She is still wearing a black cloak, she is still in her prime of beauty, and she still has a calm expression. Ever since the initial challenge of the mutation in Hohenschwangau Castle, he seemed to have been dressed like this and would not change for hundreds of years.

"Don't brave men change their clothes?" Nie Zhibo complained softly.

"Maybe they have the same clothes." Lu Yanchi is such a person. He wears the same white shirt, black pants, and lab clothes every day, and doesn't bother to dress up extra. "Or maybe, the clothes are perfect and the body is flawless. Khan, you don’t need to change clothes at all.”

"That's right," Nie Zhibo smiled, "How can we use mortal thoughts to speculate on the life of gods?"

"Shh," Lu Yanchi stared at the screen without moving his eyes, "keep watching, keep watching."

Nie Zhibo shut his mouth obediently.

In the video, the camera pulls up from the brave man and slowly pushes it forward.

In front of the brave man is a wide river, flowing forward in rough waves.

On one side of the river, there are piles of processed wood, as well as various miscellaneous auxiliary props.

besides. The most eye-catching thing is a high mud wall on the shore, and a huge plan posted on the high mud wall.

The brave man followed the camera and moved forward slowly, his pace was neither fast nor slow - he seemed to have been using this pace since the initial mutation challenge of Hohenschwangau Castle, as if everything was under control and everything was under control.

The brave man stood in front of the plan on the high mud wall, and the camera also moved to the plan.

This plan is like an oblique screenshot of the river in front of you and the scenery on both sides. Even the wood and auxiliary props are drawn on it in a more realistic way.

A pair of gloves hangs on the right side of the floor plan.

The brave man picked up the gloves and put them on his hands.

"Do you feel," Nie Zhibo couldn't help but spoke again. He was engaged in intelligence and was always analyzing, "The brave man is too familiar with the content of the copy? It feels like... Well, it’s the same as challenging it countless times.”

"Everyone knows that Jiuqu has the ability to predict." Lu Yanchi, who only wanted to watch the video seriously and didn't want to discuss it during the first viewing, was a little unhappy. He also wanted to go deeper into the video to get some inspiration. , but he still replied, "You can predict the occurrence of the copy in advance, so what's so strange about it?"

"Maybe..." Nie Zhibo wanted to say something else, but under Lu Yanchi's gaze, he could only shut his mouth helplessly, "Okay, let's take a serious look first."

The brave man in the video put on gloves and directly started touching the painting.

Just like in the legendary magical world of Hogwarts, there seems to be another world in the painting. The brave man's hand directly crossed the frame, reached into the painting, and easily picked up the wood in the painting.

Following his movements, the world outside the painting also changed. The pile of wood outside the painting also flew into the sky, as if there were invisible hands controlling it.

"What kind of copy is this?" Lu Yanchi couldn't help but spoke.

"Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth are logically considered earth," he thought, "but why can earth elements control wood?"

Chapter 201 The natural chasm leads to a clear path

"But, if this is not an earth-type copy," Nie Zhibo was also dizzy looking at the video of "Extraordinary Era: The Passage of Heaven" in front of him, "doesn't it feel like it doesn't correspond to any of the known attributes?"

"Look down," Lu Yanchi narrowed his eyes, "I have a feeling that the Nine Songs in this copy seem to be hinting at something..."

"Hint..." Nie Zhibo thought about the word for a while, then closed his mouth.

Although he stopped talking, Nie Zhibo's thoughts were still flying freely. His mind was activated by the word "suggestion" and kept spinning.

One thing that is now recognized by people is that what Jiuqu does often has its own profound meaning.

Many times, looking at Jiuqu's actions at the time, one may be able to interpret a meaning; but after a long time, looking back, many things have a deeper meaning.

Standing at this moment when this extraordinary era has half arrived and the wheels of the times have begun to roll, I look back at the first video Jiuqu released that year, and then look at the brave man's actions when he challenged the mutation in Hohenschwanstein Castle, and it seems like there is something wrong. A deeper understanding.

However, if you think about it from this perspective...

From the initial brave men challenging the mutation of Hohenschwangau Castle, to the doomsday prophecy of the "Lord of Creator", to the "Hero Project" urging the opening of the White Mist dungeon and foreshadowing the Third World War, to the recent "Extraordinary Era", Jiuqu is almost driving the whole world forward at a desperate speed.

What kind of hint is behind such a hasty performance and such a desperate speed?

From the challenge of the mutation in Hohenschwangau to the heroic plan, Jiuqu's life-threatening speed may have predicted the outbreak of animal and plant awakening and the existence of the Third World War in advance, so it urged mankind to move forward quickly. forward;

However, now that the Third World War has entered its mid-to-late period, Jiuqu "The Age of Extraordinary" still uses constant hints to urge technological innovation, expand the number of extraordinary people, and rush the changes of the times.

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