Nuwa Growth Diary

Chapter 169: Ex-husband

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Most of the people in Cross Hall are in the United States, but at the same time, they will also have their own organized, semi-public or completely private safe houses in other countries. (.

The investment and maintenance of this type of safe house is comparable to a castle. It is not only the defense system that is updated frequently and the ready-made firearms and weapons at any time, but more importantly, the identity and resume of the person in charge of the safe house also needs to be perfect. All costs incurred need to be paid by the holder of the safe house.

Betty’s ex-husband Hanser’s nest is not in New York, but he happens to have a safe house near New York, and this gentleman is very dedicated or cheap and does not occupy a husband and wife relationship with the person in charge of the safe house... Completely legal forged identity...In the account, this gentleman is a member of an overseas company who often goes out, and occasionally returns home to reunite with his poor wife for a few days. The neighbors around have a very good impression of the couple. The wife is beautiful and generous, and the husband is handsome and humorous...

"He used to lie to me that he was only concealing his identity with that bitch, and then he concealed it and went to bed." Betty gnashed her teeth while driving, and smashed the steering wheel when she was excited: "Ha! the man!"

The horn of the steering wheel was shot with a long and sharp sound, and the smoke ring that Yang Yan spit immediately trembled, before forming a full circle, it scattered: "...beautiful, calm down. Now you are going to beg, no Isn’t it a bad posture to be straight?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao noticed another problem: "According to you, he may only come back once or twice a year from the safe house here. We will definitely find someone if we go now?!"

"He must be there. He has spent the past few years with that **** at Christmas." Betty said angrily.

"...Can we use the words to be more civilized? I'll probably have to mute if we talk to you a few more words." Feng Xiaoxiao is really speechless. For a woman who is burning with anger, reason has always been their best. Something scarce.


When finally arrived at the "new home" of the legendary Hansel, Feng Xiaoxiao realized how wrong he was. Sometimes it's not just women who lack reason. Men are also included.

"Oh, shit!" This was the first sentence of the blond man who went out carrying the garbage bag and moaned with regret when he saw Betty.

Then the handsome and tall Western foreigner violently threw the trash bag, took out a dagger from his sleeve, and killed him without saying a word. Betty roared and didn't know where to brush a spike against him. The two of them beat you to death in the courtyard like this.

Crowd: "..."

Feng Xiaoxiao looked at the two people in the courtyard who were fighting enthusiastically, and it was hard to believe and asked the people around him: "Didn't Betty say that the only person she can trust in this world is this man?!"

What is going on in this scene now? ! Is this the touching reunion of two people who trust each other? ! Love and kill? !

"...I think it might be a special way of emotional communication." Yang Yan tried to calm down a cigarette, trying to find a more reasonable explanation: "Just now Betty pulled out the key to open the door, and the door has a password lock and fingerprint verification plus Pupil scan...If this man is so inconsistent with her, it is impossible to keep her access to her safe house until now."

"Then this is now?!"

"..." Yang Yan was silent for a while, "I can only say that when the forest grows, there are all kinds of birds."


The hostess in the small villa came out at this time. I took a look outside, and seemed surprised, and soon he was a little embarrassed to persuade him: "Hanser...and Miss Betty. Don't fight, you will attract neighbors."

The two birds are still immortal. You punch and kick me, looking at the posture that you want to kill each other.

Feng Xiaoxiao was embarrassed: "The two people blocked the door, how do we get in?!"

Fuxi frowned, and suddenly a thick whip shadow swept across the courtyard. With a heavy and huge breaking sound, the two of them were thrown against the wall. Almost before everyone had time to see what was going on, the man and the woman both spit blood on the wall, behind them. The wall just hit even cracked a suspicious spider web.

"Let's go." The obstacle was swept away, and Fu Xi calmly led the steps into the house.

Yang Yan said silently, "...Brother Xi flicked his tail just now."

"Well, ninety-nine percent. I didn't read Daqing. Where is Xiao Jiang?!"

Xiao Jiang was not reconciled: "I didn't see it clearly either."

"Don't worry, I have restrained and won't hurt." Fuxi turned sideways to comfort Feng Xiaoxiao.


Anyway. Finally I was able to enter the house. The hostess seemed relieved, and the housewife consciously entered the kitchen to make coffee.

"Hey, Lina, don't worry about these people." Hansel rubbed his ribs into the room. The first sentence was shouting at the kitchen.

Betty also came in with her back, her red eyes choking: "Dare you be so rude to my friend?!"

"We are divorced!"

"You pig gong..."

