"Andrew, you summoned us so late at night, there must be something very important?" A mature and steady man spoke first and asked.

This man's name is Donald Sylvester, and he is more senior than the original Solomon Atwood, so he is also the first one who dares to speak.

"The latest news," Andrew Atwood, who had just replaced his cousin Solomon and took the position of chairman of Eric Meiyi, said in a stiff tone, "China's Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor", his face was livid. , the ignition test run experiment started yesterday.”

As soon as this sentence came out, it instantly caused countless whispers from people in the video conference. Countless people spoke at the same time, instantly turning the originally quiet video conference into noisy:


"I haven't received any news before..."

"Is China's confidentiality measures so strict?"

"Is the information correct?"

"To be precise," Andrew couldn't hear the words in the video conference clearly at all. He ignored the others and continued, "at 6:00 a.m. yesterday morning in the United States, China was in one of their bases in Yongliang City. The ignition trial operation experiment of the Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor was started.”

"I got their plan through some means," Andrew Atwood unconsciously clenched the paper document in his hand. He didn't need to lower his head to read it. He had read this document countless times during the previous period. document, so that he remembered all the words in the document, "Their plan lasts for 24 hours, and they plan to announce the matter on the Chinese News Network that day after the ignition is successful."

"That is to say," Donald Sylvester, who was the first to speak, was keenly aware of the meaning behind this sentence. He said in an unbelievable tone, "Two hours later, China's spiritual stone demonstration pile will The experiment will end; in three hours, the news of the successful operation of Lingshi New Energy will be publicly announced internationally??"

"That's right," Andrew replied with a livid face, "The time left for us is only two hours."

"How could it be so fast?" Francis exclaimed in the conference call. He had studied the new energy theory of spiritual stones and had some knowledge. "Hey, I remember that the first video of "The Extraordinary Era" was broadcast. , It’s only been a little over a month, right? It seems like it’s only been more than half a month since the Lingshi New Energy Theory was put forward, right?”

——Yes, how could it be so fast?

Andrew couldn't figure this out.

Normally, a scientific research, from the formulation of the problem, to the preliminary solution of scientific research theory, to the completion of preliminary analysis in the laboratory, and finally to the attempt to carry out industrial design, no matter how you calculate it, it will take as long as half a year at the fastest.

To exaggerate a bit, it would be no problem to delay it for ten or twenty years.

Even more exaggerated, such as nuclear fusion, which has been delayed for almost a century, and there is still no sign...

By analogy, Lingshi New Energy, a new energy technology that is destined to change the world, is not too much to study for a year or two, right?

How could...how could...how could the demonstration pile be ignited in less than a month?

In Andrew's original estimate, he still had at least half a year to deal with the challenge of Lingshi New Energy.

However, he never imagined that the supposedly "half a year" would actually be only a little more than two weeks, not even a month.

When Andrew took over the chairmanship of his cousin Solomon, he thought he was getting the supreme crown.

But he didn't expect that just a short time later, the trap behind the crown would appear in front of him...

"I'm waiting for the day you go to hell with me."

Solomon's last words that day suddenly appeared in Andrew's ears.

At that time, Andrew only regarded these words as the whine of a defeated dog, as the loser's last harsh words to save his dignity. However, thinking about it now...

Andrew couldn't help but feel a shadow of darkness in his heart.

No wonder Solomon's operations were so urgent and left so many flaws. Could it be that Solomon had foreseen this in advance and acted in such a hurry?

Realizing that he was thinking about Solomon again, Andrew quickly dismissed the thought and refocused on the meeting in front of him.

In the video conference, everyone is still discussing with you and me. Andrew was a little impatient, and directly interrupted everyone's chatter in the video conference, saying: "Everyone, we are all sitting in the same boat - if this boat is broken, no one will survive. Don’t go down!”

During the video conference, Andrew's upper body leaned forward, and in a very threatening and offensive posture, he said forcefully: "Now, there are only two hours, and we need a solution."

During the video conference, there was a moment of silence.

After a long time, Donald Sylvester, the most senior person present, sighed helplessly and was the first to break the silence: "If the subject of this experiment was not an official Chinese laboratory, then we would still have There are many ways to do it..."

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