"Ah! Help--help!"

A few young people who rushed at the front were accidentally dragged down by the zombies around them, and were immediately knocked down by the zombies that came one after another. Their faces were covered with blood, and they begged for help in horror.

"Go! Now!"

Jia Shuai quickly passed by, calling out to the others loudly, completely turning a deaf ear to the almost-close call for help.

Is it so easy for a large team of nearly a hundred people to move forward at full speed?

In addition to the two dozen young people who have been rushing to the front of the team with all their strength, the remaining dozens of women, children and elderly people have already been in chaos at the rear.

A middle-aged woman thought the old lady in front of her was blocking her way, so out of habit she tore off her clothes.

As a result, such a small action immediately triggered a chain reaction. The fallen old lady pulled several people around her down one after another. The people behind her couldn't hold their feet, and a dozen more people fell into a gourd on the ground.


Although the zombies have no intelligence, their instinct drives them to give priority to chasing the locations with the strongest aura of living people. Coupled with the wailing and cries of women and children everywhere, this small point of chaos immediately attracted almost everyone around them. of zombies.

Dozens of ferocious-looking zombies rushed into the crowd one after another, ignoring the weak fists and feet that fell on them, scratching with dirty and rotten arms, and tearing off pieces of flesh with white teeth.

Taking advantage of the unexpected chaos, Luo Jie pretended to be in a panic and quietly retreated into a small kiosk selling tourist souvenirs.

As soon as he entered the door, a large wave of zombies rushed toward him. He was wearing a tube top and short skirt overalls with the Lucky City logo on it. He was probably a salesperson at this kiosk before he was alive.

"Ha, it's an old trick..."

Luo Jie sneered disdainfully, and flexibly moved to the side, avoiding the zombie's outstretched claws by a hair's breadth. Then he grabbed the long, dull golden hair from behind and used it to The inertia of the opponent's forward thrust caused him to slam him against the wall with all his strength.

Boom! Boom! Snapped--!

With a clear sound of bone cracking, the entire face of the blond zombie was completely penetrated into the head. The sexy body with forward and backward curves softened and slowly slid down against the wall, leaving a trail along the way. Shocking dark red blood stains.

Luo Jie sat on the ground leaning against the door, panting heavily, sweating all over his body, and showing signs of slight fatigue.

"My physical fitness was actually so poor..."

The violently beating heart and sore and heavy limbs made Luo Jie wake up again. Now he is not the elite player who could push low-level illusions with his bare hands before his rebirth. His rich combat experience cannot make up for his shortcomings in physical fitness.

It seems that we have to seize the time to upgrade.

Luo Jie subconsciously aimed at the line of kill prompts that popped up at the bottom of his field of vision.

[You kill zombies and get 10 points]

[If the conditions are met, do you want to open the points ranking list? 】

Seeing this very familiar reminder, Luo Jie smiled.

The points ranking list is the essence of every fantasy, something that all players love or hate.

I love it because of its generosity - the top three players will receive an extremely generous additional reward based on their ranking and total points when they leave the fantasy world.

I hate it because of his ruthlessness - except for the top three players, everyone else will deduct a certain percentage of their points based on the final ranking. Not only will the last three players have their points cleared, but they will also randomly take back one of their belongings. Advanced equipment or skills.

Before the rebirth, every time the points ranking list was opened, there would be a large influx of gamblers who wanted to make a small fortune, but most people lost everything.

Of course, for Luo Jie now, this ranking list is a good opportunity for him to get his first pot of gold.

"Turn it on." Luo Jie said without hesitation.

[Please decide the code name and whether or not to hide the points display]

"Night Dire, hidden points display."

This "Night Dire" was the codename Luo Jie had used in his previous life, and the hidden points were because he did not want people to guess his identity as a reborn person from the abnormal number of points, which would attract the attention of interested people.

[Confirm code, show and hide points]

[Your current points are 10, ranking 2nd]

Opening the points ranking interface, the one at the top is the "sunglasses", with a total of 310 points.

In just ten minutes, the opponent had killed more than thirty zombies.

However, the growth of points has temporarily stagnated at this moment.

Luo Jie was not surprised by this. Judging from the rudimentary equipment of the strong man in sunglasses, he had only experienced one or two illusions at most. His basic first-level enhanced physical fitness was simply not enough to sustain a long period of cold weather. Weapon combat.

To be able to kill so many zombies at once before resting was a sign that this strong man in sunglasses was extremely talented.

At this moment, the ranking list suddenly refreshed.

A player codenamed "President" appeared on the list and quickly kicked Luo Jie from second place with 20 points.


It should be Jia Shuai, right?

Luo Jie couldn't help but laugh. In his previous life, he didn't open the rankings. He really didn't know that Jia Shuai's code name was so cool.

