This method of throwing dirty water is simply equating Lingshi New Energy with nuclear fusion technology. Nuclear pollution, nuclear radiation, nuclear waste, replace the word "nuclear" with "spiritual stone", and it becomes a seemingly perfect accusation.

Another personal pain that ordinary people see is the large number of layoffs that will be caused by the large-scale application of Lingshi new energy.

These are also the two points that the online opponents - especially those "non-ordinary people" - are firmly grasping.

"There is no need to refute," standing in front of the computer screen, public opinion expert Xu Shaoyang introduced to the people around him. "On the modern Internet, it is difficult to convince someone by refuting other people's opinions."

"We just need to make good use of Jiuqu's "Extraordinary Era: Eyes of the Distant World" video," Xu Shaoyang introduced his counterattack plan, "grasp an important point: 'If humans do not develop new energy sources of spiritual stones, they will inevitably fall into a dead end. 'That's it."

"Jiuqu's videos have always been the focus of attention around the world," Xu Shaoyang said, "and the content of this video is so exciting. Now everyone on the Internet is discussing this video, almost covering up all other voices. We have to do Yes, I just grabbed this video to make an article."

"And, you know," Xu Shaoyang said with a smile, "this video of "Extraordinary Era: Eyes from the Distant World" does not just show the tragic future of the decline of energy in the parallel world!"


Xu Shaoyang is right. The video "Extraordinary Era: Distant Eyes" contains a lot of hints.

Among them, the second very important element is the civilization of aliens.

Just next door to the emergency response conference room, Shang Yinhe was flipping through the internal reference in his hand and looking at the detailed analysis of the second level in the internal reference document.

"Based on the analysis of screenshots of all visible images that appeared in the video over the course of time, we can draw the following conclusions:"

"This civilization in the second stage of time is indeed an alien race."

"The reason why this alien race appears green is because they have chlorophyll in their skin, which can photosynthesize according to sunlight."

"And some of the organs growing on them, according to the biological experts I consulted, should have similar functions to those of real plants - for this part, please see Aliens and Extraterrestrial Civilizations on page 57 below. The detailed analysis will not be elaborated here.”

"In addition, because they need to rely on their skin for photosynthesis, their entire race advocates 'luǒ bodyism' and do not wear earth-concept clothes on weekdays."

"And from some screenshots in the video, we can also infer some festivals, preferences, and customs of their civilization."

"That is to say, overall, this alien race is likely to be a race that really existed. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a detailed and thoughtful setting, and there would be almost no flaws."

"Of course, there is another possibility that the creator of the copy really has completely unimaginable power, and can completely deduce a non-existent race, and set up a detailed history, humanities, customs, etc. for them without any conflict. state."

"Compared with these two explanations, the possibility that the former alien race really existed is obviously greater and more reasonable."

After first confirming that "alien races are really likely to have appeared," the document then went into further analysis of this alien civilization.

"It is obvious that due to differences in body structure, planetary environment and historical evolution, the technological route of this alien civilization is also very different from ours."

Next, this internal reference document conducted a detailed analysis of the technological route of this alien civilization and finally came to a conclusion:

"Although there are not many details shown in the video, and the overall scientific research and development route of its civilization is not clear, the details of the process of alien civilization climbing the technological tree can still give us a lot of inspiration."

"Unfortunately, what is very frustrating is that even if the civilizations were different and the history of technological development was different, in the end this civilization still died inside the planet, leaving no trace on the universe."

Next, there is an analysis of all the alien civilizations in Level 4, Level 6, Level 8, and Level 10. These civilizations with different images, different customs, and completely different environments all have the same thing in common, that that is:

They all died inside the planet and never left the cradle of their own civilization.

Between this internal reference document, there is a chapter dedicated to a detailed analysis and summary of all alien civilizations, on page 57 of the internal reference.

Shang Yinhe skipped many previous analyzes and went directly to page 57.

Here, skipping the non-critical content, the internal reference file reads:

"By analyzing all alien civilizations, we can find a very obvious commonality. That is, these civilizations, even if they have passed the many difficult stages of forming civilizations, have finally failed at the stage of becoming interstellar. .”

"No civilization has invented controllable nuclear fusion technology."

“No civilization has found another clean, sustainable, energy-sufficient energy source.”

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