And this subversive progress contains countless possibilities.

Lu Yanchi couldn't help but look up and looked out the window.

The conference room he was in was underground, and the windows outside were all the color of steel, with no blue sky visible.

But he seemed to still be able to see the blue sky through those steel and iron walls, the bright stars above the blue sky, and the vast universe symbolized by those stars.

The sea of ​​stars...


The author has something to say:

The foreshadowing of the spiritual stone was buried during the time of the Creator and was only dug out now.

Chapter 200 The Wheel of Time

Bald Eagle Country, Onyx International Joint Research Institute.

"This is too big a mouth," a young researcher said in a somewhat indignant tone, "This is simply going to swallow us whole!"

"Actually, rationally speaking, they are very sincere," an older researcher shook his head and retorted, "Scientific research and capital are inseparable. I have met many investors, and their request is not the same. Not too much.”

"And even if it's really too much, so what? I have the confidence," a Bald Eagle nationality researcher sitting next to the young researcher sighed, "You know, that's Eric Mei. Yi' Energy Group!"

"The negotiators are still waiting next door," the director of the Ernest Institute of International Studies interrupted everyone's discussion. "We don't have time to make some unnecessary emotions."

The director of the institute said with a serious face: "We must make a decision quickly - whether to accept the investment from Eric Meiyi Energy Group, or whether to accept the additional restrictions of Eric Meiyi?"

Just yesterday, when their paper jointly signed by Ernest International Joint Research Institute and Lu Yanchi, that is, the simple introductory article about Lingshi Energy, was published on the arxiv website, Eric Meiyi Energy Group People, contacted their research institute immediately.

Since then, representatives from other related fields of energy, scientific research, and even politics have actually sent representatives to test the situation. However, although the rest of the people also have prominent positions and extraordinary backgrounds, they are certainly not as good as Eric Meiyi Energy Group. The behemoth; and their attitude was not as eager as the person in charge sent by Eric Meiyi.

According to the request of representatives of Eric Meiyi Group, they must give a reply before 12:00 noon today.

"...Eric Meiyi Group has great sincerity," the representative's language clearly contained no threatening words, but it gave people a creepy feeling. "I hope you will not let down this sincerity."

"What a huge investment," a researcher in the conference room couldn't help but sigh as he fiddled with the draft agreement in front of him. "I personally tend to agree - research is a waste of money, so Why don’t you accept such a generous customer?”

As he said, although the representatives of Eric May seem to be threatening, their agreement is actually quite sincere and generous:

The cooperation in the development of new energy requires an investment in the amount of "100 million US dollars", which requires taking a stake in the Ernest International Joint Research Institute and buying out the subsequent patent rights related to Lingshi Energy.

Even, depending on the potential meaning of the representative, it can be discussed whether the patent rights should be bought out or divided into shares.

"Of course this agreement is good," the director of the Ernest Research Institute smiled bitterly and picked up the draft agreement placed in front of him, "but..."

"However," the director of the research institute sighed helplessly, "the core technology of Lingshi Energy is not in the hands of our research institute."

"The outside world doesn't know," the director flipped through the terms of the agreement in his hand, his tone unable to conceal his disappointment, "Don't we know too?"

He's right.

Although the paper on what is now vaguely called "the horn of new energy in the new era" was jointly signed by Lu Yanchi and their research institute.

But the fact is that their research institute did not play much role in the entire process of writing and deducing a new paper on Lingshi Energy. At most, it provided some of their previous internal experimental data, eliminating some repeated experimental processes. That’s all.

"After saying this," the director of the institute spread his hands while holding the agreement document, "it sounds like an excuse, but it is really our truth!"

"Then..." The researcher with Bald Eagle nationality who spoke held the draft of the high-value investment agreement in his hand, with a look of reluctance, "What about this investment?"

"...Sign it!" The director of the research institute gritted his teeth and said, "Just sign it! Such a good opportunity cannot be missed!"

"But we don't have the core technology of Lingshi Energy?" The young researcher was a little dumbfounded. He didn't know why the director's words were inconsistent. "In fact, we only have this outline paper, and we don't know the specific details. May I?"

"What are you afraid of?" the director of the research institute calmed down and analyzed, "Lu Yanchi can study it, so why can't we study it?"

"Not to mention, we already have ideas and relevant research data," the director of the institute thought of the paper they jointly signed and the thick papers on the properties of spiritual stones accumulated in their institute. After receiving the experimental data, I suddenly became more confident, "Are you afraid that you can't find a specific research method?"

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