And it seems difficult for big capitalists with many nationalities to have national boundaries.

Many times, big capitalists are patriotic because their industries are closely related to the entire country. If they are not patriotic, they will lose more benefits.

However, in the face of greater interests, it seems that patriotism has become a mere decoration on the facade.

“We are not saying that we should let other countries fall behind,” Donald explained with a no-nonsense attitude, “but we are saying that the development and progress of all countries should be linked to companies like ours—— Our progress is the progress of the country, isn’t it?”

This is indeed a workable solution and the steps don't seem to be cumbersome.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and Andrew nodded repeatedly.

"This technology cannot be blocked by China," Donald said righteously, "Other countries also need this technology."

Andrew nodded knowingly: "I will hurry up and urge the Ernest International Research Institute to quickly develop commercialized new energy technology for spiritual stones. This is so that the Bald Eagle Federation will not fall behind others."

"Many countries will carry out negotiations on Lingshi new energy technology," Donald added, "but the negotiation process... ahem, this requires us to work together."

"OK, OK..." Many people in the video conference laughed knowingly.

"For our country," Andrew couldn't help but smile again, but he tried to make his smile look upright. "We will complete the transformation of the entire industrial chain as soon as possible and will not let our lovely and respectable country fall behind. How long.”

He said the words "lovable and respectable" very playfully and full of irony.

"This is destined to go against the national interests of many countries, but it is in our interests," Donald looked around at everyone in the video conference and concluded, "This road will be more difficult. We have to use various means to force those politicians Submit."

"Time is running out," Donald looked at his mechanical watch. There were still five minutes left before the ignition experiment ended, and one hour and five minutes before the news was officially announced on China News Network. "Everyone, may God bless you."

"God bless you."

Amidst the response, this conference call ended.

Chapter 223 The mantis stalks the cicada, but the yellow bird follows behind

"It's raining really hard," the security guard who had just retired from patrol duty took off his rainproof coat and sighed to his partner beside him, "It's been raining for almost a day and a night, right?"

"Yeah," his partner agreed, quickly taking a towel and wiping his face, "It's rare to see such heavy rain during this period."

Since last night, the rain outside has been crazy and non-stop, which has made their security work more difficult by several levels, putting great pressure on all the security personnel on duty.

"Tell me," after changing into a set of sexy clothes, the security guard who spoke first lowered his voice. He pointed to the ground and quietly gossiped with his partner, "Is the experiment below fast?" Success?"

"I think so," his partner also lowered his voice and replied, "But let's not talk about it. The confidentiality regulations are there... and I heard that a spy seemed to have escaped yesterday..."

Their two partners were soldiers from Lieutenant General Zhong Qingxiong who was stationed in the northwest. They were transferred to this area after receiving an emergency order and joined the security mission.

In this tightly defended area, there are not only intelligence personnel from the National Security Bureau, but also duty personnel from the Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs, as well as ordinary soldiers from their corps. Countless security personnel used a very crazy posture to surround the area layer by layer.

In addition, the air defense equipment is turned on around the clock, and the vigilance is as if a missile may fall from the sky at any time.

The orders they received did not specify what they were trying to protect.

But after being stationed here for more than half a month, the two partners naturally learned some inside information: an epoch-making experiment was being conducted here, and this experiment had reached its most critical moment.

"When this mission is completed, I will take a good vacation," the security guard stretched. "This confidential mission lasted long enough. I haven't said a word to my family this month."

"Me too, I'm dying of boredom," his partner said. Then, he lowered his voice and began to complain, "However, even if there is a spy sneaking in, I can only say that this spy is pretty awesome."

They whispered for a while about the legendary spy who successfully escaped, and then turned the topic back to this mission: "I don't know what kind of experiment is being done below?"

"It must be a big experiment," his partner said. "I really want to know the content of this experiment, and I don't know when it will be announced to the public."

"Why do you want to know the contents of the experiment?" the younger soldier asked curiously.

"Oh, in that case," the older partner laughed, "I can also be proud of my children in the future and say: When this epoch-making new technology appeared, your father was doing protective work on site, and he was also responsible for this. This epoch-making technology has made a great impact!”

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