't come."

   "What's the matter?" Xiangling asked in surprise, "Didn't grandma ask you to come?"

  Xiangling's voice was slightly louder, and Jin Chuan'er over there also got out of the door opening, looked at Qingwen, "Didn't grandma ask you to come here? Qingwen, then how did you come here?"

The relationship between Qingwen and Jin Chuaner is very weak. Although they can still maintain a decent appearance in front of others, when there is no one, they will not be spoiled by anyone. Self-confessed, he said with a cold face, "Didn't I say grandma asked me to come?"

Jin Chuaner was taken aback, and glanced at Xiangling, seeing that Xiangling was still staring in a daze, knowing that this girl was like this, she didn't bother to ask her any more, and just looked at Qingwen: "Qingwen, don't fight me." If grandma likes you, you can make up your own mind, we slaves have to be modest,..."

  Qingwen was annoyed, "Jin Chuaner, you should say this about yourself. I know where I am going. I know exactly where I am going. If I really want to be evil, I will go with grandma's intentions. I will leave on my own. Don't worry about it..."

  Jin Chuan'er didn't care, instead he laughed, "That's good, anyway, you and I are both from Rongguo Mansion, and now we are working in the mansion, and we don't want to lose our own face,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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