As for the irritability, uneasiness, and waste of time during countless attempts, it is no longer a problem for Shang Yinhe, who has experienced so many liver-explosion attacks for such a long time.

Apart from anything else, his mentality has really been greatly tempered in the gaming world.

Sometimes he feels that the numb, static time in the game world, the long journey with almost no end in sight, should theoretically break his mentality and cause him some mental problems. ;


However, the strange thing is that all the way to now, life that should be exciting has been exhausted, and loneliness that should be spent has been spent. Shang Yinhe's mentality is still very stable so far.

When he returned to the real world, he looked like a completely ordinary person without any psychological problems.

Although this has the effect of his disguise, Shang Yinhe's family knows his affairs, and his condition is really good.

He would be happy for some situations, frustrated by some situations, feel depressed, and feel excited, but all the long time baptism in the game world did not cause too much disturbance to his mind.

It's like...

It's as if he is very familiar with the game world and has his own way of dealing with it; when he enters the game world, he naturally enters a state of self-protection and easily handles all the emotions that would disturb him. ;

It also seemed that the game system was protecting him, assisting in regulating his psychology, and preventing the long clearance process in the game world from disturbing him.

Which of these two possibilities is more correct?

Shang Yinhe tasted it - since he redeemed the ability of [intuition plus qiáng], he had a vague premonition of the answers to many questions. He suddenly realized that people's interpretation of the subtext of Jiuqu was also assisted by this ability. .

It feels like... both?

The video that was still going on drew Shang Yinhe's attention back, allowing him to take his thoughts back from the distant horizon.

In the camera, the door of the first two-dimensional maze is standing in front of the brave man. The brave man maintained his unhurried pace, walked forward slowly, and pushed open the door.

At that moment, the whole style of the video changed!

Two dimensions have become three dimensions, and the simple figures that pass through the gate have real flesh and blood, becoming majestic and tall, and the brave man has transformed from a simple paper villain into the prosperous beauty and expression. An indifferent image.

However, when the brave man stepped through the three-dimensional door, the video instantly changed back.

The brave man became a crude paper figure again, the gate became a crude stick figure again, and the three dimensions became two dimensions again.

And in front of the paper-style hero, a new labyrinth of forks opens up again - the second level of [Two-Dimensional Scroll] begins.

In the barrage, the news about celebrating the brave man's return to the prosperous beauty had just been sent out, and it turned into mourning again. Many viewers only looked at the surface and said:

“This clearance cutscene video is so cool!”

"The brave man gave everyone a little benefit, and then immediately took it back mercilessly [crying]"

"Wow, that scene just now was so exciting. I don't know why I was so excited to watch it!"

And scientific research practitioners began to look beyond the surface to see the essence, and see what the components of the copy imply.

"Three dimensions become two dimensions, two dimensions become three dimensions..." Ignoring the restlessness in the barrage, Lu Yanchi murmured, "Dimension increase, dimension decrease, is this the secret of spatial ability?"

"Could it be said," he frowned, as if he had thought of some new direction, "we have gone in the wrong direction in our previous analysis of Mu Shiming's spatial abilities? And the correct direction should be this Space travel after dimensionality increase-dimensionality reduction?”

As if he had been inspired by something, Lu Yanchi simply put aside the video that was playing in front of him, buried his head directly, and began to write, draw, and calculate data on the white paper.

Nie Zhibo on the side glanced at him quietly, daring not to disturb him in any way.

The brave man in the video is still breaking through levels again and again. It is obvious that each level of the maze is more difficult than the previous level.

But a brave man always walks leisurely, unhurriedly, and almost never misses the path.

Based on this performance, who would believe that the brave man did not predict the future in advance?

(Shang Yinhe: I believe it. I really don’t predict the future. I rely on loading and saving files [funny])

However, although the content of the video did not change much, Nie Zhibo keenly noticed that the atmosphere of the barrage had undergone drastic changes.

At the beginning, the entire barrage atmosphere was harmonious.

Everyone was excitedly discussing the style of this video, the new two-dimensional image of the brave man, and the strategy for the entire video.

However, slowly, as time went by, some discordant voices began to appear in the barrage.

At first, it was just about someone being on the team, brushing up on spiritual stone new energy and laid-off workers.

Then someone said:

"What does the matter of new spiritual stone energy have to do with Lord Brave?"

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