“Is our country trying to introduce this technology?”

"Why was this technology discovered in China? Has the era abandoned us?"

"It is better to say that we have abandoned the times - FXXX. China invented this epoch-making technology, but no one in our country cares about this! No matter whether it is officials, scientists or ordinary people, no one cares! Oh my god , our country is really going to finish!"

"Our country is the one that wants to play. After all, it is known as the world's most powerful country. It lags behind in this new technology, and it doesn't think about how to keep up. Haha, the Bald Eagle Federation will be finished sooner or later!"

At the end, the video directly showed clips from China News Network.

In the picture, the mature and solemn host wore a polite smile and read clearly:

"...At 6:00 pm on May 14, the 24-hour ignition trial operation experiment of the Lingshi New Energy Demonstration Reactor was officially launched at the Yongliang City Base in my country."

"Under the leadership of the Chinese scientist Lu Yanchi, the commander-in-chief of this ignition test run experiment, everything went smoothly and the experiment was officially concluded an hour ago..."

"At this moment when extraordinary times are approaching, we are honored that our country can seize the critical point of the times."

"Lingshi New Energy's technology is clean, pollution-free, efficient and renewable. It is destined to be a very important technology for the entire human race, and it is also destined to set off countless changes..."

"We are on a new path, and we will surely open a new era..."

Listening to the original sound of the news broadcast from the Jiuqu video, Andrew Atwood simply fell into a state of collapse.

He dialed Donald's number over and over again - if the company phone was busy, he would switch to a company number, and if all the company phones were busy, he would switch to a personal phone - after "on call" again and again, Andrew finally dialed .

"I saw the video." Before Andrew could speak, Donald Sylvester's voice full of decadence came over the phone, "Stop calling, my phone is about to explode. We Start a video conference immediately."

"Okay, video conference, start now, start immediately, start immediately!" Andrew raised his voice again and again, and his words were full of hysteria.

Donald on the other side of the phone was silent for a moment, and then hung up the phone unceremoniously.

“Du, du, du…”

The busy signal rang on the phone line, seeming to symbolize the confusion in Andrew's heart.

Chapter 225 EnergyX

Public opinion on the Internet is like water.

Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it. It can only guide, but cannot be blocked by force.

When a piece of news truly becomes a hot topic around the world, no matter what kind of force it is, it can no longer prevent the many inside stories behind it from being exposed.

After the video of "World Storm: One" was released, in less than an hour, the theoretical foundation of China's Lingshi new energy ignition trial operation experiment, the relevant personnel involved, the overall experimental arrangement, behind-the-scenes stories, and even various countries and The progress of Hua's diplomatic wrangling in this technical aspect was quickly exposed.

Who is Lu Yanchi and what kind of qualifications does he have?

In addition to China, there are other scientific research institutes that are conducting new energy experiments on spiritual stones. What is the progress of each?

Are there any negotiators in XX countries and China in this regard? Who are on the negotiating team?

All the seemingly secret information seems to have burst out during this period. Even official intelligence experts from various countries will be stunned by the efficiency of this kind of information mining.

After all, seriously speaking, this information mining has almost concentrated the power of Jiuqu video viewers around the world, many of whom are hacker masters, insiders in the scientific research community, insiders in the political community, etc., and even a lot of information is Those that are directly disclosed to the outside world, such as papers on the arxiv website, China News Broadcast, etc., as long as you are willing, you can always find relevant information.

These news scattered on the Internet, when Lingshi New Energy Technology is not a hot topic, no one will pay attention to it; but when this new technology becomes a hot topic, then the relevant news will instantly come from all corners. Was pulled out.

"We need to keep up with the times!"

"We also want new technology!"

“We want cheaper and cleaner energy!”

"We want the technology recommended by Master Jiuqu!"

The turbulent public opinion came like an overwhelming force. These voices, which truly speak from the hearts of the people, instantly overwhelm everything else and overwhelm the efforts of those who try to control the comments.

Looking at all this, Andrew Atwood only felt full of panic.

——"Didn't Jiuqu stop posting videos?"

——"Hasn't he been seriously injured, or for some other reason, and hasn't posted a video for almost a month?"

——"Why would he suddenly post such a video?"

——"Why would he suddenly post such a video!"

A strong sense of sadness suddenly emerged from Andrew's heart.

He couldn't help but think of his cousin Solomon, who seemed to be like this. When everything was going smoothly, he was raped by Jiuqu's video.

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