Everyone here is either a witness to the Vincent assassination case or a senior member of the Extraordinary Mutual Aid Association.

Sidney secretly exchanged glances with some people, then slammed the table and said with overwhelming anger: "No matter what! Blood debts must always be paid with blood!"

"That's right! Blood debts must be paid with blood!" Someone immediately responded.

Soon, as the crowd responded, the atmosphere in the conference room became extremely exciting...


Three days later, Vincent was buried.

According to Vincent's last will and testament, as a Christian, he chose traditional cremation.

His funeral was held with great grandeur. Almost all the members of the Extraordinary Mutual Aid Association in the nearby area were present, and there were even many extraordinary people who came from all over the world to attend his funeral.

A piece of tragic music was played at the funeral. This music is so contagious that many people’s eyes become red just by listening to the music.

"...He selflessly shares his experience on the extraordinary path with us, he selflessly helps all those who ask for help from him, and he selflessly heals all those who are injured..."

When the priest introduced the life of the deceased and prayed for him, many extraordinary beings in the audience burst into tears. Several extraordinary beings who had been in close contact with him burst into tears, including those who had been taught by Vincent. En's Sidney et al.

With Vincent's charisma, how many people who have come into contact with him can not shed tears for him at such a time?

In normal Western funeral ceremonies, the atmosphere of the funeral is often relatively relaxed and peaceful. Westerners will calmly regard the destination of the deceased as heaven. Everyone will focus on remembering the deceased at the funeral, instead of being as violent as a Chinese funeral. Crying, heaviness, mourning.

But Vincent's unexpected death made the atmosphere of this funeral extremely sad.

Vincent didn't deserve to die.

He was the founder of the Extraordinary Mutual Aid Association, he was such a charismatic leader, he was such a possessor of healing powers with unlimited potential, but he died under the gunshot of an ordinary person!

Who can not mourn for it?

The priest finished reading the prayers and scriptures, and finished the memorial mass.

According to the process, the next step should be the process of the deceased friends taking the stage to recall the past.

Sidney was the first to take the stage.

"The president shouldn't die!"

He said this at the beginning, his voice still had a thick nasal cavity after crying, and there were obvious tears under his red and swollen eyes.

"Brothers, sisters, the president should not die!"

Sidney pressed it again. His voice, with a nasal sound after crying, sounded extremely contagious at this moment.

"He was innocently killed by an ordinary person's gun while doing volunteer treatment for ordinary patients for free!"

Sidney emphasized words such as "free", "volunteer" and "ordinary people".

These words are also the most touching part of Vincent's death scene. No matter who comes to see it, they will feel that it is a pity and an injustice that Vincent died. He was paying for ordinary people, but ordinary people took away his life.

"The assassin said that he wanted to take revenge on the Extraordinary Mutual Aid Association, which organized the May 28th Parade." Sidney's voice was so excited that it broke. "But, could the tragedy of the May 28th Parade be caused by us?" Do you want it to happen? Are those extraordinary beings whose powers are out of control actively trying to cause such a big disturbance? And what does all of these things have to do with the president!"

"The president has been asking us to make concessions to ordinary people," Sidney said with tears, "But, but! Look! Concession, concession, what comes out of concession!"

"Look at the public opinion on the Internet, look at the government's policies, look at the eyes of ordinary people! What have we become now!"

There was a commotion in the audience, some people were responding fiercely, some were wiping tears, and some had angry expressions.

Sidney calmed down, took a deep breath, and said solemnly:

"Brothers, sisters."

"We Transcendents must unite."

"We cannot give in any further."

"We can no longer just let ordinary people use the few criminal cases of extraordinary people to discriminate against all our groups of extraordinary people."

"We can no longer allow government officials to violently monitor all our privacy in the name of social security."

"We can no longer give in. The whole world thinks that we are poor people who can make arbitrary arrangements and make unlimited concessions!"

"Brothers and sisters, unite!"

These inflammatory words, paired with the slightly catalytic sound effects of the background music, instantly set the entire scene on fire.

"Unite!" someone began to chant.

"Unite!" everyone shouted.

"Unite!" Everyone's voices merged into a huge melody that filled the clouds and shook the sky.


"How are the follow-up arrangements?" After leaving the funeral site, Sidney hurried to a nearby small villa, where his teammates on the same front were already waiting for him.

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