Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 35 Mission Description

"Everyone here is an experienced player and should know how difficult a fantasy is. The theme only accounts for 30% at most. The real variables come from the prefix of the theme and the clearance mode."

"The full name of this fantasy is - School of Supernatural Apocalypse (Guard). As far as the information obtained so far, the main plot NPCs are no longer ordinary people in the original work, but everyone has A very powerful ability, and what players have to do in the fantasy world is to protect these plot NPCs and ensure that at least one of them escapes from the Bedlord City within ten days.”

Hearing this, the players below looked at each other - does this count as passing the level? Isn't it a bit too simple?

The man in the suit obviously knew what the people below were thinking. He smiled meaningfully and said, "Do you think this mission seems too simple to be true? Next, I will tell you something that caused Japanese players to fail twice in a row. What’s so scary about the illusion of sinking sand——”

As he spoke, the man in the suit pressed the controller in his hand again, and a picture of a zombie appeared on the projection screen.

It was an extremely ordinary male zombie, wearing a black suit that was almost standard for Japanese office workers. The skin all over his body was bluish white and swollen, and white maggots could be faintly seen crawling in the bloody wounds.

The only difference between zombies seen in the past is that the flat two-dimensional painting style, although still ferocious and terrifying, is obviously less visually impactful than its three-dimensional counterpart.

"This is the 'dead body' in the original work. It is basically no different from the zombies we have killed in other biochemical fantasy lands in the past - they have no vision and can only hunt by hearing. They are not afraid of pain but are slow in movement. Their weakness is Head and spine."

"The only difference is that these dead bodies are more durable. Each one is worth 15 points. You can roughly measure it based on this."

There was buzzing discussion below again, and many players began to have solemn looks on their faces.

The criterion for judging points is not as simple as 1:1. If a dead body is worth 15 points, it means that their comprehensive attributes must be at least twice that of ordinary zombies.

The players here are basically veterans who have experienced more than three illusions. A zombie with double attributes is really nothing to them. At most, it is just an extra shot.

But don’t forget, zombies have never been monsters known for their individual strength. The most terrifying thing about them is their almost endless number. It doesn’t seem to matter if one kills more than once, but what if there are ten? What about a hundred?

Once you are trapped in a swarm of corpses, not to mention delaying for a second, even a distraction may be the difference between life and death.

"This is just an appetizer."

The man in the suit pressed the controller, and three more zombies with different appearances appeared on the screen.

The first zombie was bloated, with green mucus constantly flowing from its mouth that was twice the size of an ordinary person. It looked like a mentally retarded fat man.

The photo of the second zombie is a bit blurry, with a shadow caused by the high-speed movement, and a figure that is as short as a half-grown child can be vaguely seen.

The third zombie was the most shocking. It was three meters tall, with tangled muscles under its green skin, and the zombie's unique ferocious face. It looked like a terrifying version of the Hulk.

"Do these three zombies look familiar? I can tell you clearly that their names are Vomiter, Hunter and Tank. They were originally three powerful monsters from the game "Left 4 Dead", and they have also entered the game at this moment. In this illusion."

This time, the expressions of the players below are no longer relaxed. Although they have not dealt with these three monsters, they can roughly infer how difficult these three monsters are just by their appearance.

"By the way, these three special zombies are not the BOSS in this fantasy world, they are just some elite monsters..."

"Then what is the BOSS creature in this fantasy world?" A player in the audience raised his hand and asked.

The other players were sitting upright, and this was obviously a concern for them.

"The BOSS we know so far is actually the plot NPC you are escorting." The man in the suit smiled faintly and gave an answer that no one expected.

"Story NPC? How could it be the BOSS?" The players became increasingly confused.

"To be honest, I was just as surprised as you when I learned this information." The man in the suit pressed the controller, and another photo appeared on the screen.

This time the photo is no longer a zombie, but a tall and beautiful purple-haired girl wearing a blue yukata with a cherry blossom pattern.

Many players who are familiar with the original work couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time: "Bujima Saeko!"

Busujima Saeko is the most popular female character in "School Apocalypse". She is a beautiful kendo girl with a classical temperament like Yamato Nadeshiko, and her personal fighting power is extremely powerful.

If you want to choose which NPC character is easiest to protect during the mission, Busujima Saeko will undoubtedly rank first.

"Wait...something doesn't seem right?"

After careful observation, everyone in the audience discovered that the Busujima Saeko in the photo did not seem to be the gentle and elegant kendo beauty they had in the original impression.

Not only is he taller, his temperament is also obviously more violent and bloodthirsty. UU Reading There are two red spikes about half a foot long on both sides of the long purple hair on his forehead, and a pair of beautiful eyes with fierce eyes. Li, flickering golden arcs could be seen all over his body, just like the man-eating evil spirits in Japanese myths and legends.

"This is Busujima Saeko's supernatural power - transformation into a demon." The man in the suit did not show off, and directly explained to everyone in detail: "But this is not a demonic transformation under normal conditions, but a super demonic transformation due to the violent power."

Regarding this astonishing information, the person present who knows the most about it is probably Luo Jie.

Just like the theme of this fantasy "Apocalypse of the School of Superpowers", each NPC character has a powerful superpower with personal characteristics.

However, this ability is a double-edged sword. Under normal circumstances, it reduces the difficulty for players to protect plot NPCs during missions, but on the other hand, once plot NPCs die, their bodies will quickly be destroyed by the zombie virus. When transformed into a BOSS, the superpowers it possesses will be enhanced several times.

Among them, Busujima Saeko's "ghost transformation" power is the most terrifying. It does not even require death. As long as a certain number of zombies are killed uninterruptedly, an irreversible power rampage may occur, and indiscriminate attacks will occur within the line of sight. of all living things.

Based on this photo alone, Luo Jie couldn't tell whether this was Busujima Saeko transformed into a BOSS or Busujima Saeko with supernatural powers and going berserk. However, no matter which one it was, the members of the player team escorting her must have been cold.

"When the plot NPC dies, it will become a BOSS. The biggest difficulty of this mission is actually here..." After explaining the photo, the man in a suit on the stage paused for a moment and said solemnly: "So here I want to tell everyone A friendly reminder - if you feel that the plot NPC you are escorting is hopeless, don’t hesitate and run away.”

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