Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1000 The Adult World

"Well, it seems that you have decided on your respective groups, so let's see who will be the inspector of which team, me or Senior Sister "Calamity". "

"Kousaka Shizuru" took out two cotton swabs, one long and one short, held the second half in his hand, and stretched it out in front of "Fuuma Disaster" with a smile.

The results of the lottery came out, "Kousaka Shizuru" was in charge of Luo Jie's first team, and "Fuuma Disaster" was in charge of "Ito Makoto's" second team.

"Then let me explain this mission..."

"Well, Disaster-senpai." "Kousaka Shizuru" raised his hand, "I'm sorry to interrupt you, but I think this assignment is too serious and may increase the psychological burden of these children who are performing tasks for the first time. , I personally hope that I can take my team to talk in a more relaxed environment.”

"Wind Demon Disaster" frowned. Personally, she didn't like "Kousaka Shizuru"'s almost childish attitude towards missions, but after all, the two were not on the same team, and she couldn't easily rebuke her. She just turned her head and thought it was nothing. Didn't hear it either.

"Well, thank you very much." "Shizuka Kousaka" grabbed the folder at hand and hooked his fingers at Luo Jie and others with a pleasant smile, "My lovely juniors and juniors, come with me. Sister will take you to see the adult world."

A single room in an izakaya in Tokyo City.

"Senior Jingliu, is this what you call the adult world?"

Looking at the steaming hot pot and cups of beer on the table in front of him, Luo Jie suddenly felt that his young mind had been deceived by "Kousaka Shizuru".

"Of course, minors are not allowed to drink. The place where you can drink is of course the world of adults." "Kousaka Shizuku" suddenly realized something, bumped Luo Jie's arm with his elbow, and said with a teasing expression: "Night Dire-kun, You don’t think I’m going to take you to Kabukicho, do you? Your thoughts are impure…”

The three underage lolita were immersed in drinking juice, pretending not to hear the conversation between the two, but one of them had smoke coming from his head, and the sound was more exaggerated than a hot pot.

"Of course, if you are interested, it is not impossible to hold a celebration party there for you when the mission comes back..."

"Senior Jingliu, please don't set up such a symbolic death, you will scare these children."

"Eh? Lord Nightmare, your old-fashioned tone makes you sound as if you are very old."

"At least I can drink... well, step into the adult world."

Luo Jie opened a can of beer and shook it provocatively at "Kousaka Shizuru".

Just kidding, he is a man who has had a drink with "Araga Tutonko", the demon of "thousand liters of demon-killing" alcohol. How could he be frightened by a mere mention of beer?

"Eh? I seem to have met an interesting junior student." "Kousaka Shizuru" gracefully held the can, held up her chin and said meaningfully: "Then give it a try. If you have the ability to get your sister drunk today, What happened before I woke up, I can treat as if nothing happened..."

At this moment, the reaction of the three lolita who had been completely ignored at the table was similar——

"Nanaze Mai" had an expressionless face: What was Captain Nightmare talking to Shizuru-senpai? Is it a code word for some kind of challenge?

"Atagawa Walnut" steamed: I...I don't know, don't ask me.

"Amon Hibari" scratched his head and went crazy: Wait, what's going on with this weird atmosphere? Aren’t we here to talk about the mission?

More than two hours later.

"Jingliu-senpai, we agreed to compare our drinking capacity, so there's no point in cheating with ninjutsu."

"Hey? Nightmare-kun, please don't talk nonsense. Which of your eyes saw me cheating with ninjutsu?"

Luo Jie glanced at the small flower garden behind "Kousaka Shizuka" that smelled of alcohol, and silently put down the beer can in his hand.

If a woman is determined to be unreasonable, her ability to tell lies will definitely be first-rate.

"Shizuka Kosaka" took out a tissue and wiped the water and oil stains from the corner of his mouth gracefully: "Okay, it seems that you and I are matched. Since we can't tell the winner today, let's move on to another day... let's talk about the mission first. Bar."

"What? Did you talk about a mission?"

"Amon Hibari", who was lying on the table in a daze, suddenly woke up from his sleep when he heard the word "mission", wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and hurriedly pushed the other two people next to him who were also bored and fell asleep. Little one.

"Have you started talking about the mission? Huh? Where did you get so many flowers?"

After the three little ones went to the bathroom to wash their faces and regained consciousness, "Shizuka Kosaka" opened the folder she carried with her and handed out four copies of the task description to Luo Jie and the other four people.

The first few pages of the document are a few printed photos. The scenery above looks like some abandoned urban ruins, with reinforced concrete buildings covered with lush green plants.

But if you look closely, you will find that many plants are species that have never appeared on the earth.

"I believe you can see that the place in the photo is not the real world...of course, it is not the Demon World, but a special alien space located in the gap between the real world. It is officially called the Nether World. Those who have had contact with this world on the Internet Ordinary people generally call it the inner world.”

Luo Jie's eyelids twitched when he heard this, and he looked at the photo in his hand a few more times. UU Reading www.uukanshu. net

It's very clear, there's no fog, it probably has nothing to do with Silent Hill.

"Unlike the Demon Realm, which has only one entrance and exit, there are not only countless entrances and exits in the Nether Realm, but their locations also change from time to time, so it is simply impossible to seal it."

"Therefore, several treaty organizations of the International Occult Alliance have designated the Nether World as a practical training ground for new demon-fighting ninjas. On the one hand, it can reduce the number and density of some Nether World creatures and reduce the probability of them appearing in the real world. On the other hand, On the other hand, the ghost core dropped by the creatures in the ghost world after death is the most important energy core for making various military-standard psychic weapons.”

"It is precisely because of the steady flow of ghost cores produced by the ghost world that humans can suppress the demons within the gate in this era when the number of psykers is constantly decreasing."

"As I said before, there are many entrances and exits to the Netherworld, and their locations are constantly changing. Sometimes ordinary people are accidentally involved in it, which is the so-called "divine hiddenness". "

"Under normal circumstances, we at Wuche Academy ignore the "divine hidden" incidents that appear in various places - it's not that the lives of ordinary people are not important, but that the time in the underworld and the real world pass at different speeds. When we collect After receiving the news and reacting, the person who mistakenly enters the nether world can basically be confirmed dead. "

"But this time your mission is to go to the Netherworld to rescue people... Well, to be precise, it's not one or a few people, but a mixed force equipped with heavy firepower."

"Shizuka Kosaka" gestured to several people to turn back the information, and a photo of military training with different skin colors and races appeared in front of them.

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