On the projection screen, scenes of the evolution of plants and animals flashing past one after another, compared with the seemingly lifeless scenes after the deserts were initially cleaned up, it is very clear and obvious.

If it weren't for the scorched black ground in the Arabian Desert as a sign, these pictures would be like the scene before the peacekeeping force's attack, as if time had flowed back, or as if no human beings had dealt with them.

"The plants and animals in the Sahara are growing again!" Someone in the audience said sadly.

"It's the same over the Arabian desert!" Someone followed with emotion, with extreme disbelief in his words.

Some people were already excited to the point of stuttering: "This, these things, can't be wiped out at all!"

"The fire in the Arabian desert burned for two days and two nights before it was extinguished! Thermite mixed-burning aerial bombs with a temperature of 3000 degrees Celsius were used! Immediately afterwards, the whole army plowed the ground again—" also wearing a peacekeeping force The officer of the Bald Eagle Kingdom in military uniform was so angry that he slapped the table directly, "That's it, those things haven't died yet! Besides, it feels like they're back to their original state in the blink of an eye!"

"It's not back to its original state, is it? It's still much weaker than before..." someone whispered.

The officer of the Bald Eagle Kingdom directly swept his eyes angrily, pointing at someone who could vent his anger on him: "So what if you are weaker than before? Believe it or not, after two days, you will be back to your original state. Even stronger than before?"

His blood-red eyes stared at the poor guy who dared to speak: "Go to XXXX! I feel that what we have done is useless!"

"You're right," the leader of the Huaguo peacekeeping force remained calm, not as angry as the Bald Eagle officer, "In fact, when we see the new video of Jiuqu, we should You know, we're doing futile work."

The audience was silent.

Just a day ago, when the fire in the Arabian Desert had just been extinguished and the peacekeeping force finished plowing the desert, the entire peacekeeping force, all members of the UN Security Council, and even all the people around the world maintained a A jubilant attitude.

No one would believe that in such a full-coverage and devastating blow, any evolved creature would survive and bring doom to mankind.

Even, at the meeting of the United Nations Security Council at that time, the various member states had already made an agreement: in the next period of time, they would use incendiary bombs to clean up the desert to prevent the birth of all evolutionary creatures.

Some member states even suggested that the ecological environment of the desert and the rare animals and plants in the desert are not important at the moment-of course, on this point, some desert countries, animal protection associations in various places, and some biology \u0026 botany Experts in \u0026 Zoology \u0026 Genetics, etc., all protested.

After fierce protests, the United Nations Security Council revised their original attack process: prioritizing the collection and protection of rare animals and plants, keeping gene copies, and sending them to zoos and laboratories around the world, and then conducting incendiary bombs + plowing Ground-based full-coverage devastating blow.

Human beings think beautifully, and even consider the ownership of rare animals and plants, but...

However, the reality gave them a tragic blow.

At 19 o'clock in the evening, China time, Jiuqu released a new video: "The Creator: King of Animals".

Just seeing the title alone made me shudder.

And the content is even more chilling.

The opening scene of the video is still a desert.

And it is very familiar, the Sahara Desert that appeared in the first video "The Creator: Death Comes".

In the melodious and slightly vicissitudes of music, the camera overlooks this seemingly lifeless sand sea.

You can even see the traces of the peacekeeping troops stationed in the corner of the sand sea; occasionally you can see two or three peacekeeping troops wearing sky blue berets, who should be responsible for staying in the Sahara Desert The soldiers here are patrolling on duty.

The lens began to zoom in, began to go deep into the desert, and began to explore every corner of the desert.

And in those tiny, blind corners, the tenacious evolutionary plants and animals are still alive!

Simply terrifying!

The time in the camera began to pass, and those seemingly tiny evolutionary animals and plants grew up quickly;

The camera starts to move away from the Sahara Desert, and turns to the Arabian Desert next door.

The traces of the incendiary bombs have not completely faded, and there are still large areas of scorched black on the ground, but the grass green has begun to spread on the ground. Scorched black, earth yellow, grass green, different colors mixed together, ugly as a weird picture scroll from hell.

It's like a repeat of the past two videos. After a long accumulation, the evolved plants and animals once again showed their ferocious minions. The evolved làngcháo once again began to flood, spreading from the desert to the oasis, to the surrounding suburbs, to the surrounding cities, to the ocean, and then across the continent.

But the difference in the beginning brought about a different process after all.

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