If it is placed outside the campus, the venue will definitely cost a lot of money. Volunteer service is basically a dream. Core members want to take on so much work for free? If you don't talk about salary, you must at least talk about options, and when you talk about options, things will be completely complicated.

Unless he lowered the level of the Braves Support Club to attract fans from those fan circles - after thinking about the real fan circles, Shang Yinhe decisively gave up this idea.

There is also the Tang Poetry Group, which does not depend on the school. Where did such a good start and such elite members come from?

Stopping in front of the rented house, Shang Yinhe let out a sigh of depression, so he can't suspend school, he still has to study and take exams.

Tsk tsk tsk, although the truth is so, but, as a behind-the-scenes boss-level figure, he is still busy studying every day, really...

(whispers) It's really a bit unqualified.

Shang Yinhe took a careful look at the hair pinned to the gap in the door, and after confirming that there was no change in it, he slowly opened the door and walked into the rented room.

After connecting to the WIFI at home, Shang Yinhe first checked Weibo.

Sure enough, the Weibo hot search was once again screened by the news that the brave man appeared in Rome.

The most retweeted and most popular Weibo is a photo captured by a tourist in the Vatican with his SLR camera:

The brave man in the photo has just swooped up from the top of the steeple of the Vatican Museum, with a black cloak fluttering behind him, behind him is a clear blue sky and a sunny day full of sunshine, and a flock of white pigeons hovering around him In front of you, huge and small, extremely dynamic and extremely quiet, holy and powerful, the contrast is sharp, and the composition is shocking, just like the most carefully polished oil painting handed down from generation to generation, not like a captured work at all.

This photo is so beautiful, shocking, holy and sublime that Shang Yinhe couldn't help being immersed in it when he saw it.

"What kind of fairy photo is this!"

"This is a snapshot? Oh my god, I love photographers!"

"Come on, give the photographer a kick!"

"Favorite it, save it, I can lick it ten times a day!"

"Computer desktop, computer screen saver, mobile phone desktop, mobile phone screen saver, all have been replaced!"

Shang Yinhe couldn't help but like this photo, saved it on his phone, and reluctantly closed the web page.

Skipping those conventional #谢者花式白白大赛##魔者起来罗马##摇晚田布广# and other hot searches, a topic that ranks also very high is #婚者的下城城市是哪个#.

Shang Yinhe went in with great interest and saw Yishui's city nomination.

After careful calculation, there are only ten levels in "Quick Rescue", and now there are nine cities, namely: London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, New York, Shanghai, Mumbai, Sydney and Rome. Now there is the last one left, I don't know where it is?

Netizens all over the world didn't know that there was only one last chance left, but they still had a fierce argument. According to the translated screenshots on Weibo, there have been fierce disputes on Facebook. Residents of every big city confidently listed the advantages of their own city, proving in detail: the next city of the brave must be It's our city!

Shang Yinhe glanced around for a while, and his biggest impression was: Well, what you said makes sense...

The only problem is that the brave himself doesn't know where the next city is...

Although he knew the layout of each level after being filtered by the game, how could he recognize the cities on the Internet based on those layouts alone.

The filter of the game is very powerful. It removes all the iconic buildings, deletes the architectural shape of the city, and turns all the residents into faceless people with exactly the same clothes. If Shang Yinhe only looked at the photos of those cities on the Internet, he would not be able to recognize the traces of the original checkpoints at all.

Of course, which city he goes to is the same for him, the only difference is...

Thinking of the tenth level, Shang Yinhe frowned.

If he remembers correctly, at the last rescue location of the tenth level, he was hugged tightly by a faceless girl and ate tofu several times...

The already very popular "Strategy: On How to Maintain Sanity and Give a Hug Under the Influence of the Charm of the Brave" has been updated several times on the Internet. Numerous netizens from all over the world have worked together to supplement and enrich the experience of the brave in rescue in multiple cities. From Shang Yinhe's point of view, it is now very feasible...

Thinking of this, Shang Yinhe couldn't sit still, he quickly called out the small cloak, and said carefully:

"You must pay attention to the next level, and remember to avoid the enthusiastic hugs of fans, understand?"

"Especially at the last rescue location, remember, there will be a female fan rushing up, dodge in advance, remember!"

The little cloak immediately tapped the corner of his clothes.

As if it didn't feel solemn enough, it simply changed into the clone of the brave man, and solemnly promised in that sullen voice:

"Remember, definitely not!"


Chapter 92: Copycat Brave

The realization time between levels is not fixed, sometimes it is three or four days apart, and sometimes it is only one or two days apart. It seems that the game system has made different realization adjustments according to different situations in reality.


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