Number of People

Chapter 983: Enemy Love (1)

  Chapter 983 Enemy Situation (1)

It can be seen from the sand table that the entire Yongping Mansion is high in the northwest and slopes to the southeast. The Great Wall was built along the mountain, but these Great Walls are mainly beacon towers, and there are countless passes in the mountains. It is possible to drill in from the grasslands in the north through these valleys and passes.

From east to west, along the southern foot of these mountains, there are Shimenzhai Camp, Taitou Camp, Yanhe Camp, Jianchang Camp, Taiping Camp, Luanyang Camp, and Santun Camp further west. The garrison of the General Army Mansion of Ji Town.

   Among them, Shanhaiguan in the east is only responsible for guarding Shanhaiguan City and its nearby Yuguan. At the same time, it also takes care of the Taiping Battalion in the west.

  Taitou Battalion was in charge of possible enemy situations at Jielingkou and Qingshankou, while Yanhe Battalion and Jianchang Battalion were responsible for the enemy situation at Taolinkou and Lengkou respectively, and responded to each other.

  The Taiping Battalion was in charge of the front lines of Chayazi and Yumuling, while the Luanyang Battalion was in charge of the front lines of Dongjiakou, Xifengkou and Lijiagu.

  The Santun Camp is in charge of the front lines of Panjiakou and Hongshankou, as well as Luanyang Camp and Taiping Camp.

This may seem thorough, and basically takes care of every line of defense. No matter which line the Mongols break through from, there are battalions to deal with, and there is a mechanism for mutual support, but this is only based on the small group of Mongols. under the premise of invasion.

If it is said that thousands or even tens of thousands of Mongols invaded, this method can indeed play a very good role, attack quickly and form a pincer attack, but once more than ten thousand or even tens of thousands of people invade, this kind of coping mechanism will appear. Quite fragile.

Ji Town is divided into three roads, the east road and the middle road are in Yongping territory, and the most important west road is in Shuntian Prefecture. In comparison, the defense range of the west road is not narrower than that of the east road and middle road combined. The pressure is even heavier, because behind it is the capital city, which is why the garrison of the general army of Ji Town is set up in Santunying, which is next to Shuntian Mansion.

From Santunying to the west, Zhongyi Zhongwei, Dongsheng Youwei, Yingzhou Youtunwei, Zhenshuowei, Yingzhou Zhongtunwei, Yingzhou Houtunwei, and Xingzhou Houtunwei are lined up. Although it has been eliminated several times, a considerable number of garrison troops are still retained as supplementary troops for the Jizhen border army. The entire west road has gathered two-thirds of the Jizhen army with more than 60,000 troops stationed there.

On the long east and middle roads, only one-third of the troops in Jizhen are less than one-third of the troops. This also includes the troops stationed in Santunying Jizhen and the immovable troops in Shanhaiguan. In fact, the six camps in the country only have less than 20,000 soldiers and horses.

  The 20,000 soldiers and horses were distributed in six camps. One could imagine that the Mongolian cavalry could not withstand the surging flood, so the fortifications could only be broken or even annihilated one by one.

So Feng Ziying can guess that You Shigong has already issued an order to shrink the troops, to ensure that the Shuntian Mansion, where the troops come from, will naturally come from the six battalions in Yongping, which are already difficult to resist. draw.

Feng Ziying's eyes wandered around the side wall on the sand table. Although the line from Yiyuankou to Jielingkou is possible, he judged that the possibility is not high. It is too close to Shanhaiguan. Even if the Mongols try their best, they are extremely vulnerable. The armies at Shanhaiguan took a blow in the middle.

Similarly, Yongping, west of Xifengkou, goes all the way to Jiangjunshi on the side of Shuntian Mansion. Although the route is long, there are tens of thousands of troops stationed in the side walls of this line, and there are many guard stations as fulcrums. Chaha If we want to break through from here, we will face obstacles from all walks of life.

Only in the section from Qingshankou to Jielingkou, more than 10,000 people are stationed in Taitou Camp, Yanhe Camp, Jianchang Camp, and Taiping Camp four camps for hundreds of miles. There are too many passes and valleys to break through. The main reason why You Shigong is unwilling to defend this line is that it is really difficult to defend.

  Especially when the Mongols have abundant troops and stronger maneuverability, it is very easy to open the line of defense, avoid the real and attack the weak or surround the point for reinforcements by means of deceiving the sky, attacking the west, and diverting the tiger away from the mountain, resulting in greater passivity for one's own side.

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing, Jizhen could let go, You Shigong could use the excuse of defending Shuntian Mansion to give up, but he had no choice.

   Now only hope that Zuo Liangyu, Huang Degong and Luo Yiguan can live up to expectations.


  After leaving the office of the Ministry of War, Busia Mara couldn't bear it anymore, "Dergler, this can't be done!"

