Of course, then again, since Ru Shang Yinhe and Mu Shiming were promoted to deputy ministers of the field department, some small things would not trouble them.

This time, Ni Qingzhou's call for help to return to the country involved Lingshi New Energy and a young scientist who is currently internationally well-known and can even be called a promising young scientist. It was Mu Shiming's help.

Ni Qingzhou still has a little regret, for his unfinished research at the Ernest International Joint Research Institute. The multi-functional spiritual stone jade pendant that he has longed for so far only has the crudest heating and cooling function.

Moreover, looking at the development of the Ernest International Joint Research Institute, it is estimated that the research on this multi-functional spiritual stone jade pendant is likely to be put aside. Only when the investment in new spiritual stone energy is completed will there be a slight possibility of restarting it.

Ni Qingzhou flipped through the documents in his hand and thought a little casually: In the future, when my research is free, I will definitely finish the matter of this multifunctional spiritual stone jade pendant...

But, sincerely, returning to China is also a good thing for him.

After all, for top scientists, support from the state is no less than support received abroad. Ni Qingzhou may be able to get more resource support at home than abroad. And the Lingshi New Energy that he will invest in next is also a large-scale project that is of great epoch-making significance, that interests him very much, and that he is willing to invest in.

In Ni Qingzhou's random thoughts, Lu Yanchi's speech finally came to an end.

Experts from various fields began to ask questions, but Ni Qingzhou was still a little absent-minded.

He was relatively familiar with Lu Yanchi's speech and these questions. After all, as soon as he returned to China yesterday, he was pulled over by Lu Yanchi, who was in an anxious state, and helped him do scientific research deductions.

In other words, he was already familiar with the content of Lu Yanchi's speech; and the questions asked by the experts in today's meeting did not go beyond the scope of their deductions.

After all, he and Lu Yanchi are both young, and their qualifications are definitely not as good as those of these experts and scholars. However, as the leader, Lu Yanchi must be able to control the situation and seize this opportunity, so they have requirements for today's meeting. Very high, every aspect has been deduced and completed.

Now it seems that Lu Yanchi's meticulous and thoughtful arrangements and detailed explanations have indeed calmed the experts and scholars, and it can be considered a good start.

The attendees gradually dispersed, and Lu Yanchi walked down from the podium and walked straight in the direction of Ni Qingzhou.

"Congratulations," Ni Qingzhou put down the manuscript in his hand, stood up, and congratulated, "This meeting is off to a good start."

"Thank you...well, um, I think I owe you an apology," Lu Yanchi apologized hesitantly, "I didn't think carefully before and asked you and Ernest to study this big issue of new energy. The cooperation...has dragged you down this time."

"No, I obviously have no political sensitivity," Ni Qingzhou smiled helplessly, "Science has no national boundaries, but scientists have national boundaries - this sentence is really true!"

"Thank you for your hard work. I finally got back to China. As soon as I got back, I was dragged to discuss things all day long." It seemed that after completing the meeting and finalizing the time plan and personnel arrangements for the entire project, Lu Yanchi also said He feels a lot more relaxed and can now talk some gossip - yesterday, he didn't know how to talk about topics other than the topic of new energy resources. "Shall I treat you to dinner?"

"Okay," Ni Qingzhou's eyes suddenly lit up when he talked about eating, "Would you like to eat at the special canteen?"

He couldn't help but recall the supreme delicacy of the special canteen, and he suddenly felt up-up-up with happiness and anticipation.

"Let's go, let's go," the special canteen is a common hobby among the people inside the Yongliang City base. Lu Yanchi nodded and agreed without hesitation, "Let's go now."

"It's not easy to go back to the country," Ni Qingzhou complained softly on the way, "I've heard Mr. Qian's story before, but I never thought that something like that could happen to me..."

"It will be good when we return to China..." Lu Yanchi comforted him a few words, and then, very characteristic of a scientific researcher, he brought the topic to scientific research projects, "By the way, the Ernest International Joint Research Institute has a lot of information about spiritual stones. What is the progress of new energy discovery now?"

"Well, when I left there," Ni Qingzhou recalled, "They had signed a huge investment agreement with Eric Meiyi Group. I don't know the specific details of the agreement. I only know that they plan to stop Drop some less important projects and devote all our efforts to new energy projects.”

"My original research project on the multifunctional spiritual stone jade pendant," Ni Qingzhou spread his hands helplessly, "has also been stopped."

"Besides," he continued to talk about the information he knew, "Eric Meiyi Group has contacted several research institutes for mutual support and joint development for the Ernest Research Institute. It is expected that there will be competition and cooperation. I feel They are under a lot of pressure.”

"The agreement may contain some gambling clauses," Lu Yanchi guessed. "Many international investments are like this."

"Maybe," Ni Qingzhou shrugged, "When I left Ernest yesterday, they had incorporated all the people with spiritual powers in the institute into the spirit stone energy project, and planned to rely on the spiritual system to Skills are accumulated, and all difficulties and confusion points are overcome with force."

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