Obey Your Orders

Chapter 26: 028


Originally, if it was only a person with the ability to control the final stage of the third level, Lynch still didn't think so.

What happened to the end of the third level? He has also reached the middle stage of the third level, and he will definitely be able to reach the end in a short time!

But super...what is the concept of super?

After level three, it is super, but most people can't move forward after climbing to level three!

Super can be achieved by hard work before, but super is completely the realm of geniuses! Who doesn't regard super as a treasure as a god? That status is completely different!

At the thought of this, Lynch paused for a moment.

Not to mention that he doesn't know which super is on the scene right now, so why does that super want to intervene in the game? Killing his flower bug in such a brutal way, he already felt that murderous aura without meeting him!

Originally, he didn't put the friend of Manager Sano in his eyes, but now it seems that the super is all there for this blond young man!

Lynch's eyes were filled with white gold and silver before, and now he couldn't see anything, it was almost black in front of him.

If you offend Super, if you lose the game, will he still be punished? !

The viewers didn't know the inside story, they only thought that the manipulator of the blonde youth broke through during the game, and looking at the information on the holographic screen, this should have broken through to the end of level three, and suddenly applauded excitedly. Come applaud.

Although in this way, the blonde youth violated the rules, and two insects appeared in the cage at the same time, but this is no way. Why is the flower insect so large? It blocked the floor, and the black hawk couldn't get down. The blond youth refused to admit defeat, and called a new insect beast to come over. Then only two insect beasts could be present at the same time!

So there are no rules for watching the excitement. For a while, many people are applauding Alo and the others.

But as a result, the scene was very chaotic.

The **** bird got stuck in the cage and couldn't get up.

Alo was still in his mouth, floating in the air.

Lynch knelt down by the cage, her expression dull.

And Sano and the management staff around him opened the door on the glass wall while talking on the phone-they didn't see any super presence around them for a while, their first reaction was to ask Alo first!

Both Gappa and Joshua opened their mouths wide.

Super... super eh! !

They have only seen Super on TV, and one of them happens to be on the scene now? !

where is it? where!

The two little children looked around excitedly, and when they saw Sino and they ran out, they followed suit, and the black-haired little boy rushed faster than them.

A staff member had arrived at the scene to open the door of the iron cage, and Andy slipped out along the side.

The staff asked Allor excitedly: "Sir, is that super friend of yours? Do you know where he is?"

Everyone thinks that this **** bird came to save Allor specially, and Allor must know that super!

Allo forced: "What? I don't know! Super? Is this black bird called by a super talent?"

The staff was lost when he heard the words-this gentleman didn't know anything at all!

Sinoe ran to the iron cage and took a breath. Hearing this answer, he was not particularly disappointed, but calmed down—that's right, when Allor came here for the first time today, he also brought a Clyde with him. It's impossible to know any super. It can only be said that the super might have watched Allo's last game and had a good impression of him, so he helped him.

—The most important thing is that if there is a super coming, their club should know the first time.

The club is a membership system. Every member is allowed to register after knowing the basic information. Non-members have to enter the club and have to know the situation before they can enter, just like him and Alo. . So in theory, if Super visits the club tonight, there must be employees who know it.

In addition, there is only one possibility-among the thousands of people in the club at this moment today, some have reached the super realm, but they have never been announced to the outside world.

In this case, if the other party wants to keep a low profile, it will be impossible for them to find someone.

But no matter what, they still have to try to find someone.

So Sinoe continued to give instructions to the staff around him: "Hurry up and ask the person on duty now!"

But the staff responsible for cleaning the cages at the game site are in trouble. The Big Black Bird is not under their control. Even if they open the door, the Big Black Bird can't let the person in his mouth down!

They can only ask Sinoe in embarrassment: "Manager, can you get in touch with that super as soon as possible? If you can—"

He glanced at the **** bird, and the meaning was already obvious. Could you please let Super re-plug this bird back into the underground bug reserve? I'm not going to let them saw the cage!

Speaking of it, when they first made this cage, they did not take into account the final stage of the third level-given the size of most of the insects in their club, this cage is completely large enough, and this final stage of the third level, No one has ever been able to call it out!

The chairman said with great enthusiasm that "buy a third-level final stage to motivate them", but after three or four years, their club still does not have a third-level final stage manipulating ability. Later, everyone treated this insect beast as an ornamental object. Unfortunately, it didn’t have much opportunity to move around, so occasionally, it was moved in a cage to change the scenery—even in ordinary competitions. No one puts this bird into the space box without self-reliance—but I didn't expect it to be useful one day!