Delgler sighed, "Then what can we do? Brother Dong, you have also seen how busy Dazhou's military office is. I can be sure that this is not just because of their southwest problems, it must be because of their relationship with the Southwest." It has something to do with the fact that the Mongolian left wing on the grassland has started to get agitated, and in this situation, how much do you think they still care about our lives?"

"I don't believe that the people in the military department of the Great Zhou Dynasty are short-sighted people, and they don't realize what it means to them once the Wula tribe and our Yehe tribe are annexed by Nurhachi." Busia Mara said angrily: " The little Feng Xiuzhuan said it so nicely last time, why are the people in the military department not even willing to meet us this time?"

"Brother took Niyahan to see Governor Feng, but he didn't get any promises. I heard that Governor Feng was also worried about the pressure Jizhen was facing. The Mongols broke through from his territory in Jizhen and attacked the city of the capital. He would Take the responsibility, so I didn't give big brother and others a good look." Delgler's face was gloomy.

"Delgler, we still have to find them to be in charge. If we get nothing and Dazhou abandons us, Nurhachi will definitely use this opportunity to attack us and Ulab. It's hard to say whether we can persevere, but Buzhantai There must be no support there, maybe Buzhantai is about to surrender, and once he surrenders, we will not be able to gain a foothold."

  Busia Mara showed a determination on her cheek as sharp as a knife, "We are going to find that little Feng Xiuzhuan!"

  Dergler frowned, "Didn't you ask? That little Feng Xiuzhuan has lost his power and been released. It doesn't make much sense for us to go find him."

"No, Delgler, you don't know much about these Han people. Han people especially value family, teacher-student, and fellow villagers. Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan is the only son of Governor Feng. Governor Feng will never sit idly by Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan. And Xiao Feng’s teacher who edited the text is the elder of the current court, and the two soldiers from the military department also value him very much. If we can get a promise from him, he can help us coordinate and mediate between Liaodong and the military department of the Great Zhou Dynasty. We can win the initiative.”

  Delgler didn't expect that Busia Mara knew so much about the officialdom of the Han Chinese in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so he couldn't help but smacked his lips, "Brother Dong, how do you know this?"

"Dergler, we are the weak side. If we want to survive among all forces, we can only rely on the strong. Dazhou is our most important ally and backer. If we want to win their support, we must We must understand their internal customs and joint cutscenes."

  Busia Mara's words were full of helplessness and unwillingness, but also a little stubborn.

   "So what do we do now?"

   "Going to Yongping is only a few hundred miles away, which is nothing." Busia Mara resolutely said.

  Delgler was speechless in the face of Busia Mara's stubbornness and determination, "I'm afraid that kid may not be able to help us now."

  When Feng Ziying saw Busia Mara and her party, she was also taken aback.

  Busia Mala's tall and vigorous body is so eye-catching, especially those beautiful eyes by the clear pool, which are straight to the soul.

   "Is it you?" Feng Ziying was touched by Busia Mara and Delgler, and was slightly surprised.

"Master Feng, you are safe here..." Busia Mara said politely, Feng Ziying heard some blunt speeches, which was quite funny, "Girl Dong, it seems that you are all right, um, at least Your expressions are not in a good mood, is it because of the Jurchens?"

"My lord, you are asking the question knowingly. The Jianzhou Jurchens are about to attack us and the Wula tribe, but your father turned a blind eye to it. We set up your imperial military department, and they don't even want to see us. Is this how your Great Zhou army treats us?" Allies, or in just half a year, you have changed your course and ignored us Haixi Jurchen?"

   Busia Mara said aggressively.

Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "Miss Dongge, the role of allies is mutual. When you want to question others, you should first ask yourself what have you done for others and allies? Blindly demand others to pay, while ignoring your own obligations , no one likes such an ally, and it will never last long."

Seeing Busia Mara suffocating, Feng Ziying continued enthusiastically: "Da Zhou has done a lot for his allies, and even gave them what he was in short supply first, but as an ally, Ye Hebu has done a lot." What? I know why you are here. Nurhachi will definitely take action this autumn. The Mongols are going to attack Nanqin, which has taken most of Dazhou's mind. Naturally, they don't have the energy to ask other questions. The Yehe tribe did it for Dazhou. What's not there?"

  Busia Mara's attitude softened a bit, and her tone softened a lot, "Our Yehe tribe has limited strength, and we really can't do much."

"I can't do anything about the Jianzhou Jurchen. What about the Chahar people, the internal and external Khalkha tribes, and the Horqin tribe? If nothing can be done, then what is the Dazhou Yehe tribe doing?" What about meaning and value?" Feng Ziying's attitude was indifferent.

   "Then what does Dazhou need our Yehebu to do?" Busia Mara's face was stern, and she realized that the young man in front of her might not be as easy to talk to as last time, and what Yehebu needed to do.

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  (end of this chapter)

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