Except for China and a few other countries, which have a very special Internet environment and are in their own zone, all other countries that are fully connected to the global network have become the targets of their public opinion war.

Conquering the city and seizing the territory was overwhelming and achieved great success.

This public opinion war was launched in a lightning-fast manner. On the first day, public opinion was subverted. On the second day, the whole world was almost destroyed. On the third day, the position was stabilized and turned offline.

Just before Jiuqu released this new video, Solomon Atwood and his allies held a small celebration party.

At that celebration, the host opened a bottle of champagne with a smile, and everyone's faces were filled with smiles. Solomon Atwood, on the other hand, maintained his reserved attitude at first.

"Come," holding the red wine glass, Solomon Atwood restrainedly clinked a glass with the allies around him, "let us have a drink for this small stage victory."

"'Phase victory'," the ally laughed, his smile filled with pride, "Mr. Solomon's words are always so humble."

Under the support and guidance of him and the rest of the people, and under the influence of wine, Solomon Atwood's attitude gradually changed from restrained to complacent.

"If you want to suppress a technology, just drag it into the whirlpool of public opinion." Taking a slight sip of red wine, Solomon Atwood hid all his pride in his smile, "Scientists You wouldn’t want to get yourself into trouble—hey, there are so many directions worth exploring in modern science, why would you want to find a direction that is stigmatized and is likely to get you into trouble and ruin your reputation?”

When he said these words, the people around him were listening carefully. Speaking to a group of absolute elites felt much better than speaking to ordinary people. It was rare for Solomon to feel like showing off.

"All public opinion wars in modern times should be blitzes," Solomon explained his theory with a slight showoff in his eyebrows. "It's just like the beginning of the German army in World War II. They conquered Denmark in one hour and took 23 days. Norway was conquered in 5 days, the Netherlands was conquered in 5 days, Belgium was conquered in 18 days, France was conquered in 39 days..."

However, maybe when he used this metaphor, he did not think of one thing, that is, the ending of the German army during World War II, which did not seem to be very happy...

"Mr. Solomon, we have a perfect start," an ally said, "What should we do next?"

"The war of public opinion is just the beginning," Solomon Atwood smiled and said suggestively, "Determine the general direction of public opinion first, and more subsequent operations will be more convenient."

"It is not convenient to disclose the specific details in public," Solomon said. At this time, he was full of confidence. "However, there is one thing I can confirm, and that is - from the beginning of this war, the outcome has been doomed. , we will definitely win the war."

"How many people are standing behind us? How many governments, companies, and families are our strong backing?" Solomon said to the allies surrounding him, "The entire world's economy is closely related to us. Who dares to ignore us? Threats? Aren’t you afraid that we will die together?”

“This world, so far, is still a world of oil, and the world of oil is also our world.” Solomon Atwood raised the wine glass in his hand, “In our world, what can challenge us? "

"What a 'our world'!" The alliance talkers raised their red wine glasses, "Let us drink for this 'our world'!"

The light clinking of the wine glass caused slight ripples of the red wine in the glass. The color of this special wine in the glass was as bright as blood, which seemed to indicate the future of this public opinion war.

And this future is completely different from the future Solomon said he imagined.

Just before the broadcast of Jiuqu's new video "Extraordinary Era: Distant Eyes", everything seemed so smooth, small offline actions were already being prepared, and further rhythms were ready.

However, it was at this moment that the trend of the public opinion war, which had been smooth sailing, suffered a huge blow after the Jiuqu new video was broadcast.


The biggest hit in the first stage was the huge drop in the popularity of the topic.

In such an era of Internet and eyeball economy, attention is everything.

Jiuqu's new video, with its weird and incomprehensible painting style, horrifying hints, and shocking and tragic scene, has completely detonated public opinion on all social websites.

All of a sudden, everyone was discussing the video of "Extraordinary Age: The Distant Eye". Everyone was analyzing the implications of the video frame by frame, arguing fiercely about the imagery symbolized by the video, and talking about aliens. Civilization talks about the scene of the parallel world on earth, the decline of civilization, and the strange eye high in the sky in the distance.

There are countless topics worth discussing and countless details worth studying.

In this case, the original discussion of Lingshi New Energy suddenly dropped in popularity - or rather, the popularity of all other topics suddenly dropped, and it instantly became a pitiful thing that no one cared about.

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