Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1014 The Evil Eye’s First Battle

Midland is a paranormal countermeasure organization established in modern times. It does not have the deep foundation accumulated over thousands of years like Wuche Academy. It does not have the continuous supply of talents from the psionic family, nor does it have various martial arts techniques summarized and inherited by its predecessors.

The American government could not accept being overtaken by a small country like Japan in terms of supernatural countermeasures, so it ignored the protests and objections of the international community and went all out to develop various taboo technologies and human experiments, and finally formed a complete talent training route.

Mechanical modification and genetic modification.

Mechanical transformation is like "Senna Grace", using mechanical prosthetics or mechanical prostheses to replace the original missing body tissues, and using mechanical power to replace the power of the human body.

The advantage of this kind of enhanced transformation is that the combat effectiveness is quickly formed, and once the technology matures, the same type of enhanced soldiers can be mass-produced in cheap castrated versions.

The disadvantage is that the prototype machine is expensive to build, and the user's strength cannot be improved through practice. They can only rely on scientific researchers to upgrade the technology of the prosthetic body and limbs.

Genetic modification is to implant the genetic fragments of powerful demonic creatures into the human body, so that ordinary people can obtain the physique and abilities of the demonic creatures.

The advantages and disadvantages of this kind of modification are exactly opposite to those of mechanical modification.

The cost is relatively cheap, and you can continue to improve your combat effectiveness through self-cultivation later on.

The only problem is that the rejection reaction is large and the number of suitable candidates who can perfectly fuse the genes is too small. Every successful test subject is a special case and cannot be mass-produced.

The French young man "Jacques" is such a lucky person who has successfully integrated the genes of the demonic creature "werewolf".

However, I don’t know whether it was the genetic mutation caused by the fusion process or the triggering of some ancient gene carried in his body. His werewolf form is very special. His hair is brown and extremely curly and fluffy. His ears are also long and floppy. He is not as ferocious as a werewolf at all. With its brutal aura, it looks like a large teddy dog.

Although the appearance looks silly and cute, the real body is after all a werewolf that is more ruthless than a ruthless person. Before the sharp claws covered with curly hair can reach it, the wind pressure with a screaming sound has already hit his face.

Although the speed is not as fast as the lightning-like kick of "Wind Demon Disaster" just now, the power is no less powerful with the power of werewolf blood.

Luo Jie smiled slightly, and the pupil of his left eye lit up with a faint golden halo.

——[Evil Eye·Cavalry Eye]!

In an instant, the scene in front of "Jacques" was covered by a large mosaic of colorful colors, and the thick coding made Luo Jie almost blend into the dark background.

As the mosaic grid changed rapidly, a scattered brilliance lit up inside, and the terrifying radiating energy pillar swallowed up the tall figure of "Jacques".

The flash of light ended, and only two dog legs with burnt hair were left on the ground.

Luo Jie dispersed the thick mosaic air wall in front of him, put the one-meter-long shotgun type [Romantic Turret·Pumpkin] on his shoulders, and expressed regret to the shocked Midland people: "Level does not represent strength, I I agree with this sentence very much..."

"Evil Eye? Are you also a member of the Feng Mo Family?" "Shana Grace" frowned and looked at the charred dogleg on the ground who was still charging. The look in her eyes became more and more fierce, "I hope you are in your family. Your status must be high enough, otherwise I guarantee that you will spend the rest of your life in a cell at Midland United.”

"It scared me to death. I thought you were going to kill him on the spot... because wasn't that Teddy just black?" Luo Jie pretended to be flustered and patted his chest.

The blonde woman in tube top and hot pants covered her mouth and chuckled: "Captain, I like this guy's sense of humor. He should host a talk show."

"Everyone obeys the order and takes down this man! Roka, block his long-range attacks and allow him to kill if necessary!"

"Shenna Grace"'s giant hammer once again emitted dazzling lightning. Her footsteps were heavy and full of explosive power, dragging the flying earth and rocks on the ground and slamming them down with thunderous force.

Before Luo Jie could raise his gun, a meteor-like arrow shot through the air from the side. He turned to avoid it, but the oval-shaped arrow suddenly exploded in the air, and the shock wave that spread instantly made his body fly into the air.

At the same time, the blond woman in tube tops and hot pants and the black demon-fighting ninja covered in a cloak also appeared beside him. Long knives and daggers stabbed at his vitals like lightning, sealing them completely. All space for avoidance.

