The next day.

Carefully avoiding the eyes of the brothel thugs, "Akiyama Rinko" and "Mizuki Yukikaze" bypassed the maze-like complex streets and arrived at the construction site of a deserted unfinished building.

According to the original plan, the three of them would meet at an agreed upon location every 24 hours to summarize the intelligence they had obtained and decide on the next step depending on the situation.

The uneven ground was overgrown with weeds, and the surrounding area was a desolate and dilapidated scene.

"That idiot hasn't arrived yet? He has more free time than us, right?" "Shuicheng Xuefeng" pouted dissatisfied and kicked away clods of soil to scare away a wild dog that was passing by for food.

"Sneak investigation, anything can happen. It may have been delayed by some unexpected situation. Please wait."

"Akiyama Rinko" said while using "Sky Release·Five Senses Jump" to randomly explore every corner of the surroundings. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There were so many people in the brothel before, and I never had a chance to communicate...Xue Feng, did you find anything there?"

"I didn't find anything serious. I just found out a bunch of disgusting gossip. Where are you, Rinko-sister?"

"I did find out something - it is said that about half a year ago, a newcomer came to the brothel. Although he was over thirty years old, he was extremely beautiful. Within a month of joining the job, he was selected as the oiran of the month. Since then. Judging from her appearance, she must be Aunt Shiranui.”

"Then what?" Getting closer to the truth, "Shui Cheng Xuefeng" couldn't help but get excited again, "Did that person tell me where my mother went?"

"Akiyama Rinko" shook his head regretfully: "The person who told me this was just an ordinary prostitute. She said that Aunt Shiranui seemed to be attracted by a big shot after becoming an oiran, and she was taken away from the brothel... As for where she went, It’s not something that an ordinary prostitute like her can know.”

"Shui Cheng Xuefeng" was a little disappointed, then he clenched his fists to cheer himself up and said: "It doesn't matter, at least it proves that we are in the right place..."

Suddenly, a crazy and charming female voice echoed repeatedly among the unfinished buildings on the construction site.

"Want to know the news about "Mizuki Shiranui"? You can come and ask me..."

not good! There's an ambush!

"Akiyama Rinko" and "Mizuki Yukikaze" opened their robes to reveal the demon-slaying ninja tights underneath. They held weapons and formed a back-to-back formation to face the enemy. Their eyes vigilantly searched the dark corners around them.

Swish swish—!

Dozens of masked men in black combat uniforms appeared one after another from hiding places disguised as garbage, pointing the black muzzles of their guns at the two people in the center of the open space.

In the gap of a balcony above the unfinished building, a long-haired beauty with an evil face appeared from the darkness, and her long and seductive tongue licked the three-edged hook equipped on her wrist.

"Look what I found? Two trembling little rabbits... Are you looking for that cow-like woman?"

Seeing this hook-claw beauty wearing a shameful red deep V tights, "Akiyama Rinko" couldn't help but shrink her pupils, and a thin stream of sweat wet her forehead and back.

The person she was most worried about meeting finally happened.


One of the two most powerful generals under the King of Vampires "Edwin Brak", she is a powerful female ninja in charge of the assassination group known as the "Ozuku Ninja Army".

It is said that this woman was once a demon-fighting ninja at the same time as "Igawa Ashaki". She was killed by "Igawa Ashaki" for colluding with the demons, but was later resurrected by "Edwin Black" and became a demon. A vampire, his strength is far greater than before.

"Akiyama Rinko" didn't think the two of them could defeat a pseudo-level strongman, so she couldn't help but approach "Mizuki Yukikaze" behind her, and lowered her voice and said: "Our plan has been exposed, I will use "Sky Escape" later. "Instant Flash" will take you out of the city. As long as we leave the Sindongkyo area, we will be safe. "

"Then...what should I do about my mother?"

"Save your own life first, and then you can find a way to save Aunt Shiranui."

"Akiyama Rinko" was about to grab "Mizuki Yukikaze"'s wrist when her eyes suddenly focused on a yellow scarf in "Hagi"'s hand.

That was her birthday gift to "Tatsuro Akiyama".

"Dalang? What did you do to my brother?!"

"Oh? That young man who is quite stiff and... angry is your brother." "Hazy" picked up the yellow scarf on the hook, took out a mobile phone from his chest and threw it away.

The mobile phone is also the personal mobile phone of "Tatsuro Akiyama". There is a short period of time in the photo album that shows the video of last night.

In the picture, "Tatsuro Akiyama" was hung with his hands tied in a dark, dungeon-like room. Several tall orcs with horse heads were standing around, carrying whips and sticks, and making weird and hideous grins.

"Akiyama Rinko"'s pupils shrank sharply and her hands trembled uncontrollably.

"I know you, Akiyama Rinko, the only genius of this generation in the Akiyama family who has mastered the art of air escape. "Hazy"'s sexy and beautiful body suddenly disappeared from the rooftop balcony like a bubble, and in the blink of an eye she appeared in the overgrown open space, walking gracefully with her waist like a water snake, and said with a sweet smile: "What if You want to escape with "Mizuki Shiranui"'s daughter. Now is your last chance... However, it's hard to say whether your brother "Akiyama Tatsuro" can hold on until the next rescue arrives. After all, those orcs He is not very smart and is always very rough with toys. "


"Akiyama Rinko"'s long knife fell to the ground, her face was as pale as paper, and her empty eyes seemed to have had their souls sucked out.

"Sister Rinko!" "Mizuki Yukikaze" hesitated again and again and resolutely threw away the two guns in his hands, hugged "Akiyama Rinko" and gritted his teeth, shouting to "Hazy": "You despicable woman, if you dare to touch us Three to one hair, my mother will not let you go!"

"Your mother? Shuicheng Shiranui?" "Hazy" seemed to have heard some interesting joke, UU Reading couldn't help but cover his mouth and let out a high-pitched laugh, "The big cow has been completely broken long ago, and the body is there The lowest level of the underground prison. If you are lucky enough to be imprisoned there in the future, you may be able to pick up a few bones that are not rotten..."

"Mom?!" "Shui Cheng Xuefeng" felt like the world was spinning, and she knelt on the ground completely exhausted.

"Hazy"'s voluptuous purple lips lifted up proudly, she held a strange-looking necklace pendant in her hand, placed it on the foreheads of "Akiyama Rinko" and "Mizuki Yukikaze", and recited a spell respectively.

An evil energy poured into the two people's bodies from their foreheads, and finally settled in their lower abdomens, imprinting a complex heart-shaped pink pattern on the surface of their skin.

"This... what is this?" A flash of fear flashed in the eyes of "Shui Cheng Xuefeng".

"What? Didn't your Principal Jinghe tell you?" "Hazy" stretched out his hand and gently patted "Shui Cheng Xuefeng"'s fragile little face, his eyes filled with morbid doting, "This It's called "Hypnotic Marking", and it's a cursed secret technique. Those who are marked can't resist any of my orders... Of course, I won't throw you directly to those rude orcs. That would be too wasteful. As a rare active demon-fighting ninja, you are one of my master's favorite toys. "

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