Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1,064 A man exuding a dark aura

"50,000 faris? So expensive?"

Looking at the amount displayed on the "Equipment Self-Service Repair Machine" that looked like an arcade machine in the 1990s, Luo Jie couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain.

There is no such thing in the original work of "Gone Wrong". It is obviously a setting forced into the system. It is probably also added with a "cognitive impairment" effect. No one among the NPC adventurers coming and going in the corridor feels this thing. The suddenness of the child.

"Forget it...just fix it."

Five gold coins with a face value of 10,000 faries were stuffed into the coin slot, and a white light shone on the [Dracula Cloak]. The entire repair was completed, and it was so perfunctory that it made people want to complain.

expensive! too expensive!

Luo Jie was leveling up on the 10th level before, and the maximum daily income from magic crystals was 50,000 mana. Excluding the share given to "Lijie Ayesha" and the family members, the net income was about 15,000 mana.

Just one use of "Dark Night Flight" burned through nearly three days of his income.

How long do you have to save up to get the 100 million mana needed to transform [Wind, Interpreter] and [Flying Snow, Dark Chaser]?

He now somewhat understands why this fantasy world is prefixed with the word "social animal" - risking his life to take risks in the dungeon, but in the end the income is so meager that it makes people cry. What is it if it is not a social animal?

"Huh? Mr. Nightmare?"

When Luo Jie heard someone greeting him, he turned his face and saw a pure black leather hood that made his anus tighten.

Philosophical Wrestler——"Yanzu An".

"Oh, hello, Mr. An, are you here to repair the equipment too?"

Luo Jie greeted them politely. Although the two did not have a close relationship, they had had some cooperation in the world of "Ghoul". Now they were in the same camp and the same family, so in a sense they could be called acquaintances.

"The leveling up has been a bit fierce recently, and the armor wear is relatively large. Fortunately, I am a bare-handed profession, so there is no wear and tear on the weapons. Otherwise, the mana earned may not be enough to repair the equipment."

Luo Jie was stunned.

Fantasy equipment can only be destroyed, but there is no such thing as wear and tear, unless it has a "real" prefix like the one in the "Goblin Slayer" world.

"Yes, it's probably a hidden rule. Our players' equipment, like those of aboriginal adventurers, will gradually wear out with increasing use and needs regular repairs... What? Mr. Nightmare, is your equipment "not bad"? Attributes? "

"Ah? So that's it... No, I just have a similar passive skill, which is pretty useless at ordinary times, so I haven't paid much attention to it."

Of course what Luo Jie was talking about was [Sword Protection]. This skill will attach sword energy to the surface of the weapon, effectively insulating the weapon from wear and tear under the "real" prefix, and keeping the weapon's attack stable.

As for the armor - [Mimetic Armor·Haunted by Evil Spirits] is alive.

Based on the above coincidences, Luo Jiecai never discovered the hidden rule mentioned by "Yanzu An".

A beam of light hit "Yanzu An"'s body, and the damage on the leather hood and spiked collar looked brand new again. He nodded to Luo Jie again.

"Mr. Nightmare, I'll take my leave now. I hope that one day I can team up with you for an expedition."

"See you."

Luo Jie frowned slightly as he watched the man who exuded a dark aura leave the weapon shop.

In order to force the two camps to fight, the system really did everything possible, even including the disgusting setting of equipment wear and tear.

Because they have to pay extremely high commissions to the dependents, the income of low-level adventurers is often very difficult. Fortunately, the equipment used is of low quality and the purchase and maintenance prices are cheap, so they can barely make a slight surplus.

However, most of the equipment used by players is high-quality, and the repair price is naturally high. If the high commissions of low-level members cannot be eliminated as soon as possible, a vicious cycle of making ends meet will be formed, and in the end, the main equipment may even become unusable.

It doesn't matter if you use inferior equipment to kill monsters, but if you encounter a camp PK, it is equivalent to giving away your life for nothing.

Therefore, in order to reach a high enough level before entering a vicious cycle, killing and grabbing experience becomes the only option for all players.

It seems that in the next period of time, both camps will probably experience a LV.2 blowout.

After thinking about this, Luo Jie felt an increasing sense of urgency in his heart.

Going from LV.2 to LV.3 is much more difficult than going from LV.1 to LV.2. If you don’t upgrade as soon as possible to create a distance, your first-mover advantage may soon be equaled by more and more latecomers. .

Leading his dog "Xiao Ke" into the underground city under the Tower of Babel, Luo Jie experienced firsthand the power of the "street cleaning tiger".

Wherever he passed, the Mi'ao players with red logos on their bodies all ran away, giving him no chance to get close.

Even the players from the Anzhou District in the same camp were very wary of Luo Jie passing by.

Luo Jie had long expected this kind of scene, and was too lazy to play the rabbit-catching game. He just took the shortest route and went straight to the lower stairs of each floor.

The 1st to 12th floors of the underground city are called the upper floors or shallow floors.

Starting from the 13th floor and going all the way to the 17th floor, it is the middle floor.

The biggest difference between the middle level and the upper level is that from here on, monsters begin to use magic or weapons to carry out long-range attacks, and the equipment and reaction requirements of adventurers are also higher.

Until now, no other players have been able to enter the middle level, and only some LV.2 aboriginal adventurers are leveling up here. UU reading

These people were not that aggressive. When they saw Luo Jie, they only cast curious glances. Some of them would say hello to him politely after recognizing him as the rumored fastest LV.2 record holder.

Without familiar plot characters, Luo Jie didn't have much communication with these popular NPCs. He nodded briefly and continued to the next floor by referring to the map.

Compared with the overcrowded adventurers on the upper level, the middle level was obviously much deserted. Instead, there were a large number of monsters wandering in the passages.

Among them, two types of monsters are the most common and the most difficult.

One is the calf-sized dog-shaped monster "Black Demon Dog", which mostly moves in groups. In addition to attacking and biting, it can also shoot small fireballs with great power.

The other type is the half-human tall upright rabbit-shaped monster "Axe Rabbit". It also lives in groups and has flexible movements. It can throw stone axes to attack.

Fortunately, apart from a slight change in attack methods and a larger number, its individual strength is not much higher than that of the 10th-floor Big Goblin.

Luo Jie did not rely too much on blindly. He worked step by step to lure and clear monsters, always leaving a margin for the number of monsters he faced at one time. When he ran out of energy, he found a safe place to perform a "death recasting" without rest. After two days of continuous fighting, we finally reached the stairwell from the 14th floor to the 15th floor.

In the personal panel, the experience bar representing "Great Deeds" only increased by 1%.

Luo Jie frowned.

This upgrade speed... is a bit too much.

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