Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 1081 Heroine, spare your life

"The Hostess of Plenty" tavern.

There were still a few scattered guests left in the hall who refused to leave, clamoring to continue serving wine and food.

A plain-looking brown-haired waitress placed the dishes she had brought back on the front desk and nuzzled at the proprietress "Mia Grando".

"Madam boss, those customers can't be persuaded to leave, do you want me to throw them all out?"

Even though this girl is inconspicuous against the other cute waitresses in the store, she was a bounty hunter with the title of "Black Fist" back then, with a level as high as LV.4. To be honest, these troublemaking scum in the store Damn it, it's not even enough for her to hit with one hand even when tied together.

The proprietress "Mia" wiped her hands on her apron and sneered: "We will continue to operate tomorrow, and I don't want to change a set of tables and chairs for such a few bastards... Go tell "Aniya" that there is a problem The guests at the table asked her to sing. "

The face of the brown-haired waitress "Lunova" changed drastically, and there was even a faint cold sweat on her forehead.

"Lady boss, it's not that big of a deal...what kind of hatred or resentment is there?"

"There's nothing I can do about it. "Aniya" hasn't sang for several days. She's probably suffocating to the limit. Last time she sneaked into the dungeon to sing, causing monsters to go on a rampage, and the Adventurer's Guild came to complain to me. "The proprietress "Mia" took out a few pairs of soundproof earplugs specially designed to protect against the mermaid's singing from the counter, threw them to "Lunova" and said: "Go, let "Xier" and the others take precautions, and then follow those few This bastard said that after listening to a song, they would pay for free, and if they didn’t, I would pay double the amount. "

A few minutes later.

Several adventurers rushed out of the tavern crying.

"Heroine, spare your life! Why don't I pay you double the amount of money for drinks... It won't happen! It really won't happen!"

A cat-human waitress with short brown hair walked out of the tavern, shrugged her ears in shock, squatted down and picked up several money bags left on the ground.

"I've just started singing...Is it that difficult to be a bard?"

A cat-human waitress with black hair leaned against the door frame, took off her earplugs from her head and whispered to the green-haired elf waitress beside her: "Actually, I have always thought that the singing voice of "Aniya" is actually one of her special skills. , but she never admitted it. "

The green-haired elf waitress nodded expressionlessly, obviously agreeing with the black cat waitress.

"Liu!" The brown-haired waitress "Black Fist-Lunova" came out of the store and handed the green-haired elf waitress an envelope. "I found this when I was clearing the table just now. Your name is on it. It should be that table. The guest left it to you.”

"Huh? Is it a love letter? Aren't they usually written to "Xie'er"? It's really rare to give it to "Lyu"..."

The cat-human waitress "Black Cat Chloe" poked her head curiously, but "Hayate Lyu" pressed her head and pushed her away.

After tearing open the envelope, the first thing that fell out was a worn-out red flower headdress stained with dirt.

"Black Cat-Chloe" quickly grabbed it in his hand, looked left and right, and said in surprise: "This suitor is really poor, and he can afford such a tattered headdress... Could it be some kind of family heirloom that was just dug up? "

"Hayate-Lyu"'s pupils shrank instantly, and she snatched the dirty headdress away from "Black Cat-Kloe"'s hand, held it in front of her and examined it carefully, tears flowing down her cheeks unknowingly.

"Lunova, what does the guest who left this letter look like? Which direction did he go to?"

"With so many customers coming every day, how can I remember every table?"

"Black Fist-Lunova" has never seen "Hayate-Lyu" have such a big mood swing. She also realized that the guests at the table might be very important to her, and she folded her arms and tried to remember.

"Oh, I remembered - the guests at that table were a man and a woman. Because they were wearing hoods and cloaks, I could only see the lower half of their faces. Both of them had black hair. Judging from their face shape and facial features, they should be from the East. As for when I left and where I went, I really don’t know. There are so many jobs in the store, how could I stare at two customers? Besides, the man is not handsome..."

