"After all, I am still the current commander-in-chief of frontline operations," Shang Yinhe said, "and I took this position by chance. It is not easy to leave often."

"Are you doing well in this position?" Mu Shiming asked a little worriedly, "Are you under a lot of pressure? Can you command the armies of other countries? I saw your report document. Is there anything you need help with? If you have any questions, you can always come to me."

Yes, after being the commander-in-chief of the battle to exterminate the sacred tree larvae, Shang Yinhe has now taken the position of commander-in-chief of the joint army's frontline operations.

In fact, in terms of qualifications, official title, nationality, and ability, Shang Yinhe should not have been in the current position of commander-in-chief.

It was just because in the early stage of the battle to clear out the sacred tree larvae, he seized the first opportunity and became the commander-in-chief of the peacekeeping forces and the three major powers at that time.

Since this coastline cleanup mission had been declared in advance and post-war benefits would be distributed according to the contribution of each country, many countries sent their own troops.

No matter what happens, once multinational armies are involved, command becomes a big problem.

Therefore, when various countries began to increase their troops and no one was convinced by the other, Shang Yinhe, who was originally sitting in the commander-in-chief position, inexplicably continued to become the commander-in-chief of the entire combined army.

Fortunately, he has always performed well and has never made any mistakes in strategic command. He is also very easy to mediate the relations between various countries and arrange the armies of various countries. He has never made any mistakes, and "inexplicably" he has become more and more stable.

——Shang Yinhe In the [World Storm] game, he has a clear understanding of the historical background and exchanges of all countries. He clearly knows all the details that need attention. How could he make any mistakes?

On the other hand, the officers sent by the country to assist him were a little confused about this young man at first, but later they were completely impressed by him and could only believe that some people in the world are talented and omnipotent...

"Don't worry." Recalling those details, Shang Yinhe smiled and replied confidently, "The military is always a place where strength comes first. As long as I can hold my position, no one can challenge my position."

——The path he chose in [World Storm] is not only the best path for the world, but also the best path for himself.

Seeing Shang Yinhe's confident smile, Mu Shiming also smiled happily. He sighed: "You grow up so fast..."

Immediately afterwards, they talked about one of the hottest topics in the Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs: "Jiuqu hasn't posted a video for a long time. During this time, everyone is trying their best to guess the reason why Jiuqu hasn't posted a video. They are almost going crazy."

Shang Yinhe knows this.

Even though he was in the Arabian Peninsula where it was inconvenient to connect to the Internet, during this period, his ears were full of speculations about "why Jiuqu didn't post the video."

The hottest guess is: "Master Jiuqu was seriously injured because he resisted the Eye of the Distant World!"

There are many clues behind this guess, and the logical chain is extremely complete, from evidence to deduction to conclusion. Even Shang Yinhe himself almost believed it after reading it.

Behind this speculation, many related speculations have been derived, including how humans should help Jiuqu, which galaxy the Eye of the Distant Civilization is in, how the Eye of the Distant Civilization monitors and destroys other civilizations, and how Jiuqu interacts with the Far Far away Eyes and hands...

This topic is hot today, and that topic will be hot tomorrow. You sing and I come on stage. We have been discussing it for half a month and the popularity has not subsided.

Secondly, there is a more accepted guess: "Master Jiuqu has given all the necessary warnings, and there is no need to send any more videos!"

This speculation also has many supporters, and there are also many related derivative speculations.

In addition, there are many various explanations:

"Lord Jiuqu has given up on humanity!"

"Master Jiuqu was hit hard in the process of creating the video for "Extraordinary Times"!"

"Master Jiuqu fell into a deep sleep just like God after seven days of creation!"

"Lord Jiuqu is in love. The overbearing god falls in love with me. I don't want the country but the beauty~" (Wait, what the hell is this?)

Looking at the many speculations, as "Jiuqu" himself, Shang Yinhe was very helpless.

Before a player's level is upgraded, all the videos of a game must be sent within 30 days.

Therefore, his video release rhythm is very fast, basically every 3 to 5 days.

However, as players level up and the game duration expands from 30 days to 6 months, the release pace can be imagined to become slower.

However, ordinary people who are already familiar with the rhythm of Jiuqu's video release are not used to this fact, which has added countless speculations in vain.

What can Shang Yinhe do?

He couldn't just post a video, explaining that from now on the video release rhythm would be at this pace, and there would no longer be a release every 3 to 5 days - that would be too detrimental to the quality of Jiuqu...

"This reminds me of a joke," Shang Yinhe couldn't help but say. He had wanted to say this for a long time, so he could only complain to Mu Shiming, "There is a person who will give the fish tank to the fish tank at 7:00 every morning. Make a feeding.”

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