"Some people with suitable personalities and abilities have been arranged to participate in major botany laboratories," Lu Yanchi said with an expression of indescribable pride, "We will soon usher in a climax in the development of botany. .”

With the help of the spiritual or intellectual copy [Riddle Link], scientific research has made huge breakthroughs, and as the frontline war pressure has slowed down, the country has begun to focus on the scientific research and application of supernatural powers.

Thanks to Lu Yanchi's proactive application, the second stop for all superpowers after coming out of the White Mist dungeon after the Organization Department is the Scientific Research Department.

In this scientific research department, Lu Yanchi will organize people with special abilities to assist in research, and keep the well-qualified seedlings among them to dominate. This behavior seems a bit overbearing, but scientific research has a higher priority, so everyone acquiesces to this behavior.

"In other words," Lu Yancai didn't care whether he was overbearing or not, he sat on the scientific research chair, "the food crisis that troubled us in the past will completely disappear here - of course, in fact, in After Jiuqu performed the miracle of the rainbow, the food crisis essentially ceased to exist.”

"However, this new batch of extraordinary passers," Lu Yanchi said with pride in his tone, "will obviously facilitate this process faster."

After the "Colorful Miracle", China had a variety of evolved crop varieties, especially four high-yielding food crops, and exchanged interests with other countries.

Especially after the problem of seed cultivation has been solved, and with the help of the ability of plants to pass the extraordinary level, the grain and grass planted in the first phase have been harvested. This also means that the world's largest food crisis has passed.

"Even judging from the current output of grain varieties," Lu Yanchi said with a smile on his face, as if he had eaten a huge piece of ice cream in the summer - seeing the results of scientific research, seeing the impact of scientific research on the development of the world, all scientific research Practitioners will have a similar sense of satisfaction, "In the next few hundred years, humans may not need to worry about food problems."

Some effects are cascading.

When the food crisis is no longer a crisis, the lives of people in refugee camps scattered in various countries have become much better. Relief food is provided more quickly in various countries. Although there is still the impact of food rationing during the war, people no longer need to worry about the days when they were hungry and full.

In addition, due to changes in food varieties and planting methods, many farmers have to learn from scratch. They have to adapt to this faster and more exaggerated way of growing crops. Many people will even fall behind and lose this skill of making a living.

In the past, some agricultural equipment has become unrealistic and needs to be redesigned.

In the dizzying changes in the world, everyone must change with the flow of the world, and no one is an exception.

Agricultural changes are only a small part of all changes.

"Also, the first batch of passers of the [Metal Roar] dungeon have come out, let me sync up with you all," Lu Yanchi continued, "The ability exchanges for the [Metal Roar] dungeon are mainly related to electricity, magnetism, and metal control. .”

"I took the passers for a test," Lu Yanchi's eyes lit up slightly as he said this. This was a familiar expression when he was excited, "and I got some good news."

"Relying on the abilities of these superpowers, we have tried various developments," he restrained his tone to avoid appearing too excited. "In terms of electromagnetic and quantum mechanical electrodynamic research, breakthrough progress has been relatively slow. , it relies heavily on the ability user’s own physical understanding, but it is estimated that there will be some breakthroughs.”

"But the good news is," Lu Yanchi could no longer restrain his tone, "there is likely to be a faster breakthrough in the material science research of metal alloys. We have already seen a little glimmer of hope."

Speaking of this, Lu Yanchi's eyes seemed to glow. After the arrival of the "Age of Extraordinary" video, he often showed this look.

——That is the expectation for the future, that is the expectation for scientific change.

"This is a good thing," everyone who knew what this meant became excited, "This is a great thing!"

Since the end of the global bipolar Cold War, except for the development of the Internet, global scientific research progress has actually fallen into a period of stagnation.

During World War I, inventions such as blood banks, ultrasonics, synthetic rubber, etc. appeared that were converted from military use to civilian use. Even plastic surgery as we know it appeared during that period. At that time, New Zealand doctor Harold Gillis was responsible for treating soldiers injured in the battle, many of whom had suffered facial injuries from bullets during the war. As a result, the doctor carried out craniofacial restoration surgery, treated more than 5,000 patients, and finally opened up the field of plastic surgery.

During World War II, computers emerged, and the physics revolution of relativity and quantum mechanics officially broke out. Physics entered the stage of modern physics from classical physics, from atomic bombs to nuclear power plants, from telecoms to mobile phones, and the third The second technological revolution broke out;

During the bipolar Cold War, artificial satellites, the moon landing program, and countless military-to-civilian scientific research emerged in the space race, as well as the superconducting collider project, the Kola Deep Project, the Biosphere 2 project, etc. They are all grand plans that exhaust human imagination, and thus greatly advance human beings' understanding and control of the world.

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