Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1061 Blonde Fox Girl Sanjono Haruhime

"Mr. Nightmare, congratulations on being the first to be promoted to LV.2. Although the camps are different, I am equally honored to be able to work with one of the strongest men from the other camp in the same family."

"Funnel" deliberately imitates the aristocratic etiquette of Ouzhou in the Middle Ages, but the frivolous tone makes people unable to feel any elegance. Instead, it feels like the hair on the whole body has been licked by a poisonous snake.

"Do you mind chatting alone? I have some information here that I think you will be interested in."

"Okay, let's go to the fountain in the square over there."

Luo Jie shrugged indifferently. Anyway, there were guards from the beast god "Ganesha" clan patrolling the square for a long time, and he was not worried that the other party would assassinate him in such public view.

The three of them came to a secluded place next to the fountain in the center of the square.

The bright sunshine at noon was shining on the square where people were coming and going. The golden-haired nobleman "Funnel" raised his hand to hold up a black parasol and apologized to Luo Jie: "I'm sorry, because of my bloodline, although I Not afraid of the sun, but don’t like this bright environment.”

This person's bloodline is not that kind of very advanced vampire, but just the most common "vampire". He may be of relatively high quality, but he still hasn't gotten rid of his pale skin and his aversion to sunlight, so he can't be honest. It's just It can't be concealed.

"What do you want to say?" Luo Jie played with the hilt of [Netherworld Flower Burial] disapprovingly.

Although the possibility is very low, he will not bet his own safety on the word "possible". If these two people really dare to take the risk, his knife will definitely cut through their throats as soon as possible.

"Well, rather than exchanging information, I want to unilaterally give you some information, Mr. Nightmare."

Perhaps sensing Luo Jie's subtle warning, "Funnel" took the initiative to raise the other hand that was not holding an umbrella, signaling that he had no intention of starting a fight.

"Mr. Night Dire can advance to LV.2 first among all players. He must have noticed the hidden rule that killing players from the enemy camp can capture the opponent's "great cause", right? "

Luo Jie smiled noncommittally. It seemed that the other party recognized that he was leveling up by killing people, and did not know the real secret of his rapid leveling up.

"But I guess Mr. Nightmare must not know that there are two other hidden rules."

"Oh?" Luo Jie was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but start to re-examine the noble man in front of him.

"Funnel" twitched the corner of his mouth with a half-smile, but did not deliberately show off, saying: "Actually, in addition to killing players from the enemy camp to capture the "great cause", killing players from your own camp can also capture the "great cause". It's just that The number of "great achievements" is only about one-quarter to one-fifth of the enemy players. "

Luo Jie frowned. He had already vaguely guessed that there might be such a rule, but he didn't expect that the man in front of him would actually go crazy and do the experiment.

"What about a hidden rule?"

"Even if players from opposing camps are in the same clan, the damage caused by attacks will be greatly reduced. In other words, unless there is a huge difference in level, players from the same clan cannot fight each other."

"Well, by the way, the above two items do not apply to those NPC adventurers."

The tone of "Funnel" is understatement, but the information revealed in the words is dripping with blood.

Luo Jie took a deep breath and seemed to understand the intention of the other party.

"Are you trying to say that you have no intention of being my enemy?"

"Actually - I wanted to kill you at first. After all, there were players from other factions in the same clan that made me feel very uncomfortable. But after discovering the last hidden rule, coupled with your upgrade speed, Mr. Nightmare, I I have completely given up on this ridiculous idea.”

"I understand, thank you for telling me this."

Luo Jie nodded, turned around and left the square fountain. Since he didn't say yes, he didn't say rejection either.

If the last hidden rule is true, then there is really no need for him to start a war with "Funnel" and "Black Wild Ass".

But that doesn't mean he can completely rest assured about these two people.

After all, you don't have to do it yourself to kill someone. The two of them existing in the Ishtar Familia for a day will always be a huge hidden danger to Luo Jie.

We must find an opportunity to get rid of them.

I believe the other party should also have the same idea.

Fengyue Street, Jidong Pavilion.

In a private room full of Eastern style, a fox girl with hair as gorgeous as the sun is sitting in front of the silver mirror on the dressing table, letting the little maid behind her comb her long golden hair, and looking out the window There was a touch of sadness and loneliness in the cherry blossom tree's green eyes.

"Miss Haruhime..."

"I said, I'm just a trainee now, just call me Haruhime."

"Okay, Sister Haruji." The ordinary-looking maid put down her comb and skillfully put the blond fox girl in a bright red Jidong costume. While tying her belt, she said with envy on her face: "I heard from the prostitute. The other sisters inside said that an adventurer with a high status in the clan wanted to take Haruhime as a personal maid. Although she was not a concubine, at least she no longer had to work hard to receive different guests every day. The other sisters were very envious of Haruhime. My sister’s luck.”

Because of their filthy status, it is impossible for the wealthy women of Fengyue Street to marry into a real noble family. Even marrying a commoner is a luxury. Becoming a concubine to an adventurer is the best destination they can get.

Even so, not every Chang woman can have such luck.

The final fate of most people is to leave Orario with their life savings and ailments as they age and die alone in an unknown village.

A bitter smile appeared on the face of the blond fox girl, UU Reading sighed: "This is not good luck, it's just changing from one cage to another."

She subconsciously touched the metal collar around her neck. The hard and cold touch made her retract her fingers instantly, her face becoming increasingly gloomy.

"Forget it, even if you tell me, you won't understand... Lady Ishtar will never allow me to leave Orario, and I will never be truly free."

At this moment, a maid's voice came from outside the door.

"Miss Haruhime, are you ready? The adventurer has arrived."

"I'm ready. Please invite that adult in."


Listening to the retreating footsteps of the maid outside the door, the blonde fox girl took a deep breath, raised her hand to reject the little maid who was washing her, and sat upright facing the door.

In fact, everything no longer mattered to her.

Her life should have ended the moment she was kicked out of the house by her father at the age of eleven. It was only thanks to the shelter of "Ishtar" and the care of Miss "Ayesha" that she survived for another five years.

Whether it was working as an apprentice to a wealthy woman, or becoming a maid to a certain adventurer, Quan should be repaying the kindness of the Ishtar Familia for taking her in and raising her.

The shoji door of the room opened, and a male adventurer dressed in black stepped into the room.

"I kept you waiting, sir."

"Sanjono Haruhime" touched her forehead to the ground and leaned down to salute. When she raised her head again, she couldn't help but froze in place.

"Eh? Are you...His Royal Highness Nightmare?"

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