Nuwa Growth Diary

Chapter 363: Network clues

Join six doors? ? ?

Huangjia 007 can actually understand Feng Xiaoxiao's ideas. To read the latest chapters of this book, come to the no pop-up novel MM website, the latest chapters will be published first! Please visit the latest free chapters of this book.

If you join Brother Xiaowu, the matter of learning the internal martial arts is naturally solved. After all, they also have to give some benefits to the newcomers, even if they leave a one-and-a-half killer trick or something, they will definitely not be stingy with the basics.

Otherwise, why do you serve the people in vain? !

The six doors are staffed and require full-time jobs. They are no different than those of the rivers and lakes. The heroes are just a part-time job and do not affect income and life... If you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse first.

For Huang Jia 007, money is no longer an important bargaining chip, but life is at stake, and Brother Wu's guidance is urgently needed. Joining six doors in exchange for the other party to teach something, naturally it is more important than anything else.

But, but, but...

Six doors are the court eagle dogs who have always been disdainful among the population of the arena! ! !

Huang Jia 007 is simply going crazy, even if he understands that this is the most suitable choice, his inner emotions are still a bit unacceptable for a while.

Wu Xiaoge only thought that Feng Xiaoxiao's words just now were because he was eager to help Huangjia 007 to say something nice, so he did not deny the other party's unauthorized promise of "give a chance" for himself.

I waited quietly for a while, seeing Huang Jia 007's face suddenly green, white, red and purple... Even if Wu Xiaoge is willing to think that the other party is actually embarrassed, this embarrassing time is long enough to make him impatient Up.

A big man's ink marks are like old ladies, are you annoying!

Brother Wu "tsk", and after seeing the time, he bids farewell to Feng Xiaoxiao: "I have other patrol areas, so let's go first."

Feng Xiaoxiao almost wanted to kick Huang Jia 007 over, and forced a smile: "Brother Wu, wait..."

Brother Wu waved his hand and walked to the front yard store without saying anything.

Now or never.

Huangjia 007 can accept that he died of illness and death, or even choked to death by saliva inexplicably, but he can't be quietly swallowed up by someone else, and even his wealth becomes someone else's thing.

As soon as Brother Wu turned around, Huang Jianyan finally made up his mind, stubbornly shouting: "Brother Wu, Brother Wu! I want to worship you as a teacher, please, please..."

The latter words really can't come out. Wu Xiaoge turned around, glanced at Huang Yanyan, and picked up the chun corner: "Apprenticeship application, this is for my family. My family agrees to you to get started. At the apprenticeship ceremony, we must invite fellow students from the world to witness. Naturalization, as well as apprenticeship stickers, pressing ceremonies, and the three-year-old prayer ceremony for getting started... Don’t think it’s over if you just talk about it. Those who enter our door are all six new blood, so you still have to be in six during this time Appraisal of internship works. Can you do all these?!"

The martial arts world always pays attention to inheritance, and the ceremony of apprenticeship is also very important, but it is not at all when a master in the novel meets the protagonist with a strange skeleton. For a while, he is shocked to be forced to be his apprentice.

In order to become an official disciple of a certain teacher's school, the master must have at least several years of repeated inspections, one is to decide whether to accept the disciple, and the other is to consider how to have a targeted education after getting started. Until it is confirmed that the other party is of good character and meets the requirements, after the introduction by the insider, the entry disciples themselves write an apprenticeship application, and the master and the seniors can hold the apprenticeship ceremony to summon the rivers and lakes after they have approved... People will never accept you for a genius who has not been born for thousands of years.

They are all people with old names, and they are afraid to teach a peerless villain to ruin their reputation.

Therefore, Xiaoge Wu is not embarrassed, but that everyone has a tacit understanding of the process. Even because of the positive aspect of the latter's work in the TV station, he even wiped out the character assessment, otherwise it would be even more difficult.


After making up his mind to be publicly embarrassed among friends from the rivers and lakes he knew before, reporter Huang Jianyan gritted his teeth with tears in tears and agreed to Brother Wu's terms.

Then from that day on, he became an intern among the six doors...for the time being, he was only in charge of civilian work.

"I'm sorry, because we don't worry about Pangu in your body, so we can't let you go out for a while." Feng Xiaojiao looked at Huang Jianyan who was gnashing his teeth in front of him, and apologized casually without any sincerity. "But it’s okay to wait for Brother Xi to finish this time. He said that he will come back and make a talisman for you to wear on his body. Be was the inspiration provided by Brother Xi. Brother Xi said he was creative."

