Lu Yanchi forced out a smile.

"The experiment is entering its final stage." A researcher walked into the control room and interrupted their conversation. "According to the plan, Commander-in-Chief, do you think it's time to issue an order?"

"Okay." Lu Yanchi checked the time and saw that it was indeed almost the finishing stage. He immediately put aside all his worries and began to devote himself wholeheartedly to the completion of the experiment.

Upon seeing this, Nie Zhibo moved to another corner of the main control room, no longer disturbing the researchers' work, but began to be busy on his own battlefield.

Time is something both fast and slow.

In the midst of concentrated business processing, this 24-hour ignition test run experiment finally came to an end.

"The No. 1 power generation unit is fully loaded and everything is normal."

"The spiritual stone replacement chain enters the shutdown process..."

"The spirit stone replacement chain is closed successfully."

"The water flow device begins to cool down..."

"The water flow device has cooled down."

"The power generation unit enters shutdown state..."

One message after another reached the main control room.

Lu Yanchi, who was staring at the monitor screen, forgot about the bad news on the periphery and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the conclusion of the experiment amid the continuous bombardment of news.

As expected, the entire Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor device entered a shutdown state in an orderly manner. The temperature of the demonstration reactor is gradually dropping, and the power generated gradually returns to zero.

"The generator has been shut down."

The voice of the person making the report was filled with unparalleled excitement.

"The Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor, the first ignition experiment, is officially over!"

"The experiment was successful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the control room cheered crazily.

"We succeeded!" "The experiment was successful!"

Lu Yanchi cheered along with everyone. At this moment, he finally returned to his youthful state and began to enjoy the joy of youth.

Lingshi New Energy is destined to be an epoch-making new technology, destined to change the entire era.

Lingshi new energy technology will reduce the price of electricity to an extremely low level, because essentially, the raw materials used in Lingshi new energy power generation are ubiquitous evolutionary factors in the air - this is a cheap, evolutionary plant that can It is something that human beings can't wait to consume as much as possible.

At the same time, Lingshi new energy technology is also destined to change the face of many technologies. If energy is no longer a limitation to development, then many of the problems that plague mankind will be solved.

As the inventor of such a great technology and the commander-in-chief and chief designer of such a great project, how could Lu Yanchi not be overjoyed and ecstatic?

The experiment was successful. Looking at the joyful general control room, Nie Zhibo from the Intelligence Department couldn't help but laugh.

But slowly, his smile faded.

Staring at the news collected from all over the world on the screen, Nie Zhibo couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "The experiment was successful, but..."

He lowered his voice, lowered it again, and condensed his inner words into a vague emotion:

"The rain is about to come and the wind is blowing all over the building..."


One hour after the ignition test run experiment was successful, it was exactly 7:00 pm China time.

The host of the Xinwen Network broadcast the good news announcement that had been prepared for a long time.

"Good evening, dear viewers. Today is Wednesday, May 15th. Welcome to the Xinwen Lianbo program. First of all, I will introduce to you the main content of today's Xinwen Lianbo..."

The host of tonight's news broadcast is a specially selected veteran host who is steady and able to hold his own.

In fact, to be honest, which news network host is not experienced and experienced? Any small mistake they make will result in a large bonus deduction; any small mistake they make will be picked out and savored by countless people. Those who can sit in the position of anchor of this news network are all senior figures.

However, even for that just-in-case possibility, in this news broadcast program announced to the world for the first time by Lingshi New Energy, after careful consideration, the superiors finally decided to select the most stable and error-free person. , as the host of this show.

In any case, this news broadcast will definitely be watched over and over again by many people, and it will also be remembered by history and become an important historical data, with no room for minor errors.

And this host lived up to expectations. His delivery was articulate and his performance spot-on.

There was some slight joy in the host's tone, symbolizing the country's recognition of new technologies; but this joy is very euphemistic and gentle, and will not give people-especially those who are far behind in scientific research and others. People in the country - with a strong sense of excitement.

"...At 6:00 pm on May 14, the 24-hour ignition trial operation experiment of the Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor was officially launched at the Yongliang City Base in my country."

"Under the leadership of the Chinese scientist Lu Yanchi, the commander-in-chief of this ignition test run experiment, everything went smoothly and the experiment was officially concluded an hour ago..."

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