Number One Player of Time and Space

Chapter 74 Xintiao Car Dealership

The silver-gray drone was like a ghost that appeared during the day, floating quietly in the sky dozens of meters above the street, faithfully recording this short and cruel killing through high-definition lenses.

Killing to achieve a certain goal and killing purely to vent anger or for fun, although both are killing in essence, the meanings of the two are completely different.

Even though he had long been accustomed to the killings in the fantasy world, Luo Jie could not help but frown slightly.

It doesn't matter what the Holy Mother's heart is, it's just that he always has a bottom line for himself in his heart.

After all, fantasy is not the kind of video game that can naturally return to reality when the power is turned off. No matter what its nature is, as long as it can be seen, heard, and felt, then everything in the fantasy is real to anyone. .

If you unscrupulously break through the bottom line again and again just because of the resettlement and independence of the illusion, even if you can gain powerful power in a short period of time, sooner or later you will be controlled by the expanding animal nature in your heart, and eventually turn into a completely possessed animal. A beast driven by desire.

"Rose, Safi, you are optimistic about Marikawa Shizuka, I will go out."

While talking, Luo Jie jumped up to the window sill on the second floor.

"Wait... Nightmare, are you going to save Rei Miyamoto?" Safi was keenly aware of Luo Jie's intention. Although there were three chapters of agreement in advance, she couldn't help but remind her: "Those thugs are With a gun in your hand, it is very dangerous for you to be alone without support. Moreover, Rei Miyamoto is in a very bad condition. You never know when you will die and become a BOSS... The most important thing is that for us, save more people. What’s the point of being a Miyamoto Rei?”

As an experienced fantasy player, Safi is not afraid of taking risks, but she is very resistant to the foolish behavior of betting on luck when she knows that the success rate is extremely low.

Although she was a little dissatisfied with Luo Jie's "chaos without limits" private life, it was just personal morality after all. From the perspective of the team, she still very much recognized the character and strength of this temporary companion, and naturally did not want to Something happened to him.

"I'll explain this to you on the way."

"On the way?"

Before Safi could understand, Luo Jie jumped straight down from the window on the second floor, like a nimble black panther quickly shuttling between the gaps in the vehicles. Wherever he passed, the light of the sword shone, and there were groups of dead bodies. The pieces fell down like harvested wheat, and in a few breaths the vigorous figure had disappeared from the corner of the street.

"So fast..." Safi opened her eyes wide, saying that this was the first time she had seen Luo Jie at full strength, and she couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the amazing speed and sharp slashes displayed by Luo Jie.

You must know that at the current stage, the basic attributes of the vast majority of first-level players actually only have the initial double hundred enhancements. Some lucky people may be able to find some low-level skills or attribute potions, but it is difficult to have a single attribute. More than 200 points.

At this moment, Luo Jie's physical attributes not only reached 200 points, but his mental attributes also reached an astonishing value of 400 points due to the increase of EX-level [Demi-human] bloodline. Not only was it far higher than the normal level of a first-level player, it even reached The mental attributes are already close to the level of some second-level elite players.

"I suddenly if we have been holding him back." Ross said with emotion.

"You have always been the one holding me back, don't bring me in as your representative." Safi rolled her eyes angrily, but felt an indescribable loss in her heart.

She originally thought that she could be called an elite among first-level players, but after seeing Luo Jie's strength, she realized how ridiculous her pride was.

"Hey, Rose, Safi, can you hear me?"

Suddenly, a human voice with a slight electronic sound suddenly sounded in their ears. Ross and Safi looked around subconsciously, and then realized that this sound should be an auditory signal directly transmitted to the brain through the system, just like they The visual projection in front of you is the same.

"Night Dire? Is this...?"

"Ah, the sound seems a bit loud. Just speak in a low voice. I can hear you clearly." Luo Jie's voice continued, "I upgraded my drone before, and then it added this communication capability. , As long as you are within a 20-kilometer radius of the drone, you can communicate without any obstacles... If it is not convenient to speak, you can also send text through your mind. "

"Oh? Is there such an operation?"

Ross couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and then a "shit" picture jumped out from under the visual projection screen of the three of them.

Luo Jie: "..."

Safi: "..."

After finally opening the instant messaging, Ross's first reaction was to see if he could fight for the throne first.

But I have to admit that this guy is really talented in some aspects... but his skills are a bit crooked.

"Okay, it seems I can send pictures too."

Luo Jie coughed in embarrassment, and used the highest permissions for drone communication. Ross, who was having fun posting emojis, was temporarily silenced, and then transferred the drone's lens from Miyamoto Rei to On a building behind that thug.

"SHINJO - Shinjo motorcycle shop?"

Safi seems to understand the Japanese language, UU reads www. directly read the signboard above the building.

"Do you have any impression?" Luo Jie's voice was a little breathy, and the sound of the blade cutting across the dead body could still be vaguely heard.

Ross was still mute and kept gesturing to Safi about driving. Safi reacted immediately and said in surprise: "You mean, this is the motorcycle shop that has amphibious all-terrain vehicles? But then Shouldn’t it be near Gaocheng’s house?”

In the original work, the protagonist Takashi Komuro and others were on their way to Saya Takagi's house when they were blocked by the barbed wire fence pulled up by the Takagi family and almost died in the zombie horde. Later, Saya Takagi's mother Yuriko Takagi arrived in time and rescued Saya Takagi and others. However, Takashi Komuro and Saeko Busujima were isolated by the corpses and were forced to find other ways to get to Takagi's house.

The vital vehicle, the Avenger 100 amphibious all-terrain vehicle, was found in a motorcycle shop along the road.

If it hadn't been for this car to open the way, it would still be unknown whether Komuro Takashi and Busujima Saeko could successfully join the brigade.

"The story line of the fantasy world may not necessarily develop according to the original plot. If everything is true and the original plot is copied intact, then the protagonist Komuro Takashi can completely use the protagonist's aura to lead everyone to escape from the bed master within ten days. Within the city limits, will the Japanese Ministry of National Defense still be hurriedly offering high prices to hire people to clear customs? "

For some reason, the communication on Luo Jie's side suddenly fell into silence. About ten seconds later, his voice came again.

"There is an unspoken rule in the fantasy world. The more precious an item is, the more difficult it is to obtain... Although I am not sure that this new motorcycle shop is the place where all-terrain vehicles are stored in the original book, but since there is a group of thugs entrenched in Even if there are no ATVs here, there should be some pretty good ones.”

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