Number of People

Chapter 985: Intimidating and tempting with self-written scrolls (seeking a monthly pass for the th

  Chapter 985 Self-written scrolls intimidate and lure (seeking a monthly pass for the third update!)

  Bushia Mara was taken aback, and looked at Feng Ziying with unkind eyes.

For the well-known Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan in the capital, Ye He's department has also done enough work. If they want to get benefits from Liaodong Town and the Great Zhou court, they naturally have to do what they like. The preferences of the great men of fate.

For the Yehe tribe, the position of the ministers of the Ministry of War is too high, and they can hardly get in touch with them, let alone the cabinet elders. There are several deputy commanders and generals of the town garrison.

There is no loophole for Feng Tang to take advantage of. Everything must be decided according to the interests of Liaodong Town. Several related deputy commanders and generals have also taken care of it. It has some effects, but their power is limited, and any support and action must be done. Only after Feng Tang's approval.

The only biggest weakness is this little Feng Xiuzhuan, who is not only the only son of Feng Tang, but also has a good relationship with the members of the military department of the Great Zhou Dynasty. In addition, his teacher is also a cabinet veteran, so this talent is the most important. All lines can speak for themselves.

So they also took great pains to collect relevant information about Feng Ziying, and found that this person has a major weakness of lust. If you want to marry a three-bedroom wife, you can be described as a hungry ghost in color.

  Although she didn't do anything special when she came into contact with this guy these few times, she still felt that the other person's eyes were burning. I'm afraid this guy has heard the shaman's evaluation of herself, and maybe she has other thoughts.

  Because of this, Busia Mara was so sensitive. Hearing Feng Ziying's words, she subconsciously thought about it.

Knowing that this is not the time to offend this person, but Busia Mara is still extremely ashamed and angry. Da Zhou has such a person as an official and has a prominent reputation. .

   "Master Feng, what do you mean by that?"

"Busia Mara, you still don't understand what I mean?" Feng Ziying naturally didn't expect Busia Mara to make up too much, and still said with a smile: "Didn't you say that Busia Mara and Delgler And Ye Hebu is willing to do as long as it can be done? Then do something to prove it."

  Busia Mara immediately stood up again, "Master Feng, is it too shameless for you to ask like this?"

"Too shameless?" Seeing the other party's flushed face and bursting with anger, Feng Ziying was puzzled, "How can you call it shameless? Don't you Yehe tribe shouldn't show it? You said you Yehe tribe couldn't do the suggestion I made. , then you can show it with what you can do, is this request shameless?"

  Busia Mara was trembling with anger, but she didn't know what to do. After a long time, she said with a cold face: "Master Feng, you are taking advantage of others. Isn't this kind of behavior too nasty?"

  Feng Ziying saw the other party's eyes and hands clenched tightly, almost wanting to rush forward to fight with her, but she was also a little puzzled. It seems that this request is not too much, right? Even if it wasn't unwilling, then it wouldn't be such a posture of wanting to be mad and choose someone to eat, right?

   "Busia Mara, am I asking too much?" Feng Ziying was also a little wary, this ghost woman must be so emotional that she really wants to kidnap herself and force herself to make some promises, right? That would be too much of a joke, "Think about it yourself, what will you use to prove your sincerity, you have to do something, right?"

At this time, Busia Mara has completely got into the horns of the horns, thinking that Feng Ziying wants her body as a show of sincerity, but Delgler on the side is relatively calm. This seems to be nothing special and so gaffe.

"Uh, Mr. Feng, it's hard for us to understand what you need us to do to express your sincerity? But it's definitely impossible for us to sweep and attack the Chahar people's rear as you mentioned just now, or you can give us some reminders and suggestions. Hint?" Delgler glanced at his cousin, who looked like a stimulated porcupine with spikes, and hurriedly said.

  Delgler's words made Busia Mara even more nervous, and her eyes were fixed on Feng Ziying. As long as Feng Ziying dared to make such shameless demands, she would unceremoniously spit on him!

Feng Ziying didn't realize anything else, so she thought for a while and said, "Bu Zhantai is said to be very decadent now, drinking and having fun in the tribe all day long, not thinking about government affairs, and he is powerless to stop Tsermut Hei from the Varka tribe from helping Nurhachi win over the Donghai Jurchen Zhubu, this was originally the most important purpose of our support for the Wula tribe, and the situation in the Wula tribe this year may be worse than last year. The elders in the tribe are also very disappointed with this, and other ordinary tribesmen are also very dissatisfied with Buzhantai,... "

  Busia Mara and Delgler looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't expect that the other party would even know these things, but considering that the Wula Department is between Da Zhou and Jianzhou Jurchen, it must be hidden from Da Zhou's secret work.

  Busia Mara only came to realize at this time that she didn't have that kind of meaning at all, and she didn't know why she was scratching her head and would think that way.