The **** bird was probably happy too. He flapped his wings twice, and immediately fanned the two staff members who had just stepped into the iron cage. At the same time, he shook himself, and Alo in its mouth followed his head. Shaking his head, people were shocked to see.

"Manager Sano, this—" The staff simply collapsed.

Sinoe also nervously said: "I'll contact again—"

But at this moment, the **** bird shook suddenly, and his body straightened, as quiet as a chicken.

Because it was all at once with the wings closed, there was still a slight stiffness, especially abrupt, so everyone felt strange.

"Is this... ordered?" the staff member asked uncertainly.

But no one noticed that the black-haired boy in the crowd had been clenching his teeth and suffocating his strength, and when the **** bird calmed down, he was relieved and stared at the **** bird fiercely.

The **** bird, who had been so happy before, shivered.


Hanging in the beak, Allor naturally knew what was going on underneath, and because he was most concerned about Clyde, he reacted the fastest, and his voice was full of unbelievable surprises.

The little boy looked nervous: "Alo!"

At the same time, he gave an order in his heart.

This command is no longer as difficult as before—he stabilized his state and made sure that the **** bird received the message.

Then everyone saw that the **** bird cleverly used its claws to open the door that was originally stuck by it, and then the huge body just slid down a little bit, and a little bit more—there is a winding staircase underground. , Is for those insects and beasts that can't fly. At this time, the **** bird lay on the stairs like this, and slowly and slowly slide down, until he only had a bird's head exposed outside, tilted his head and looked at it. Clyde seemed to be asking him whether he was so satisfied.

Clyde didn't have a bird at all, so he ran in and pulled Allo out of the beak: "Allo, are you all right!"

"Idol is okay!" Gapa and the others ran over.

"Alo!" Sai Nuo also ran over.

Allo didn't care about other people at the moment, and dealt with: "I'm fine, I'm fine!" He hugged Clyde and ran away.

Gappa, Joshua and Sano who were left where they were: "..."

Allo hugged Clyde to the corner and asked in a low voice, "You called this bird? Can you control it? Is it really possible?!"

Clyde's eyes sparkled: "Hmm!"

Allor was so surprised that he hugged Clyde in his arms and swung around in the air and hugged him in his arms: "Great, you are really great! Little idiot!"

"Alor!" Clyde was also very happy to see Alor so happy, rubbing his face while holding Alor's neck.

Gapa, Joshua and Sano, who watched the two happily circling in circles from a distance, continued: "..."

My heart is so cold.

When he was underground, Clyde focused his attention. I don't know how long it took to finally learn to see the "fine lines" on the free birds and beasts.

"I wanted to tell you the first time, but you already went to the game." Clyde said aggrievedly.

"I don't know how long you will be." Alo explained quickly.

"As soon as I got here, I heard Gapa and the others saying'foul','toxic' or something, and you were still shaking on the bird's back. I was so scared to death." Clyde snuggled in. Lowe.

Forget the other words, Clyde exploded instantly when he heard "poisonous".

"I wanted to come over, but they all stopped me. Seeing that you all fell from the bird's back, I pulled up the bird that felt the biggest and most fierce," Clyde said, holding Ah Luo softly pleaded, "Alo, don't do such a dangerous thing, okay?"

In fact, even in the seemingly thrilling situation just now, Allor is completely able to deal with it, but for Clyde, just watching him play may be very tormented.

So Allor didn't say those words, and said to Clyde: "I know, anyway, the money made here is beyond imagination, enough for us to use next."

"Yeah!" Clyde let go of his heart, and continued to act like a baby. "Am I very good just now!"

"You haven't boasted enough yet?" Allo smiled and kissed the little devil's face, "Awesome! I knew you would do it!"

Clyde lay happily in Allor's arms.

Sano watched and talked happily while watching the big and the small hugging each other, and became jealous with Gappa and Joshua, but the top priority was-where is the super? ! He asked the staff all over the club, today the club has never been super!

Is it really the last situation he envisioned?

So Clyde and Allor were still whispering in excitement, the staff of the club continued to be devastated, Lynch continued to lose their souls, Gappa and Joshua were still anxiously spinning around, wanting to see the super.

And on the glass promenade on the highest floor, seeing the results of the game come out, the tall man showed no signs of moving, the staff asked incomprehensibly: "Mr. Gustav, you are right..."

He glanced under his eyes, recalled the game just now, and then said: "—Manager Sano’s friends are interested?"

Gustav closed his five fingers and held the compass in his palm, his eyes gleaming: "You are right, it should be him."

The staff did not understand, what do you mean by "it should be him"?

Gustav curled his lips, turned around, and commanded as he passed by: "Bring up that little blond beauty."

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