"We will allow every citizen of the Bald Eagle Federation to have access to cheaper energy as soon as possible!"

"We will advance the progress of extraordinary era technology as soon as possible so that the Bald Eagle Federation can respond to all difficulties and obstacles in the future with a more powerful attitude!"

At the press conference, Bald Eagle Federal Foreign Minister's speech won a round of applause from the audience.

Polls show that after this press conference, the Bald Eagle Federation's public support for the current government suddenly increased by 5 percentage points.

After receiving this big order from the country, the originally unknown EnergyX company also expanded crazily with an unimaginably wild trend.

Above the wind, pigs can fly into the sky.

In the eyes of those onlookers who don't know the inside story, EnergyX is just a pig that has been pushed into the sky by the wind, just like many Internet companies that have gained momentum in one day, from the ground to the cloud in just the blink of an eye.


Bald Eagle Commonwealth, New York City, at the home of Minister Stuart.

"Come on, General," Minister Stuart pulled a quiet young man wearing glasses and introduced to General Catlett, "Let me introduce to you. This is the founder of EnergyX. A scientist with outstanding talent in energy technology, Alva Roderick, is also a junior and disciple whom I am very optimistic about."

"General Catlett, I have long admired you." Alva, a young scientist, politely extended his right hand. "Minister Stuart and I are from the same school. The minister used to take good care of me. He also often mentioned you to me. This time It’s an honor to finally meet you.”

This young scientist still has a scholarly spirit unique to scientists, and has not yet completely caught the interest-oriented atmosphere of the business world. In layman's terms, he still looks a bit nerdy.

General Carteret quickly reached out and shook Alva's hand.

At this moment, General Catlett's face showed a sudden realization: "So, this is your man."

"It's just mutual cooperation and mutual support," Minister Stuart corrected General Carteret's wording, his words showing a sense of pride, "How can you say something like 'this is my person' Woolen cloth?"

It is actually very common for companies in sensitive fields to have official support from the military.

The famous SpaceX (Bald Eagle Federal Space Exploration Technology Company) has some background in NASA, so it can always get big orders from NASA and launch so-called "military-civilian cooperation space projects."

In the Bald Eagle Federation, due to social systems and historical habits, this kind of thing is still done relatively covertly; when it comes to China, it is simply a matter of direct state investment and public ownership of enterprises. The eldest brother does not talk about the second brother, it is an international practice anyway.

"The General seems to be right in saying that," the young scientist Alva smiled. "Without the support of Minister Stuart, I would not have been able to found EnergyX, nor would I have been able to make it so big in an instant."

Alva picked up a bottle of red wine from the counter, poured a glass for each of the three people, and then handed the wine glass to everyone's hands: "Thank you for your support, let's have a drink?"

General Carteret took the red wine glass and considered a toast: "For the Bald Eagle Federation."

Minister Stuart smiled - for a person who is used to being an intelligence officer, no matter how cheerful he smiles, there is always a sinister flavor.

He corrected General Carteret: "It should be called 'For Humanity', which would be more appropriate to the occasion."

"Okay, for the sake of humanity!" General Carteret responded happily without hesitation.

Three red wine glasses clinked together gently.

Since EnergyX was currently in a busy start-up period, the young scientist Alva left quickly after clinking glasses, leaving only General Carteret and Minister Stuart to continue drinking red wine at home.

"Congratulations, you set up this situation well." General Carteret raised the red wine glass in his hand. After Alva left, he spoke more boldly, "Successfully turned this situation into something that might have caused a stir. The risk of an economic crisis has become an ordinary company rotation.”

"Thank you for the compliment," Minister Stuart smiled proudly, his words were still reserved at first, "Isn't it bad for these enterprises to have a decent backwardness?"

But soon, as he drank more red wine, Minister Stuart became more open-minded and spoke more: "I have been displeased with those guys for a long time. Those guys who are high up, always control various economic crises, Those who are still politically instigating various oil crises and oil wars only have their own interests in mind, hey..."

"Me too," General Carteret, who had experienced life and death with Minister Stuart on the battlefield in the Middle East, instantly resonated with him. "We were fighting life and death on the front line, while they were living and drinking in the back!"

In an era when the world situation was generally peaceful, the high-intensity wars on the battlefield in the Middle East took away countless lives and hopes.

Of course, if it were not for their outstanding performance on the battlefield in the Middle East, Minister Stuart and General Carteret would not have climbed to such high positions now. It can only be said that it was a blessing in disguise.

"Who is getting an advantage when the Bald Eagle Federation launches a war in the Middle East?" It seems that these words have been accumulated in Minister Stuart's mind for a long time, facing comrades who have a life-or-death relationship and stand on the same interests. , he began to complain, "The Federation itself did not receive any benefits - not only did it spend

A lot of money was spent in the quagmire of the Middle East, which resulted in the loss of domestic popular support, loss of international prestige, and the inability to escape from terrorism, a bed bug! "

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