"However," Mobro was still a little worried, "There have been a lot of unfamiliar faces in Santantria recently. I looked carefully. It seems that many of them are fugitives who have committed crimes all over the world."

"Santantria is originally a paradise for extraordinary criminals," Shang Yinhe's attitude was very indifferent, "Didn't you know this a long time ago?"

"But...but, but!" Mobroy was excited and couldn't help but raise his voice. "The world of extraordinary people I want to build does not include these criminals at all! They will bring a lot of trouble to my plan. Big obstacle!"

Shang Yinhe looked at him quietly.

"I'm sorry," Morrow calmed down quickly and his voice returned to its usual volume, "I lost my temper. I have been struggling with this issue recently, so my mentality is a bit unstable."

He paused and began to analyze in a calm tone: "Those who have tried to live without shackles and live more indulgently will find it difficult to return to shackles. Those who have killed people, committed crimes, and treat ordinary people as It is difficult for an extraordinary person whose life is nothing and whose mentality is completely unbalanced to be bound by my ideal rules."

"Do you...remember the saying 'Santantria's Luck'?" Shang Yinhe asked a seemingly incomprehensible question.

"How could you not remember?" Mobro was stunned for a moment, but still replied, "This is a common saying about my country."

"'Santantria's Luck' tells us," Shang Yinhe said slowly, "anything, no matter how unfortunate it seems on the surface, actually has its lucky aspects - this rule in Santantria Extraordinarily effective.”

Speaking of this, Shang Yinhe raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Mobro in front of him meaningfully, and said: "How can the establishment of an order not be tempered by iron and fire?"

His voice deepened, as if to imply something: "If you want your 'Axe Gang' to truly become a 'Convention of Extraordinary Persons', then these guys are the best targets..."

Chapter 242 A different future

Hua Kingdom, Yongliang City in the northwest, base of extraordinary beings.

"Why did you come to me suddenly when you were free today?" Nie Zhibo raised his head in surprise and looked at Shang Yinhe who opened the door and entered the office.

"I came to ask you for some information." Shang Yinhe said lightly.

"You want information? Of course there's no problem," he said, but Nie Zhibo was still very surprised, "But what can't be said over the phone without having to travel all the way here?"

"You have to get used to this extraordinary era," Shang Yinhe was also helpless. He shrugged and said half-complainingly, "After the new White Mist dungeon is opened, there will be too many strange and extraordinary abilities. I want to talk to you on the phone. I'm worried that the information has been directly leaked - didn't the 'Ella Secret Theft Case' just break out yesterday?

Since the "528 Parade Incident", as if some signal has been sent, various extraordinary criminal cases have emerged one after another, and among these extraordinary criminal cases, the "Ella Secret Theft Case" is also very special.

There is a large company. During this period, business secrets were constantly leaked, causing the company to suffer huge damage. The company's internal investigations failed to uncover the insider many times.

In the end, the company directly sought help from the federal paranormal incident handling department, and used the unique clues of a paranormal person in the department to track the extraordinary abilities and find the culprit of the leak of trade secrets——

And the culprit is an extraordinary person.

This is the first large-scale case in which extraordinary people use their abilities to illegally obtain profits. The amount involved is one billion U.S. dollars, and the indirect losses are countless. Moreover, if this company had not decisively sought help from federal special departments, it is likely that they would have continued to suffer huge losses for a long time.

Under the strong request of the federal special department, all media did not report this case to avoid triggering more copycat cases.

But how could such a huge case be kept hidden? Only half a day later, rumors about this case began to circulate on the Internet, and relevant information was sent to the China Extraordinary Affairs Bureau and simultaneously provided to relevant people.

This information leakage incident is a huge wake-up call.

As for Shang Yinhe's own abilities, the wind power can help him collect all the sounds within a thousand miles, and the [mini map] ability can show him all the sceneries within a thousand miles. But he has never dared to show this ability to the outside world, because this ability is so alarming.

Although the current extraordinary beings cannot yet reach his level of exaggeration, with the assistance of special abilities, some people can achieve perfect intelligence gathering effects.

Even a powerful force like Shang Yinhe no longer dared to talk randomly after this incident.

Moreover, the information he wanted happened to be related to criminals with supernatural powers in Santantria; and there happened to be many criminals with supernatural powers in Santantria right now, so maybe one of them was eavesdropping on him.

Although under the surveillance of Shang Yinhe's [mini map] and wind-type powers, there must be very few people who overhear his information, but if the rightful owner happens to overhear it, the planned operation will fail before it even starts. Well, what should I do?

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