Nuwa Growth Diary

Chapter 396: untitled

The male voice was very calm. He didn't seem to hear the slight hostility in Huang Yan's tone: "Your father has high blood pressure. You should know this, right?"

What? !

Huang Yan's accumulated hostility was wiped out. He did not expect that the other party would suddenly say such a sentence, but soon he had an idea and seemed to have realized: "What do you mean?!"

"Intracerebral hemorrhage caused by high blood pressure. (Fengwu Literature Network the male voice continued affirmatively, and Huang Yan was shocked by a single sentence.

What's the matter with the masters? Jianghu masters still eat whole grains, and blood sugar and blood pressure still rise.

In particular, Huang Yan also learned some common sense from friends, knowing that the more hypertensive people are, the more likely they are to rupture their blood vessels during heavy exercise. The old man, like himself, is not willing to listen to others saying that he can’t do it. ...

The more I thought about it, the more I felt a chill in my heart, Huang Yan quickly asked: "Is it serious? Have you had the operation?!" At this moment, he regretted that after meeting Feng Xiaoxiao and others, he was shocked and struggling with his special problems. I didn't expect to ask someone to help my father look at his body? !

But then again, this kind of delicate operation really means finding fault for Feng Xiaoxiao. If it is a trauma or internal injury, the problem of increased blood pressure cannot be regarded as something within the scope of "repair".

Huang Yan's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't figure out what was going on like a mess. At this moment, the two people in front had bought their tickets and it was their turn. The mm in the window asked where the train tickets were, Huang Yan Without even thinking about it, he reported his hometown: "Two. S city."

The mm in the window called the ticket quickly, and the man's voice on the phone continued to be heard: "I just finished the operation and I am still in a faint. Please come back as soon as possible."

The next dialogue has no substance, nothing more than a formulaic question and answer. The man introduced himself as a foreign chief surgeon. Huang Yan was not interested in the man’s detailed information. He didn’t even think about why the doctor in the hospital would use his home phone to call. The only thing he remembered was that he had to give someone a red envelope when he went back. It's the most important thing, but it's the life of the old man...

After the call is over and the two tickets come out. Huang Yan looked up and saw Tian Sucai suddenly realize. It seems that I should have bought tickets for others? !

Tian Su inexplicably took the train ticket that Huang Yan hesitatingly handed over, and after a glance, he silently said, "..."

"Cough!" Huang Yan was also embarrassed: "Something happened at home. I didn't pay attention to it when I was in a hurry. I accidentally bought a ticket to return to my house."

"..." Tian Su whispered inwardly. Then he raised his head and smiled politely: "It’s very polite. Ah Su doesn’t matter. It’s still your family’s affairs that matter... Uh, really, anyway, I just need to get off the train. It’s okay to say that I really went to another place some time ago. Yes, it doesn’t matter whether yours or mines."

They are one of the three ancestral gods who have truly emerged from the Chaos Period. Even if the tiger falls on the plains, it can only lurch in the flesh, and the flesh of the people is not her kind of small shrimp that can be beaked.

Not only can he not express his dissatisfaction, but Tian Su has to take the initiative to care: "A Su is going out anyway. Why don't you just go to your house and take a look. Maybe you can help..."

Huang Yan thought of Tian Su's excellent housework abilities, which had been recited for thousands of years, and was immediately moved. This is definitely a special care level! Zhongnanhai may not have this kind of personal care level, so he nodded unceremoniously for his own inconvenient father, with a very emotional expression: "Then I will trouble you."

"……"Oh shit! The old lady just said casually...Tian Su was silent again, holding a smile on her face firmly: "You are welcome, the great god..."

There are many trains to city s. After all, it is a big city. With more routes passing through, the train tickets are naturally sufficient, not to mention that it is not the peak period of railway transportation. If you want to change the Lunar New Year, you will be half-dead by waiting in line.

The ticket in Huang Yan's hand was half an hour later. In half an hour, he was in a state of confusion. After getting in the car for two hours, Tian Su finally couldn't stand it and said, "Big...Huang brother, you Would you like to call Sister Feng and the others?!"

Huang Jin picked up the phone and put it down, shook his head: "Forget it, your sister Feng has no signal at present." As for Yang Yan? ! Ever since the other party ridiculed his own waistline, Huang Yan felt that he had no common words with the other party.

Think about it or send a text message to Feng Xiaoxiao's phone, and it is estimated that you will be able to see it when the other party comes out of Shenting the next day.

So the two of them spent the night on the train boringly.


