But now, things are different.

The threat of the sacred tree is a threat to all mankind; and according to Jiuqu's display in "The Extraordinary Era: Lord of Plants", this threat will soon change from a regional threat to a global threat, and eventually become the cause of the destruction of mankind. The culprit.

"We need to increase the level of monitoring," the representative of the Gallic Kingdom added with a frown. "It took two full days for the larvae of the sacred tree to appear before we discovered this super evolved plant. So, are there any super evolved animals or Plants that we didn’t monitor?”

"For example..." The representative of the Gallic Kingdom couldn't help but look at the sacred tree on the projection screen that was as beautiful as heaven, "Cthulhu under the sea...?"

"No matter what kind of super-evolved plants or super-evolved animals they are, they are all creatures with the potential to dominate the world and wipe out mankind," said the host of this United Nations meeting and a senior United Nations official. "We need to improve this system in the future. .”

"Actually, if we want to eradicate the existence of super-evolved plants and animals," the representative of China suppressed the desire to rub his left eye - after all, on such an occasion with the shrimp, this behavior seems too rude, " The key point still lies in the nests where animals and plants evolved."

"If all the nests of evolved animals and plants are emptied," the representative of China said seriously, "then without enough evolutionary factor concentration to support it, no super-evolved animals or super-evolved plants can appear in this world. . Instead of increasing surveillance, it is better to directly eradicate the foundation of their existence."

As soon as this statement came out, the conference room fell silent again.

No one who can sit here and represent his country is a fool, and everyone knows this.

However, sending troops indiscriminately when interests have not been clearly divided will cause a series of problems.

And the division of interests is another matter that will last for a long time...

Seeing this scene, the original host of this meeting, the senior official of the United Nations, quickly changed the topic: "Let's quickly determine the treatment plan for the sacred tree. The growth of the sacred tree is too big." Too quickly, a decision must be made as soon as possible.”

Time is running out, and super evolved plants grow quickly. Every minute you waste now may cost you more to get back in the future.

Therefore, the host of the United Nations naturally began to adopt the decision-making model from the "Lord of the Creator" period:

With the five permanent members of the United Nations as the center, plans are quickly proposed, omissions are quickly filled, and then multiple plans are directly voted on, leaving no time for bickering.

At the beginning, relying on this decision-making model, the United Nations Security Council completed the drafting of the "Doomsday Agenda" within four hours, and all members signed the agreement.

Now, in this decision-making mode, at 12:00 noon, Bald Eagle time, the meeting directly came up with a plan to deal with the sacred tree:

"1. This afternoon, the Bald Eagle Federation, the Furry Bear Country, and China, which still have military bases in the Middle East, will launch a long-range missile coverage strike first."

"2. Tomorrow, the United Nations peacekeeping forces will cooperate with the military bases of these three countries and officially begin to clear the entire Arabian Peninsula."

"3. Post-war distribution will, in principle, be based on the size of the effort. The specific details will be discussed after the war."

As for the subsequent eradication of nests of evolved animals and plants in Africa and other places, a roughly unanimous opinion was also reached at this meeting:

"This sacred tree clearing operation will be used as a template and will be followed."

Since yesterday's meeting was very unproductive and everyone was testing each other, the Chinese representatives were originally prepared for a protracted war.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, an unexpected "black swan event" would completely change the original stalemate.

The picture of the incomplete body of the sacred tree is still hanging on the display screen.

After the meeting, the representative from China looked at the breakthrough of the sacred tree and finally couldn't help but rub his left eye and whispered:

"Is it 'the left eye jumps to bring disaster, the right eye jumps to wealth', or the 'left eye jumps to wealth, the right eye jumps to disaster'..."


At 2:00 pm Bald Eagle time, the peacekeeping troops who received the corresponding news immediately began to rush to the battlefield after a series of emergency arrangements.

At the same time, the Chinese State, the Bald Eagle Federation and the Woolly Bear State, which were the main forces in this war, also sent their own military teams.

Due to time constraints and long distances, it was impossible to mobilize troops on a large scale. The three countries invariably dispatched special teams with extraordinary beings as the core.

At 11:00 pm Bald Eagle time, which is 6:00 am Middle East time, the corresponding war teams have basically been assembled.

The senior officials of the relevant military forces sat in the combat conference room and began to plan this war, which although not large in scale, may well determine the fate of mankind.

"The vitality of evolved plants is often very tenacious. As long as there is a trace of root system left, it is possible to grow back." Shang Yinhe said.

Shang Yinhe is the captain of this special mission from China.

Although he is very young, he is the most awesome person in this meeting.

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