When Mobro was talking to himself like this, Shang Yinhe was watching him quietly.

Sometimes, Shang Yinhe feels that he is a witness in the great tide of history, and his emotions will change due to all the ups and downs, whether he is excited, excited, or frustrated;

But sometimes, he felt that his perspective was so superior. It was as if he was calmly watching the events of this world with the indifferent eyes of a god;

Or, in fact, both perspectives exist...

Shang Yinhe was stunned and finally recovered from that strange split state. He looked at his watch and said, "Let's go, the time is almost up."

This sentence suddenly woke Mobrow up. Mobro hurriedly checked his watch and hurriedly left in front of the mirror: "Let's go, don't be late."

They hurried out the door together and arrived at the Ax Gang's headquarters.

Shang Yinhe sat in the seat of the special guest and looked at Mobro on the stage. He was preaching to the gang members in the audience with a very calm appearance:

"Brothers, our Ax Gang is now one of the top three gangs in Santantria. It is no longer the small organization with only two or three kittens."

"A gang should have its own rules. Today, I am here to announce to everyone the rules of our Ax Gang, which are the "Axe Gang Rules"..."

Chapter 237 The war that is about to end

The Ax Gang has issued new gang rules. This event, which Shang Yinhe thinks will have a major impact on history, in the eyes of others, is just an insignificant ripple in the world situation at this time.

Even, in the eyes of most people, Shang Yinhe, as the commander-in-chief of the international coalition, supporting Santantia's Ax Gang in his spare time is just a trivial thing that he does after he becomes interested to calm his mood. That's all.

Mobro is very self-aware, and he knows that his incident is actually inconspicuous compared to the entire African eradication campaign. He looked at Shang Yinhe apologetically and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you so much about my affairs."

Mobro's face still had a kind of blush after the speech, which was an expression of excitement.

Just now, he announced his Ax Gang rules in detail, and gave a concise and easy-to-understand explanation to his gang members, most of whom were not highly educated.

In order to take care of everyone's cultural level, he has made the gang rules as clear as possible. He has also specially prepared several cases and introduced the core points of the gang rules over and over again by telling stories.

——Although those stories sounded embarrassing to Shang Yinhe, for example, he used the so-called "traditional stories that have been circulated in China since ancient times\

,"The story of "One chopstick is easy to break, but many chopsticks keep breaking" all have a feeling that reminds Shang Yinhe of his childhood.

However, due to cultural barriers, this little fable, which Chinese people listen to as a childhood story, is still very popular among the Ax Gang. Everyone likes this easy-to-understand and interesting introduction.

"I forced you to work with me for so long." However, after the gang rule matter that had troubled him for so long finally came to an end, Mobro realized belatedly that he seemed to have dragged Shang Yinhe to work with him. He looked at him for a long time, but he still harassed him and chatted nonsense, "Are you bothering you a lot?"

"It's okay, I have a lot of free time." Shang Yinhe waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Mobro was stunned.

Chinese people's statements often have many meanings, which may be modesty or irony. This caused Mobro a lot of trouble when he was learning Chinese.

Mobro now very much doubted that this was irony or modesty. He racked his brains to think about the meaning of Shang Yinhe's words, but in the end he could only interpret it literally: "Um, really or not, aren't you the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, so free?"

"Yeah, I'm really free now," Shang Yinhe stretched his muscles, "Everything has been done in a routine and is going step by step."

Facing Mobro's disbelieving look, Shang Yinhe still explained: "Our firepower is so sufficient that I don't even need to go into battle in person. As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, I am basically the mascot. It’s just about suppressing and balancing the factions in each country.”

"Really?" Mobro didn't believe it, "It's that simple?"

"Any accumulation of wisdom and experience requires time. The time for the birth of evolved animals and plants is too short, and they have not had time to develop wisdom," Shang Yinhe explained. "The eradication of evolved animals and plants is not so much a matter of Fighting is better said to be mindless cleansing.”

"What our entire army has to do is to clear the ground with bombs and crush the army. There is no need to consider any additional strategies," Shang Yinhe said easily. "And what I, the so-called commander-in-chief, need to do is to give every The country's military divides the territory to prevent conflicts, and at the same time sets goals, allows everyone to report progress every day, and creates competitive pressure, that's all."

Hearing this, Mobro couldn't help but praise: "You... you are really a person with great commanding skills." "

Even though Shang Yinhe said it was so simple, Mobro, as the leader of a small gang, heard a deeper meaning.

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