If you can think it, you can do it.

However, despite thinking of these points, although these uses seemed very tempting, Shang Yinhe was not tempted.

He smiled at the mist-like representation of skills in the spiritual world, decisively put aside this skill, and turned his attention to the extraordinary special team missions in the real world.

After all, after experiencing so many game worlds and experiencing so many spiritual baptisms along the way, Shang Yinhe no longer cares about such obvious and treacherous behavior.

It can even be said that he has truly possessed some of the characteristics of a "saint".

People say Jiuqu is a saint. Jiuqu selflessly guards the world. Jiuqu does his best to pull the earth back from the edge of destruction. Jiuqu only asks for sacrifices and does not ask for anything in return. Jiuqu is the saint's presence in the world and his boundless love.

These words may be people's excessive praise of the image of Jiuqu.

But in this praise, does it not involve part of the truth?

During those long and boring gaming sessions where time stood still, Shang Yinhe used an almost self-torture attitude to polish all the details over and over again until he reached a perfect ending.

In this process, he not only polished the outcome of the game, but also polished his own will.

Perhaps at the beginning, Shang Yinhe was just an ordinary person, with an above-average IQ, a bit of a character flaw, and an independent and strong personality.

Among all living beings, he is inconspicuous at all.

Game systems change everything.

The game system changes not only his experience and identity, but also his character and essence.

The world of [Devil Landlord] and [Long Live Anchor] is the beginning of everything. The changes in the world and his own changes laid the initial foreshadowing in these two worlds.

[Death Maze] polished his combat ability for the first time, and from then on he began to enter another field.

[The Lord of Creation] led him to appreciate the perspective of the Creator God, and told him what it felt like to play with the world. At the same time, he used the miserable state of the real world to directly reveal to him the supreme power he possesses. and the responsibilities and obligations behind this power.

In the world of [Rapid Rescue], he began to lay out in the real world for the first time.

In the process of [Hero Project], the devil enters the scene. He completely abandoned the childhood shortcomings that were the deepest part of his character, and from then on, they went their separate ways. His blossoming future no longer had anything to do with his so-called parents and relatives.

In the world of [Pet Kingdom], for the first time, he listened closely to the voices of people struggling all over the world, and the responsibility that had been on his shoulders was completely realized.

And it was in this game world that he put in endless efforts to obtain an S-level evaluation for the first time, and also set off a colorful miracle in reality.

It is the miracle of this five-color rainbow that establishes the status of the Jiuqu Saint.

It was also the miracle of the five rainbows that began to shape Shang Yinhe's saint-like character.

And the following [Amusement Park] and [World Storm] completely pushed him to a higher angle, allowing him to single-handedly start the trend of the entire extraordinary era, allowing him to single-handedly guide the changes in the entire world.

He began to come into contact with information about national diplomacy, class stratification, people's rule, public opinion guidance and many other aspects. And through countless repeated passes of the game system, he naturally learned to view the world from a higher perspective.

In the game world, the fate of the entire world seems to be in his hands - what kind of heavy responsibility is this?

If you can control tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of lives at the palm of your hand, you can easily guide the development trend of the entire world, and even make the world's ideas follow your baton;

So, how would you react?

Are you acting wantonly, are you full of ambition, are you bored, do you think you are a god, or do you take responsibility?

Shang Yinhe still doesn't know why the game system selected him. However, he can say with conscience that he is indeed a very good number one player. The game system did not choose the wrong person when it selected him.

He did not use the game system as a profit-making tool for his own ambitions, but took on his due responsibilities and allowed Jiuqu to protect mankind;

He did not give up on himself in the endless repeated playthroughs, but insisted on completing every ending as much as possible, looking for better solutions in the boring journey again and again;

He does not think highly of himself and regards human society as a plaything in the palm of his hand. Instead, he respects every life, every opportunity, and the choice of human self-will as much as possible.

In reality, Shang Yinhe seems to be a "normal person". He can laugh naturally, work hard naturally, get tired naturally, complain naturally, browse videos naturally, and be entertained naturally.

He still works hard to maintain his skin.

That layer of skin of an ordinary person who smiles brightly and looks extremely inspiring.

That's because he has been accustomed to wearing this kind of skin since he was a child.

He is used to hiding his true character under such a sunny surface.

It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it may still be like this in the future

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