   It’s no wonder that Delgler looked at him a little strangely, probably because he didn’t understand why he was so excited, and the person surnamed Feng was also surprised. Thinking of this, Busia Mara felt extremely ashamed.

"Since this is the case, the Wula tribe has lost its effect on the Great Zhou. At present, the Wula tribe may be annexed at any time under the jaws of the Jianzhou Jurchen. The situation will be even worse for the Yehe tribe and the Great Zhou. If this is the case, it is better to let The Ula tribe moved westward into your territory, and your Yehe tribe will also be in charge of the Ula tribe, such as Buyangu or Delger to replace Buzhantai as the leader of the Ula tribe..."

   Busia Mara and Delgler were both taken aback, and couldn't help but say in unison: "How can this work?"

   "Why can't it work?" Feng Ziying asked back.

It was Delgler who clasped his fists and said slowly: "My lord, I'm afraid you don't know the traditions of our four Haixi tribes. Each tribe has its own Baylor. This is a continuation of the historical inheritance, and it cannot be easily replaced by outsiders, such as my grandfather. Yang Jipi is Baylor, the eastern city of our Yehe tribe, and his younger brother Qingjiani, the grandfather of Buyangu and Busia Mala, is Baylor of the west city of Yehe tribe. Buzhantai is Baylor of the Ulab tribe, but this is not Yehe The elders and tribesmen in the tribe will not approve of Hebu who can be replaced casually."

Of course Feng Ziying is aware of the situation here, and nodded: "I know the historical inheritance of your Haixi tribes, but the historical inheritance is not unchangeable. Didn't the Jianzhou Jurchen be unified in the hands of Nurhachi, and your Haixi Sibu Huifa and Hada Hasn't the Ministry already belonged to Nurhachi? If either the Ula tribe perishes, or you Delgler or Buyangu temporarily lead the Ula tribe, which result do you think the elders and nobles of the Ula tribe will choose? Presumably these nobles have long since Have you seen the ending of the elders and nobles from the Huifa and Hada tribes becoming slaves at the Jianzhou Jurchens?"

   "Bu Zhantai is still here, even though he is incompetent now, but he still has his son, Chuocine..." Delgler couldn't help but be moved.

Although the chief Baylor of the Yehe tribe is now his father Jintaishi, his cousin Buyangu has a great reputation in the Yehe tribe, even his father can't suppress it, and he also has the reputation of Busia Mara, so Even among the clansmen, they all believed that Buyangu would take over as chief Baylor in the future, and that he would be a Dongcheng Baylor at most.

  But if he can go to the Wula tribe to serve as Baylor, then it is equivalent to establishing another mountain in his line. The Wula tribe was more famous than the Yehe tribe before. If they can get the support of Da Zhou, they may not be able to grow again.

  What Delgler can think of, Busia Mara can naturally think of too.

She also knew that this was a great opportunity for the Yehe tribe to take over the Ula tribe. The reason why her brother was ambiguous to Bu Zhantai that he could marry herself to Bu Zhantai made Bu Zhantai abuse Nurhachi to marry his two sons. The daughter is thinking about allowing herself to exert influence in the Ula tribe in the future and expand the power of the Yehe tribe. Now, according to the surname Feng, it seems not impossible.

"I can ask my father to write a letter to the imperial court, please designate Jintai Shihaixiwei as the commander, and take charge of the four Haixi tribes. Chuo Qinai was young and sent Liaodong as a hostage. In the future, Jianzhou Jurchen will be defeated, and the four Haixi tribes can be rebuilt. Delgler can serve as Baylor of the Urabbe, and Chuozina can also serve as Baylor of the Huifa Department or the Hada Department if he has made great contributions in the future. It is just a paper document of the imperial court. In the future, Baylor of the Four Haixi Departments will take over, and all of them need to be approved by the court documents of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Of course, the imperial court will also respect the opinions of the ministries,..."

  Feng Ziying determined all these regulations in a calm and composed way. It seemed reasonable and logical to say it, but at this time, Delgler and Busia Mara didn't think so much.

Now is not the time to discuss these funeral matters. Now they have to think about it. The other party offered such a good condition. How can this be? The other party will definitely have more stringent requirements.

   "Master Feng, if you have any conditions, you can open it. After talking so much, it makes us Ye Hebu uneasy." Busia Mara said with a cold face.

   "How many soldiers and horses can Ye He's troops mobilize now?" Feng Ziying asked directly.

  Exchanged glances, and the two knew that they couldn't hide it from each other. Delgler hesitated and said, "Thirty thousand people should be fine."

  He set up an ambush. If fully mobilized, Ye He's troops could gather 40,000 soldiers ready to fight.

   "Okay, you should immediately inform Ye He's troops to go south with 3,000 soldiers, enter Yongping through Shanhaiguan, and arrive within half a month. Please listen to my arrangements." Feng Ziying said bluntly.

   How many monthly tickets are there? Lao Rui worked very hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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