It seems that this guy really values ​​his status as the student council president.

Having said that, the appearance of new names on the rankings means that the mentality of the survivors has begun to change, from passive escape to active survival.

It's time for you to take action.

Luo Jie quietly poked his head out from behind the counter. Through the gap in the metal guardrail, he saw hundreds of zombies in the square returning to their previous wandering state.

Obviously Jia Shuai and others have successfully entered Good Luck City.

The corpses of those unfortunate victims had been chewed into bloody skeletons. The strong smell of blood attracted swarms of crows to circle over the square, emitting bursts of hoarse and harsh cries like sawing wood.

"Then...let's begin!"

Luo Jie stood up from behind the counter. Thick black smoke rolled out of his body, passed through the metal guardrail in front of him, and gathered into a black human shape in front of the kiosk.

The black human figure is nearly two meters tall and looks like a mummy with black bandages all over its body. It is thin but still has a sense of strength.

Black ghost.

IBM, referred to as IBM, is a symbiotic life form that exists in the body of a demi-human. It has a little self-awareness and an almost beast-like fighting instinct. It also has some kind of spiritual connection with the demi-human it belongs to, and can share senses within a certain distance.

In short, it is a clone.

[You summoned a black ghost, strength 180, existence time 360 ​​seconds (mental attribute X2)]

[Tip: The black ghost's existence time can only be restored by resting, and cannot be reset through infinite recasting and resurrection items. 】

Seeing the last prompt, Luo Jie couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

He originally thought that the black ghost was similar to those summoned creatures that could exist forever as long as they did not die. But now it seems that it is very different from what he expected.

"You can only fight for a maximum of six minutes at a time...but it should be enough."

Luo Jie closed his eyes, and the spiritual connection between the two immediately projected the black ghost's senses into his brain.


When light appeared in front of him again, Luo Jie found himself standing in the square outside the kiosk. Several zombies staggered past him with weird steps, but they were completely unaware of his presence.

It turns out that this is the perspective of the black ghost...

Luo Jie tried to move his limbs. Thanks to the fact that the black ghost's original sanity was severely damaged in the time and space storm, he did not feel any hindering power, and his flexibility seemed to be controlling his own body.


Luo Jie casually threw a punch, and the head of a zombie next to him suddenly turned back at a ninety-degree angle, and his body fell limply to the ground and never moved again.

180 points of mental attributes were converted into nearly twice the strength of an ordinary person, directly breaking the zombie's cervical vertebrae.

The sound of the corpse falling to the ground alerted several zombies around. Although they didn't smell the slightest breath of living people, they still turned around and followed the sound.

The black ghost's feet suddenly exploded, and its figure rushed into the group of corpses like a black whirlwind. It held a zombie's head with each of its two big hands, and slammed it together with both arms.


The heads of the two zombies exploded on the spot like watermelons upon impact, with red and white brains splattering everywhere.

The invisible figure of the black ghost briefly showed part of its shape in the dark red blood. After a while, it disappeared into the air again as the blood dripped.

"This won't work, the speed is still too slow!"

Luo Jie controlled the black ghost to grab the billboard outside the kiosk, swung his arms and hit the neon light box not far away. UU reading www.uukanshu.net


Dozens of glass bulbs shattered and made a loud noise. The zombies in nearly half of the square turned around at almost the same moment and rushed towards this side with their teeth and claws bared.

Not long after, a terrifying zombie wave of more than a hundred zombies gathered around the small kiosk.

Luo Jie was not worried but overjoyed. He used his arms to pull out a parking lot sign with the letter P written on it from the lawn, and used it as a weapon to sweep towards the swarm of corpses in front of him.

[You have obtained a weapon - a parking pass. Do you want to spend 50 points for certification? 】

[Tip: Certified items will have no durability limit and can be taken out of this world after the mission is completed. 】

When the prompt popped up from the bottom of his field of vision, Luo Jie directly chose to deny it.

The biggest feature of this illusion is that anything that can be touched will be regarded as a weapon. If you don't choose it, it's easy to bring back a bunch of useless garbage.


Almost at the same time he made his choice, the edge of the circular sign of the stop sign streaked across the necks of four or five zombies, and several rotten skulls rolled to the ground.

The zombies roared and growled. The remaining biological instincts made them vaguely feel that some kind of danger was approaching. However, the sensory organs evolved for the flesh and blood body could not detect the existence of the black ghost composed of IBM particles. .

For a moment, the black ghost controlled by Luo Jie seemed to have entered a no-man's land, and the stop sign in his hand seemed to be a hot butter knife, peeling away layer after layer of these stunned zombies.

The round logo was chopped and deformed. He simply used it as a stick. He rounded the iron pipe as thick as his wrist and smashed it. The efficiency of killing zombies was not much worse than before, and the visual effect was even better. .

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