Luo Jie stopped his body in mid-air on the air platform generated by stepping on the [Flying Stone]. [Flying Wind·Elucidator] and [Flying Snow·Dark Chaser] appeared in his hands at the same time, and the wild sword light flashing with thunder and lightning flew into a ball. Dazzling ball lightning.

——[Thunder Light·Starburst·Moon Wheel]!

The reaction of the demon-killing ninja in black was extremely quick. He retreated with the half-cut long sword, and his plump body wrapped in tight clothes unscientifically lifted several feet in the air before turning over and landing on the ground.

But the blonde short-haired woman "Sonia" didn't have this ability. Her entire right arm was twisted into the whirling lightning sword energy barrier, and she screamed and exploded into a cloud of blood mist.


The sound of bowstrings sounded again in the distance, and the body of the dog "Xiao Ke" expanded rapidly. He swooped to block the flying arrows. The violent explosion opened up a hole as big as a bowl in his buttocks, which healed within seconds. disappear.

"Loka, be careful! There's something weird about that dog-shaped creature!"

"Shenna Grace" was about to go to support, but she saw Luo Jie breaking through the encirclement and carrying out the [Romantic Turret Pumpkin] again. When the muzzle of the gun lit up, she put the giant hammer in front of her without hesitation. , the terrifying energy beam bombarded the hastily activated electromagnetic shield, and the huge force pushed her to plow two dozen-meter-long furrows on the ground.

"Four against one, that's not fair."

While speaking, Luo Jie raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and a long-haired beauty wearing a tight purple skirt appeared beside him out of thin air.

"Xena Grace" couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

"Shikigami summons? Are you not from the Fuma family? Who are you?"

"Well, a demon-slayer ninja out of interest." Luo Jie shrugged and smiled, took a step back and gave up the battlefield to "Medusa", "I'll leave this woman to you."

"Yes, Master!"

Holding the light chain sword in her hand, "Medusa"'s tall figure crouched slightly, and suddenly turned into a stream of purple light and rushed into the flashing thunder and lightning.

With the strong wind roaring behind him, Luo Jie turned around and raised his knife to stop the long knife struck by the black-clothed demon-fighting ninja in mid-air. The heavy pressure made his body suddenly sink, and his legs were thrust straight into the ground beneath his feet.

"Huh? It's actually gravity!"

Luo Jie's body sank slowly, and his body that used to be so light was now as heavy as a thousand pounds. This pressure did not only come from the long knife on top of his head, but also from the continuous aggravation of the whole body.

"I have to admit, your ability is much more of a threat to me than the woman playing with the hammer just now... But I'm a little curious, since you have such strong strength, why do you hide yourself behind a cloak and mask?"

The corners of Luo Jie's mouth raised slightly, and a golden halo suddenly lit up in his right eye.

——[Evil Eye·Infantry Eye]!

In an instant, except for the black prosthetic limbs and long swords on both arms, all the equipment of the black-clothed demon-fighting ninja disappeared in an instant, and the whole person was completely exposed to Luo Jie's sight without any cover.

"What the hell?!"

When he saw the true appearance of the black-clothed demon-fighting nin before him, Luo Jie couldn't help but be stunned.

It's not that the other party's naked body is stunning or ugly, but that face is clearly "Igawa Ashaji"!

This...what's going on?

At the moment Luo Jie lost consciousness, the blonde girl "Sonia" in tube tops and hot pants had stopped the blood loss on her right shoulder. She held a dagger in one arm and stabbed Luo Jie in the ribs with persistence.

It's a pity that she underestimated the abnormal defense power of [Mimetic Armor·Haunted by Evil Spirits], UU Reading This sword actually caused the dagger to fly away.

"If you're seriously injured and you don't take care of yourself, do you really think I can't spare any time to take care of you?"

Luo Jie glanced at her coldly from the side, and suddenly the magic circle flashed out of thin air beside him.

A long-straight girl wearing a black sailor skirt jumped out of the magic circle with a light body. She waved a long pink knife and ignited a thin flame like falling cherry blossoms.

"Shikigami again?"

The blonde woman "Sonia" rolled over on the spot without hesitation, but the sword energy containing hot flames still opened a hideous wound on her face that almost penetrated the entire face.

"It's not a shikigami, it's my fiancée."

The girl in sailor uniform gently flipped her long hair, and the scattered firelight turned into four swaying pink fire tails behind her.

"My name is Isayama Huangquan."

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