"Perhaps you should see if there is a message in the envelope." "Black Cat-Kloe" pinched her chin and narrowed her eyes. She likes to play this kind of detective game the most. "If those two people just came to send this tiara instead of If they plan to meet you, then you will definitely not be able to find them...but if they want to meet you, they will definitely leave some clues, so the answer must be in the envelope!"

A word to wake up the dreamer.

"Hayate-Lyu" quickly checked the envelope again and saw that there was indeed a note inside.

——Come to the Adventurer Cemetery alone, and you will know what you want to know.

"What's wrong? Lyu, are you in trouble? Do you want help?" "Black Fist-Lunova" asked kindly.

"No, it's nothing." "Hayate-Lyu" calmly put the note and tiara into his pocket, "I have something to do today and may have to leave a little early. Please tell Mia's mother."

late at night.

North of Orario City, Adventurer Cemetery.

He put on the adventurer's equipment "Hayate-Ryu" again, covered his delicate face unique to the elves with a hood, and had his friend's relic - Kodachi [Twin Leaves] - in his waist. The wooden sword [Elf Streaming Light], like a light green smoke, jumped to the top of the tallest tree outside the cemetery, looking down from a high position.

Among the tens of thousands of white tombstones, two mysterious men shrouded in hooded black robes stood quietly. The man among them seemed to be aware of "Hayate Liu"'s gaze and raised his head to look at the top of the tree.

However, under the dim moonlight, "Hayate-Lyu" could only feel the opponent's sight, but could never clearly see the opponent's face.

Now that she was discovered by the other party, she simply stopped hiding her figure, jumped off the tree and walked straight into the cemetery.

"Are you the remnants of the dark faction?"

When "Hayate-Lyu" assassinated the enemy Familia, it was confirmed that no one was left alive. Even the Adventurer's Guild did not know her true appearance. The wanted order only mentioned that she was a blond elf.

Now that this man and woman can lure her out with the relic of "Gojono Kaguya", it means that the other party knows that she is the only survivor of the Astralia Familia.

After thinking about it, it seems that it can only be someone from the dark faction.

The man in black robe did not speak. Instead, the woman in black robe next to him took a step forward, raised her hand and raised a white tatami sword.

"Have you admitted it..."

"Hayate-Ryu"'s eyes were ignited with hatred and anger. His left hand subconsciously clenched the red flower headdress in his pocket. The sacred tree sword in his hand turned into a golden meteor shower. The flying sword light tore through the cold wind of the night. When his head was covered with black robe woman.

The woman in black robe drew her sword and dodged it, accurately hitting the back part of the wooden sword that was least strenuous, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net broke this seemingly airtight combo with just one strike.


"Liu" couldn't help being shocked, and wanted to draw her sword to defend herself, but the wooden sword was thrown away by a clever rotation. The cold sword was directed towards her throat. She had to give up the wooden sword [Elf Streaming Light] and pulled it out. The two Kodachi [Twin Leaves] on his waist held the opponent's blade and rolled backwards.

This woman is also LV.4! And her sword skills are even better than hers!

But for some reason, "Liu" always felt that this woman's body shape and sword skills were inexplicably familiar.

After several consecutive attacks were easily broken by the opponent, "Lyu" finally realized that the opponent's melee strength was far greater than hers, and without hesitation withdrew from the opponent's attack range, running to dodge while starting a parallel chant.

——The forest sky is now far away, and the infinite stars are embedded in the infinite night sky.

——In response to the voice of ignorance like mine, grant me the protection of sparks again, and show bright mercy to those who abandon you.

Although "Lyu" is named after "Blast", she is not a pure swordsman. She possesses both attack and healing magic, and the power of her sword skills is also enhanced by magic with the blessing of special skills.

To put it simply, she is an all-around magic swordsman.

Only when she uses magic and swordsmanship at the same time can she be at full combat power.

--bring it on! The wandering wind, the wandering traveler.

——Fly across the sky, run through the wilderness, travel at a speed faster than anything else, and contain the brilliance of the stars to conquer the enemy.

——[Starlight Wind]!

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