Number of People

Chapter 987: Self-character scroll Feng Jiajun (please ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 987 Self-character volume Feng Jiajun (please ask for a monthly ticket!)

  It can be seen from the geographical terrain of the entire Yongping Prefecture, the northwest is high, the southeast is low, and the people coming from the northwest are condescending.

If the Mongols choose a breakthrough point from the hundreds of miles from Xifengkou to Jielingkou, there is a high probability that they will choose to attack Qian'an first when going south, and they may not rule out directly attacking Lulong, but Lulong is in the southeast of Qian'an. Attack Lulong and let Qian'an go, then the Mongols will have to consider that the Great Zhou army in Qian'an will go south to give the Mongols a blow in the back.

   And if you attack Qian'an, you don't have any scruples in this regard, you just need to firmly defend the Jizhen army coming from the west.

  So Feng Ziying's judgment is that the first battle in Qian'an should be the first battle, and it is also the most critical battle.

   This battle is well fought, it can greatly increase the momentum, and it can also dampen the confidence of the Mongols, making them unable to act arbitrarily in subsequent battles.

  Of course, it is not ruled out that the Mongols will advance in multiple directions and attack Qian'an and Lulong at the same time.

  Zuo Liangyu was too young, You Shiren had no combat experience, and Qian'an City was lower than Lulong City, and the moat was narrower. There was nothing to lose in the first battle, so Feng Ziying decided to sit in Qian'an and fight in person after careful consideration.

In contrast, Lulong City is tall and deep, and the population in the city is larger, so there are more young men gathered, and Zhu Zhiren, the prefect, can boost morale anyway. Huang Degong is a few years older than Zuo Liangyu, and his experience is also It is richer, so it is more reassuring to hand it over to him.

   "Ziying, you have to think carefully." Zhu Zhiren was also a little moved.

Everyone knows that Qian'an is much more dangerous. As an acquaintance, Feng Ziying has every reason to sit in Lulong and stick to it. No one can say anything, but the other party decides to go to the front line of Qian'an in person. This is a responsibility. Zhu Zhiren knew very well that if he changed himself, he might not have the courage.

"My lord, I've made it clear. I'll go to Qian'an. Lu Long will ask your lord to sit in command. The specific defense will be handed over to Hushan. He has rich experience. He was also on the side wall when he was serving as a barracks officer for my father. I have fought the Mongols and the Jurchens many times, and I have all the courage, so don't worry,..."

Seeing that Feng Ziying had made up her mind, Zhu Zhiren didn't persuade her much, "Okay, Ziying, you are in Qian'an, and I will send You Shiren another letter, asking him to obey your orders very much. He and I are also considered villagers. He is also a relatively well-behaved official, and I believe he can cooperate well with you. In addition, I am signing some blank documents for you. If there are disobedient officials and gentry in Qian'an City, I authorize you to deal with them on the spot. The responsibility rests with me!"

  This is more or less the same, Feng Ziying nodded secretly, Zhu Zhiren is still a little worried.

If you want to deal with officials above rank nine, you, the co-prefect, have no right to do so. You have to write an order and seal from the magistrate. You have to deal with gentry. Although the co-prefect has power, you have to bear the responsibility. Then it doesn't exist.


   While Feng Ziying and Zhu Zhiren were discussing how to defend Yongping Mansion, Feng Tang also received an urgent delivery from Feng Ziying with a carrier pigeon in the Jiliao Governor's Mansion in Liaoyang.

   After reading the urgent delivery, Feng Tang's face was a little ugly.

  He didn't expect his son to decide to take this risk anyway. In his opinion, there was absolutely no need to take this risk.

Now that the Ministry of War has opened its mouth to You Shigong, as long as he guarantees the side of Shuntian Mansion, the local officials of Yongping Mansion will not bear the main responsibility. Even if Yongping Mansion is looted by the Mongols, the local government It is also a secondary responsibility to bear the responsibility, and it will not be pursued too much.

  But Ziying is going to guard Qian'an, which is too risky.

  Even if you take a step back and guard Lulong, that's fine.

  Seeing Feng Tang's ugly face, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong who were next to him didn't know what happened.

   "My lord, what happened to Donglu?" Cao Wenzhao asked in a low voice.

"There's nothing on Donglu's side. It's a letter from Ziying. This little **** is not worrying. If he wants to guard Qian'an himself, he has to rely on Zuo Liangyu to train a camper for three months?!" Thinking of this, Feng Tang became more flustered and irritable.

  Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong are both Feng Tang's confidantes, and they were all shocked when they heard this statement.

   It is no secret that the Chahar people gathered the internal and external Khalkha tribes to prepare for a large-scale southward invasion. Liaodong's fine scouts on the grasslands have already sent back the news.

At present, soldiers and horses from the five tribes of Inner Khalkha are gathering towards Chahar, while soldiers and horses of the Outer Khalkha tribes are still on the way, and it will take some time to complete the assembly, and the collection of grain and grass from Chahar is also on the way. In full swing.

   If there are no accidents, the Mongols will go south in a big way in ten days at most.

   Judging from the current situation, the Mongolian left wing has almost assembled an army of more than 100,000, reaching nearly 150,000. If there is no accident, it should be divided into several groups to invade the south.

  Now the entire north of the Great Zhou, from Shanhaiguan to Wanquandusi, is full of panic.

   It is still uncertain which route the main force of the Mongolian army will go south, but the preliminary analysis is nothing more than three channels.

  One is the line from Longmenwei to Gubeikou.

   This line is the junction of Xuanfu Town and Ji Town, and the section between Sihaizhi-Bohaisuo-Chaohesuo is particularly dangerous.

  Bohai Sea is under the jurisdiction of Jizhen, which is too close to the capital in a straight line, almost directly reaching the capital city as soon as a breakthrough is made, and Jizhen is heavily stationed here.

  Sihaizhi is in Yanqing Prefecture, which belongs to Xuanfu Town, and there are two side walls inside and outside, so it should be relatively safe in theory.

The section from the Bohai Sea to the Chaohe River is also quite dangerous, which is the area where the Miyun Reservoir is located in later generations, but this era is still a lowland. Breaking through from here, you can pass Miyun, Huairou, Changping and Hebei along the Tanghe River or Chaohe River. Between Shunyi, straight into the capital.

In other words, the most dangerous areas are all under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, and because there are two side walls inside and outside Xuanfu Town, generally speaking, the Mongols, who are mainly cavalry, would not choose to break through the two walls and go south. It is more cost-effective to break down a side wall.

The second is the section from Chaohe River to Xifengkou. This section is located in the northeast of Jingshi City, a little far away, but the terrain is flat. If you break through from Modaoyu to Malanyu, you can easily go directly to the capital city. .

  Because of this, Ji Town deployed heavy troops on this line to deal with it.

  The third is the line in Yongping Prefecture.

  Theoretically, this line is far away from the capital city. Even if you break through the side wall and enter Yongping Prefecture, if you really want to hit the capital city, you still need to cross the entire eastern counties and guards of Shuntian Prefecture.

But this line of defense is weak. If it is only for plunder, it is the best line, such as Qian'an, Lulong, Fengrun, Yutian, Baodi, Xianghe, Wuqing, Liangcheng, and Hejianfu. Thousands of miles away, there is a flat river, and it is densely populated, and the garrison is either sparse, or the guards are mainly guards. The combat effectiveness is very poor, which is just right for the Mongolian cavalry to break through and sweep.

Feng Tang, Cao Wenzhao, and He Renlong are all veterans of battles, so they naturally understand the priorities of the entire northern defense line. Although the Yongping Mansion will not be the main attack route of the Mongolian army according to common sense, but even if it is A partial teacher, that's not something your thousands of people can resist.

   After receiving the letter from Feng Tang, Cao Wenzhao read it and handed it to He Renlong.

   "My lord, the Mongols should only be a part of the army when they go to Yongping Mansion. In the end, the Bohai Institute and Malanyu should be the most dangerous places." Cao Wenzhao comforted Feng Tang.

  Feng Tang shook his head: "Where is Xifengkou?"

"Your Excellency has reminded Master You that the Santun Camp is behind Xifengkou. Lindan Batur will not be ignorant of it. I guess Lindanbatur may use a partial division to feint at Xifengkou, attracting and holding back the three camps. The Jizhen army on the other side of the camp is looking for opportunities to break through from several other places."

Cao Wenzhao had a lot of dealings with the Tumed people and the Ordos people in Datong. He knew the habits of these Mongolians very well. It really can't be said that the ability to fight tough battles is much worse than that of Jianzhou Jurchen.

"Lindan Batur wants to feign an attack at the entrance of Xifeng, and You Shigong can only sit in Santun camp, otherwise breaking through here, the entire central part will be in danger." Feng Tang sighed, "Now we can only place our hopes on the Mongols. There should not be too many teachers in Yongping Mansion."

