"What's the principle of this thing?" General Cartlett's voice came from the phone connection, his voice was fast and slow for a while, obviously trying to suppress his anger, "Have you researched it? "

"This is an activation application device of Lingshi," the researcher on the other end of the phone replied tremblingly, "We are studying its internal structure. Huaguo has encrypted some of its logic, and we still need a little time."

"A little bit of time," General Cartlett snorted coldly on the phone, "How long is it?"

"Probably, maybe, maybe," the researcher stirred his brain and gave an estimate, "A week?"

"The Ministry of Defense grants you more than 80 billion U.S. dollars in funding every year." General Cartlett's anger was about to burst, "You incompetent people have allowed Huaguo to take the lead in this area! Now, you You still want to tell me that it will take another week?!"

"General," the researcher argued, "scientific research also requires the basic law. It is impossible for us to jump over all research obstacles at once as if we were blessed by the heavens!"

"I just want to ask, with our scientific research investment and staffing," General Cartlett took a deep breath, "why didn't we invent this kind of equipment before Huaguo?"

"General, we have a research project in this area," the researcher argued, "but the project has encountered a lot of problems. We still don't know how Huaguo skipped these research obstacles. Give us a week, and we will be able to restore the logic of it."

"A week?" General Cartlett finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted into the phone, "At that time, there won't be even a little leftover left for us!"

He slammed the phone down, almost pissed off.

His adjutant looked at him cautiously, and asked, "General, then shall we—do we still want to purchase those equipment from Huaguo?"

"What do you think?" General Cartlett gave his adjutant an angry look.

"If it takes at least a week for our scientific researchers to crack it," the adjutant said after hesitating for a while, "we may have to buy it—or at least show an attitude of buying it."

The adjutant shook the pad in his hand: "General, now Facebook and other social websites are full of praises for this weapon-added spirit stone device, and people from some countries have already posted about their countries on the Internet. The new equipment of the military and the police, and the voices urging the government of our own country to change their equipment quickly, have become the hottest topic now—our bald eagle country, it is impossible to be too weak behind others..."

"Hey, Global Village," General Cartlett roughly grabbed the pad, flipping through it casually with a livid face, "Hey, what a global information sharing!"

The adjutant peeped at General Cartlett's face, and persuaded him: "General, the atmosphere in our country has always been tense. Last time a small lottery drew a huge 'lottery gate'. If we delay If you don’t buy it, maybe a ‘weapon door’ will come out.”

"Damn Huaguo," General Cartlett threw away the pad in his hand, and poohed, "They must be fanning the flames in these voices!"

"So, General," the adjutant pretended not to hear, and continued to ask, "Should we first place a part of the order with Hua Guo?"

"Do you think it's just as simple as placing an order?" General Cartlett, who was in charge of the introduction of the weapon enhancement equipment this time, yelled again, "Hua Guo is opening his mouth! One by one, they are very greedy! "

However, thinking of the "weapon door" that the adjutant just said, General Cartlett still sighed: "Forget it, I will study and study, and negotiate with them for a round or two..."

Just like General Cartlett's worries, the current global public opinion is really advantageous for Huaguo.

After Huaguo officially sold the device with the full name of "Evolutionary Animal Plant Weapon Addition Spirit Stone Equipment", or "Weapon Addition Equipment" for short, on the same day, the Internet public opinion formed a làngcháo of cheers. People are shouting:

"This is a big step for humans to fight against the evolution of animals and plants!"

"Mrs. Hua Guo is awesome, she can actually invent this kind of device!"

"The pace of science will never stop because of the unknown!"

"Long live mankind, long live science!"

Taking advantage of this trend, Huaguo's equipment sales were booming, and the production volume of the day could not keep up with the sales volume.

The next day, the turmoil on the global Internet has intensified, as if grasping a life-saving rope in a panic-stricken life, the excited people all over the world directly praised this invention as "the first spirit stone device" "The hope of saving the future" is almost urging their own country to quickly introduce it.

This somewhat morbid fanaticism has repeatedly impacted the psychological defenses of those in power.

Countries continue to take the initiative to come to consult and ask prices. At this time, what restricts sales is not insufficient demand, but insufficient supply.

Huaguo's several modified production lines are almost fully engaged in production, operating at full capacity and constantly expanding, but they still cannot meet the purchase needs of the world.

So, the bouncing rabbit started to hold up the horn and shout to the world again: "Dear, the god-level weapon device that strengthens the evolutionary plant by six times, is suitable for most weapons, why don't you post the blueprint? Accept it!" Exchange of various high-precision equipment, rare resources, and weapon blueprints!"

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