Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1007 3 No Loli 7 Lai Wu

Chapter 1007 Sanwu Loli Nanase Mai

Entering the mist of the valley, the scenery in front of you suddenly changes.

The seemingly quiet and leisurely village on the top of the cliff seems to have been filtered with a unique underworld filter. Even ordinary trees and streams have a dark and eerie tone.

"Captain Dire, the space here is very stable and there seems to be no space cracks."

"Nanase Mai" suddenly realized that no one was responding. She turned around and saw that there was no one behind her.

Is there really an illusion...

Since she was well prepared, "Nanase Mai" did not panic and turned to look at the black pipe fox lying on her shoulder.

The two pipe foxes looked neatly to the right.

"Nanase Wu" remembered Luo Jie's instructions and ran towards the direction Guan Hu was looking at without hesitation.

Bang bang bang——

The surrounding old wooden houses emitted bursts of chaotic footsteps, and countless big-headed monsters crawled out of the dark doors and windows on their hands and feet, their eyes flashing with strange red light, and they swarmed in like a swarm of insects attracted by food.

This exaggerated number made "Nanaze Mai"'s face change slightly. She turned out three origami paper folded into mink-like animals in her hand, activated the charms on them with her spiritual power and threw them towards the densely packed big-headed monsters in front of her.

——"Paper Release·Origami·Kamaitachi"!

The three origami paper weasels instantly expanded several times after leaving their hands. Each one was as big as a baby. The sharp paper knives on their front feet glowed with a metallic cold reflection. They rushed into the group of big-headed monsters and caused a bloody storm.

The three blades of light traveled as fast as lightning, leaving a balloon-skin-like corpse behind each brief pause, and then annihilated into a silver cube the size of a little fingertip.

However, the number of these big-headed monsters was still too much. Before the three origami sickle weasels rushed out more than ten meters, they were squeezed in by the big-headed monsters that kept pushing and tearing them into countless pieces of paper.

"Paper Release" is very versatile and can be used in combat under almost any conditions when combined with spells. Apart from being easily restrained by fire-type attacks, it has almost no weaknesses in other aspects.

But "Nanase Mai" has not reached that level yet.

The three origami sickle weasels were destroyed, and she had no other means of group attack. In panic, she could only throw out a large amount of paper and erect a solid wall-like defense around herself, temporarily blocking the group of big-headed monsters.

But this is not a long-term solution after all.

The paper wall itself has no defense, and is only a carrier of spiritual power similar to the skeleton. Every time it is attacked, it must be offset by her own spiritual power.

In just a few seconds, "Nanase Mai" felt that her spiritual power had dropped by more than 20%.

Sure enough...should I learn more attack methods?

Countless twisted and shaking shadows were projected on the thin paper wall, and harsh scratching and slapping sounds echoed repeatedly in the small space.

With the little time left, it was too late to use the teleportation talisman. "Nanase Mai" silently took out a talisman. This was the only "detonation talisman" she had successfully drawn so far.

She once heard the senior sisters in the academy say that whether in the demon world or the ghost world, defeat does not necessarily lead to death, but living is definitely more painful than death.

She didn't think she could have the perseverance and endurance of Principal "Igawa Ashaji", so she always carried this "Detonation Talisman" close to her body. If necessary, it would be the last flash of her life.


The paper wall that had lost its spiritual power was finally torn apart, and the big-headed monsters filed in through the breach, their twinkling red eyes like countless hungry beasts.

"Nanase Mai" used her last bit of spiritual power to activate the "Explosion Talisman", and suddenly a slender thread shot down from the sky, wrapped around her arm, and pulled her body into the air.

The glowing spell in his hand was knocked away by a strong force, and fell into the group of big-headed monsters that had piled up into a hill below, exploding into a huge rising ball of fire.

"Captain Dire?"

Only then did "Nanaze Mai" notice that she was being held by Luo Jie and suspended in the air more than ten meters high.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time, otherwise I would have had to pick up your bones from the monsters."

Luo Jie also received the alarm from the [Ghost Tube Fox], and was the first to rush to rescue "Nanase Mai". The other people's [Ghost Tube Fox] were still quiet at the moment, and they probably did not encounter any fatal danger.

"I've caused you trouble." "Nanaze Mai" apologized solemnly.

"Hmm... Nanase-san, has anyone ever said that you rarely mature at a young age?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Nanaze Mai" looked at Luo Jie without knowing why.

"It's nothing." Luo Jie smiled nonchalantly, "Although Sanwu Lolita is very cute, it's cuter to be shy at times like this."

"Nanase Mai" thought for a while, then took out a piece of paper with a shy face in a manga and put it on her face.

"Is that so?"

"...Are you usually so perfunctory with others?"

"Sorry, I was born with a facial nerve disorder. I can't make the complicated expressions of ordinary people, so I can only use a paper mask instead... Don't look at me like this now, in fact, I am still very shy when being held by Captain Nightmare like this. ”

"Mai Nanase" expressionlessly put on a paper mask with a blush on her face, rolling her eyes and sticking out her tongue.

Luo Jie: "???"

"Oh? Sorry, I got the wrong one."

"Nanaze Mai" put away the wrong mask just like lightning and put on a red manga face mask.

Luo Jie: "..."

Wait, why is this loli wearing a mask with that expression just now? When are you planning to use it?

"Captain Dire, the monster is coming."

Even though Luo Jie and "Nanase Mai" were suspended in the air more than ten meters high, the big-headed monster below still refused to give up. It trampled on the bodies of its companions and kept climbing up. In a short time, they stacked up into a tall tower. It had a shape like that, and its big flesh-colored head was swaying and squirming, looking extremely disgusting.

"Hold on tight."

Luo Jie's body rose a few meters again, and narrow flames spurted out from both sides of his clenched right fist, instantly turning into a flaming spear as if it were material.

——"Raging Sun Flame Spear"!

Fireballs falling from the sky penetrated the tall towers stacked with big-headed monsters. Bright red light shined through the gaps between the monsters, and then spurted out surging flames.

The big-headed monsters struggled and rolled in pain, and the tower more than ten meters high collapsed instantly. The monsters covered in flames fell into the group below, igniting more big-headed monsters.

The strategic magic "Raging Sun Flame Spear" comes from the world of "Cheating High School Students Can Calmly Pretend Even in Another World", UU Reading www. Although the basic power is not high, the duration is extremely long. Without any interference, it can even continuously spray flames around for an entire hour.

A large number of big-headed monsters, which were unable to move in the center, struggled painfully for nearly half a minute and then turned into "ghost cores" all over the ground. The big-headed monsters on the periphery fled in different directions with varying degrees of flames. They rolled up even more during the crowding and stampeding. Only less than half of the fireball fled back to the surrounding wooden houses in embarrassment.

But the strange thing is that the flames that can ignite the big-headed monster cannot ignite these seemingly ordinary wooden houses. Even if they are forcibly destroyed with skills, these wooden houses will return to their original appearance in a short time.

"Forget it, forget about these houses, pick up these ghost cores, and let's go meet the others."

"Nanase Mai" was stunned for a moment, then woke up from the scene of the raging sea of ​​fire just now, and quickly threw out a kangaroo-shaped origami puppet, followed by the dog "Xiao Ke" who trotted and stuffed it into his mouth. Clean up the battlefield.

Last night, I suddenly received a spiritual probe from the distant universe. In order to protect the earth from destruction, I had no choice but to move the battlefield to the M78 nebula thousands of light years away... So, I'm sorry for missing one chapter.

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