When Father Huang woke up, it was already past three in the morning. He encountered an attack when he was out in the morning. At that time, the other party's distress was too sudden, and he had mental arithmetic and unintentional, and he couldn't use his skills at all.

Coupled with the fact that the age is old after all, there are many times when he is still unable to do what he wants. Time is not forgiving. It is not an empty talk. After a certain age, the physical fitness begins to gradually decline. It is useless to understand the kung fu skills. People don’t dare to kick hard when they get the right trick. Older people have osteoporosis. If they accidentally kick their bones, who should be counted? !

After taking a look, I was still at home, but was tied to the sand in the living room, next to my wife, who was also tied, and his face was very ugly.

And on another piece of sand not far from the two of them, a gray man was sitting leisurely and watching TV. He had a gun in his hand on the back of the sand, and his fingers were loosely buckled on the trigger, as if he could lift it up at any time. shooting.

Estimating the distance between the two and the success rate of sudden action under his current situation... After getting the answer, Father Huang wisely chose to give up, maintaining a tied posture from the sand to support his body and sit up.

"Oh, are you awake?" The gray man turned his head and nodded to Father Huang very politely: "Don't be nervous, I just want to find a little guy, so I came to ask you for help."

Mother Huang was looking at her sober wife in surprise. When she heard this, her face suddenly became ugly again. She lowered her voice and said to Father Huang, "He just called Er and lied to him that you had an operation. Let'er come back quickly..."

Father Huang suddenly "cocked" in his heart, and turned his face abruptly to stare at the gray man, his gaze as sharp as a knife: "The dog has offended you?"

"Your Excellency?!" The gray man, Eprus, thought about it seriously, and then seemed to finally understand the meaning of the word, spread his hand: "Of course not, it's just that some people said he took something that shouldn't be taken...Oh, sorry , My Chinese is not very good. Should I use the word'to steal' to express this time?!"

"What did he take?!" Father Huang still insisted on using words to describe it. Of course, as a father, he had a deep understanding of his son's behavior.

Not to mention the constraints of the chivalry, even from the perspective of personal conduct alone, Huang Jin's over-righteous personality can be seen from his chosen profession.

If it wasn't for a special reason, his son would never touch people with stitches for no reason, and if there was a reason, then Father Huang could have guessed the reason, 80% of the things being taken are not very legitimate... …

"Oh, it's just a few million." Eprus shrugged, seemingly unable to understand why employers are crazy about this amount: "Oh, yes, those are Euros... Actually, the money is nothing. The main reason is that I am very interested in the skill that the little guy has shown...Of course, you are also good."

millions! Still Euro! ! !

Father Huang had never seen so much money in his entire life, so he couldn't speak and looked away. Why did his son take the money? ! Stolen money? Black money? But even so, the reason seems to be a little unjustified, at least a scheme can't run away.

Just as he was thinking, Father Huang suddenly stopped his eyes on the TV screen, and what was playing inside was the clips of his son’s previous news interviews... This was recorded specially by his wife and son. To show off.

Watching the son on the TV slaughter the security guards in a certain place, Father Huang was very proud and felt something was wrong: "...You are looking for my son because of his effort?!"

"Jianghu, a very interesting group, isn't it?" Eprus smiled politely: "I heard that this is a special organization of the celestial dynasty. The management is very loose, but it has a strange cohesion. More importantly, every Everyone has great skills...I once caught an orientalist, and the other person has such skills. And the most incredible thing is that no matter what instrument of torture I use, he can finally get down."

Father Huang gritted his teeth secretly: "What happened to that Oriental?"

" I was tired from playing, so I killed him." Eprus thought about it carefully, "Let me think about it. It was a deserted island on the high seas, so I simply threw him into the sea, maybe he was eaten by fish."

To die in a foreign land, die without a whole body...

Very well, this man committed the two biggest inverse scales of the Jianghu people.

Although I don't know which family that hapless Jianghu Warrior is the child of, but what the gray man has done alone is enough for him to be attacked by a group.

"You will get retribution." Father Huang said fiercely: "Even if our Huang family finally falls into your hands, the brothers on the rivers and lakes will find you sooner or later. They will kill me with blood and hate for my Huang family."

"Old Huang!" Huang Mu's eyes were red with anxiety, she couldn't imagine how her son would be treated.

Father Huang shook his head and closed his eyes. Now he can't imagine, he can only wait.

"Okay, then I'll wait." Eprus spread his hands and nodded naturally, as if he had just received a guest invitation from a friend. rt! .

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