"Please don't apply the online game settings, thank you!" Huang Yan said gritted his teeth, hitting the keyboard as hard as he was facing his life and death enemy: "Even if you didn't make up a lie, I accidentally smashed the antiques of your pottery bar and owed it The two hundred thousand debts must be repaid here part-time. In a short period of time, it is impossible for the leader of the Eagle Dog to let me encounter the truly important and core work..."

This is the same as the tedious but unimportant tasks of printing documents, copying contracts, and running and submitting documents for newcomers in the office.

One is to make people familiar with the process as soon as possible in these tasks, and the other is to gradually understand the content of the work from the shallower to the deeper... As for the old seniors, they want to be lazy and the boss actually does not immediately trust and entrust important tasks at first. Questions like this are another consideration.

Feng Xiaoxiao glanced at the long list of lists and large packages of documents displayed on the computer screen, and then really silently waxed Huang Yanyan: "These 6g data disks have to be rearranged?! Well, it is really hard, but I I think it’s better for you to change your attitude from now on. After all, Brother Wu will be your master and boss in the future, and you will have to discuss life under him in the future...Unless you want to cultivate qi and then cross the river and tear down the bridge?!"

With a sound of "pop!" Huang Jin, who was questioned on his personality, was interrupted by the future blueprint and said that the action point was wrong to the delete button...It's not an ordinary recovery delete, it's a kind of deletion of shredded files!


"...Cough! Okay, I think I'd better go to the front storefront." Feng Xiaoxiao coughed embarrassingly: "You continue to be busy, I will call to ask if there is any good soil available, and I will definitely help when I come back. You have a superb physical body."

Huang Jianyan silently watched the wind leave, then silently turned his gaze back to a large folder that was accidentally cleaned. Three seconds later, he finally burst into tears in silence.

Turn off the documents that are destined to no longer be able to be sorted, board the communication software and request a new copy of the information from the Beijing headquarters. While waiting, thinking of his hardship, Huang Yan said that he could not bear it and rushed to the famous virtual community forum, put on a vest and started. Post:

——Disillusionment, there is nothing! ! !

Monkey King Monkey is a dead sister! Erlang Shen is a veteran hand in taking a dog to walk the street! The devil Chiyou is so soft and cute without explaining it! Fuxi’s wife is strictly in charge, but Pangu 2b bears a little bit of hair! ! ! ...

After venting, I finally felt more comfortable. I was bored and wandered around. When Huang Jianyan remembered that he had posted a new post, he went up and looked at it again. The comments below have quickly piled up tall buildings.

In most of the "lzsb appraisal completed" water stickers, from time to time there are some replies that make Huang Jianyan horrified.

"I'm an Indian. I have been working in a base known to everyone in the circle for half a year. I think I guessed where lz is from. I have time to drink water and milk together."

"Brother Lu is the hardest, and Northern Europe is a fighter in hardship!"


"Fortunately, I have Olympus and Brother Athena."

"Didn't I hear that PG is very weak now? Isn't anyone going to take revenge?"

"Those who wanted revenge were suppressed. Yesterday, it seemed that Hati was seen haunting the North Hall, and the poor wolf wanted by Mr. Fu."

"Huh? Isn't Skool lonely like that..."

"Today there is a party in the jungle at the gate! There are so many beauties, Miss Xiaoman will be on the stage with love, anyone will come?!"

"Please join!..."

Huang Yanyan scrolled through a few pages, then silently post it after reading it silently-Nima is now so insecure even on the Internet, where else can he vomit the anguish accumulated in his heart? !

Forget it, let's work.

What Huang Jianyan, who closed the web page after receiving the new file package, didn’t know is On the other end of the network, in the office of a similar working group, an IT man was also watching The post that was hotly discussed on the Internet, while on the phone: "Brother Wu, the apprenticeship application you submitted before... Uh, yes, our assessment team is watching now, but you are going to accept it. Does this apprentice have some mental or IQ problems?!"

I'm so old and so keen on fairy tales, so cute and funny... Can ordinary people do this? !

As an approval group for reviewing applications from various members of the family, the team led by it hasn't done an apprenticeship review for nearly ten years...not to mention that the most difficult brother Wu wants to accept apprentices.

Needless to say, this must of course be the most focused task of the team this year! For the warrior who submitted the application...24-hour follow-up and follow-up are still just the most basic. In addition to the Internet, mobile phones, letters... No matter what means of communication, don't think that any move can escape the eyes of others.

"If it's not a mental problem, then I guess that Fuxi, Pangu and the like in your future apprentices should be code names... There are still many people responding to the Internet. Did he secretly join any discordant organization? "!" The it man was upright and awe-inspiring: "This is not good, our family does not accept apprentices with backgrounds." rs! .

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