"Listen. I just hate your attitude. I am your husband. Can't you be gentle with me occasionally?!"

"We are divorced!!!"

"I mean before, before!"

The two of them stood at the door, pinching their waists and screaming out a bunch of English, blushing with thick necks as if they would enter the courtyard at any time to fight again. Feng Xiaoxiao looked baffled and didn't understand. Yang Yan and Jiang Li could understand, but the two men didn't want to translate the trivialities between husband and wife, so the four of them silently drank coffee made by the hostess.

"Sorry, Hansel is a little excited." The hostess sat on the opposite sofa and smiled apologetically, but was very friendly to the few people Betty had brought.

"..., i don't understand." Feng Xiaoxiao was speechless.

"..." The hostess was silent, and then she changed to a standard Chinese: "Chinese?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao was suddenly excited: "Are you also Chinese?! That's great, I thought it might be a little difficult to communicate."

The hostess smiled again: "I'm a Chinese-American mixed-race, can't you tell?!" After speaking, she winked at Feng Xiaoxiao mischievously.

This generous performance and the good appearance of the other party made Feng Xiaoxiao feel ashamed that he had a much better impression of this third party. Of course, this is not to say that Betty is bad, but this woman really belongs to the type that is hard to hate.

Betty seems to have finally discovered that the woman here not only robbed her husband, but also wants to rob her friend, so she angrily left the foreigner who was still arguing just now, rushed over and sat next to Feng Xiaoxiao, staring angrily. Woman: "Don't use your omnipotent charm on my friend, Lina!"

Lina sighed: "Betty, I said it was a misunderstanding before..."

"Misunderstanding of shit! We are a couple in love!" Hansel rushed over unconvinced, and sat beside Lina, slamming the latter's shoulders, pulling the other side into his arms like a demonstration, and fucking. Chinese is blunt.

"...Second brother, what do you think?!"

"...I think this is weird."

Fuxi didn't figure out the situation from beginning to end, and the only few sentences he could understand were gossip. This made the ancestor **** very dissatisfied. He immediately drank the uncomfortable coffee in his hand on the table. The sound of the heavy cups colliding with the table suddenly made the two people who had just attacked the wall shuddered.

"Stop talking nonsense, didn't you mean to come to this man to help you investigate the assassin?!" Fuxi's cold eyes looked directly at Betty, and a calm and unwavering voice sounded in the room: "We It’s just here to redeem those two people, but you and the Cross Palace’s affairs need to be solved by yourself. Next time you are shot, you may not be so lucky and Xiao Wa will rescue you from Hell."

Hansel digs his ears inconceivably: "Oh, I can understand all such long sentences. It seems that my Chinese level is high... Betty!!! He said you were shot?!" I finally grasped the key meaning of Fuxi's words, and asked my ex-wife in disbelief: "Our people in the Palace of the Cross did it? Who is it?"

Betty looked at Hansel with complicated expressions, held the coffee cup in his palms in both hands, and gritted his lips and gritted his teeth, "Wells Nabehank! The three dead saints were probably also his work... Han Se, tell me you have nothing to do with this matter."

"What are you thinking in your head? Of course I have nothing to do with this matter!" Hansel stood up fiercely, and strode back and forth in front of the sofa: "Wells?! Why did he do this? ?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao was surprised: "You don't doubt your wife... well, it's your ex-wife! Just believe what she says?!"

"Of course I believe her!" Hansel gave a blank look, as if Feng Xiaoxiao asked a very stupid just as Betty said before that she would only trust Hansel for granted.

Feng Xiaoxiao doesn't understand it. It seems that these two still have feelings, and the feelings are obviously not shallow. How come they will end up getting divorced? !

Hansel didn’t pay attention to other people’s weird expressions. He turned around for a few laps and then sat down again. He scratched his hair and said annoyed: “Okay! It seems that something we don’t know is happening in the Hall of the Cross. It’s important now. What is certain is how many companions we still have... Oh, by the way, Lina, can I trouble you to throw away the garbage outside the door? I left them in the yard."

Lina smiled and got up: "Okay, what do you want for dinner? I'll buy some food by the way. Can vegetable mutton and beef stew?!"

Betty watched Lina go out. After hearing the sound of the car driving out of the garage, she looked up and said to Hansel: "These friends from the east have two companions kidnapped by the Cross Hall. They asked for Christmas Sacred Artifacts at Night, Hansel, do you know about this?!"

"Holy artifact?!" Hansel was surprised again: "I've never heard of this. Didn't it mean that the exchange was secret information?!"

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