   "My lord, why don't you let the dragon go south to Shanhaiguan to take care of it?" Cao Wenzhao knew that his boss was very worried about his only son, but he couldn't show it.

Feng Tang almost agreed, but finally shook his head: "It's not easy on our side. It seems that Nurhachi is going to attack the Haixi Jurchen. Fortunately, we have arranged the affairs of the Urabbe in advance. Now It depends on whether there will be problems on Shuerhaqi's side."

"My lord, the Wula tribe and the Yehe tribe are in a group. Nurhachi can't swallow the two so easily. I'm a little curious about how Nurhachi will deal with it. Shuerhaqi also approached Fushun Institute according to your instructions. There is Li Yongfang. In addition, brother Xilong's main force is in Tielingwei, and brother Laiqing's main force is in Shenyang, so if there is any movement, they can respond at any time, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Cao Wenzhao is currently Feng Tang's most important arm. He controls the most important mobile force under Feng Tang. The elite cavalry expanded on the basis of the elite, known as the Tiger Roaring Cavalry, followed the example of Cao Cao's elite cavalry in the Three Kingdoms period. The other 10,000 people were the elite infantry of the Liaodong Army, including two battalions of firecrackers.

In addition to Cao Wenzhao's most powerful force, it is the 15,000 people in the hands of the general You Shiwei, of which 5,000 cavalry are also the elite formed by the old troops brought by the You brothers from Yulin, and the other 10,000 infantry. Including a battalion of gunfire that is being formed.

  The other one is controlled by He Renlong. In addition to a cavalry battalion, there is also a sword and shield infantry battalion, and a fire gun battalion under construction.

  If you add Feng Tang’s gun battalion led by Feng Zuo and a cavalry battalion led by Feng You, these are Feng Tang’s personal troops, and this is the Liaodong Army that Feng Tang can absolutely control.

The entire Liaodong Army has 120,000 troops, and Feng Tang has firmly controlled nearly 50,000 in just over a year. In the Ministry, the army that Feng Tang could control reached nearly 90,000 people, which basically minimized Li Chengliang's influence.

"Wen Zhao, it's because I feel that everything is properly arranged, and there seems to be no problem anywhere, so I feel uneasy." Feng Tang sighed, "Who is Nurhachi? We have been dealing with each other for more than a year, and you should all know clearly. , I feel that whether it is Lindan Batur's southward invasion or the chaos in the southwest, he is inseparable from him, and I even have a feeling that Nurhachi's means are not limited to this, he should have backhands."

Both Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong felt that the governor was a little too nervous. Although Nurhachi was cunning and cruel, he remained unchanged to meet all changes. Juniper and Zhao led the way, what else could they do?

  As for those things in the customs, it is not something they consider.

He Renlong was young and energetic, and couldn't help it: "My lord, do you think Nurhachi too highly? Jianzhou Jurchen has developed so fast in the past few years, and the general feels that it has a lot to do with Li Chengliang's indulgence. After you come In fact, Nurhachi has become a lot more honest. Jianzhou Jurchen has not made any big moves in the past year. The ones hiding in the bottom are flirting with the Horqin people, so we might as well find a chance to break it and let the Chahar people and the Jianzhou Jurchen fight first,..."

  Feng Tang smiled and shook his head. He Renlong is a good fighter in war, but he takes politics too simply.

The Horqin people obey the Chahar people in name, but they are different from the inner and outer Khalkha tribes. They are not the traditional Mongolian left-wing 30,000 households, but an independent Eastern Mongolian town. They call themselves the Great Khan of Lindan Batur My attitude is to listen to the tune and not to listen to the announcement, and sometimes even just ignore it.

Lin Dan Batur also wooed and threatened the Horqin people, mainly to woo the Horqin people, and supplemented by threats. As for the Jianzhou Jurchen, he even wooed the Horqin people in every possible way. Any substantive changes in the relationship between the parties.

   "Renlong, things on the grassland are not that simple." Feng Tang waved his hand, "Slowly we will understand, and we will have more time to deal with them in the future."

  Cao Wenzhao also agrees, "But my lord, what are you going to do with Ziying...?"

"Isn't he very capable? It's his ability to persuade the armored cavalry of Ye He's tribe to go south to help him. Under the circumstances, he should know how to survive." Feng Tang shook his head.

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  (end of this chapter)

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